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Topics - Xeadin

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This is NOT the Support forum. Click this link if you have a support-related topic to submit.

Looking for a topic that you can't find in the first few pages or want to zero in on a certain subject that has been discussed about before? This is the place to look for suggestions that have already been discussed by the community.

This is an ongoing portal thread, so any new subjects added in will be added to the appropriate sections. Links are sorted out by a general label and sorted further by level of importance.

(Note: These lists are subject to change at anytime!)

General Suggestions
Voter Identity Protection
LWC Chest Magnet
Separate Admins (Discussed)
Selling Protection Stones (Discussed)
Download World Map
Veteran Rank
Senior Trusted
Bringing Back IRC (Discussed)
IRC (Discussed)
Trusted Suggestions
Top Donor Title
Donation Suggestions
Flying (Discussed)
Spawn Eggs
Backpack Expander
Colored Signs (Discussed)

Forum Suggestions
Ban Appeal Countdown
Post Count Removal
PVP Child Board
Ban Lookup
Auction House to Trade (Discussed)
Spam Prevention (Discussed)
Password to Vote
Locking Own Threads
Trusted Rank

Server Suggestions
New Spawn | Server News
Welcome to Opticraft
City Protection as Grieftraps (Discussed)
Water Placement Channel (Discussed)
Setting Homes in Protected Areas
Trusted Suggestions (Discussed)
Border Expansion
Trusted+ Chat
Lava Buckets
Protection for Animals
Locking Other Items
Payment History
Market Buy/ Sell Confirmation
Multi-Trade Channels
New Player Recommendation
Voting Suggestions
Voting for Money
Diamonds & Voting
Voting for Emeralds

PVP Suggestions
PVP Zones

Market Suggestions
Essentials Signs
1.4-related items
Protection Stone Prices
Cocoa Beans (Discussed)
Ender Pearls
Slimes/ Slimeballs (Discussed)
Obsidian (Discussed)

Command Suggestions
Private Home
/cdonate (Discussed)
/stats (Discussed)
/cmodify all (Discussed)
/cmodify [rank]
/ch sell
/balance <player>

Plugin/Mod Suggestions
Longer Range Mobs/ Players
MCMMO (Discussed)
New Protection (Discussed)
Towny (Discussed)
Factions (Discussed)
Warp Stones
New Lottery
Friend List
Sonic Ether's Shadow Mod

Miscellaneous Suggestions
(These topics are either temporary suggestions or suggestions that do not fall into any of the above categories)
New Developer
Bottle o' Enchanting

(Discussed) = Locked Suggestion

(Note: These lists are subject to change at anytime)

General Discussion / 3-day Vacation in a few days
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:34:44 pm »
Alrighty folks. I'll be going on a 3-day vacation to a Family Reunion on the other side of the state where I live, starting Friday, August 10th. I know it's gonna get pretty hot (Eastern Washington is usually always hot during the summer :P ). I may have a period of inactivity the day before, as I'll be packing up for the trip.

I will be returning on Sunday, August 12th.

Offtopic / BadTranslator
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:17:12 am »

This produces some hilarious outcomes

Original text:
"Opti Craft"

35 translations later, Bing gives us:
"The owner of the"

Original text:
"Mine Craft"

35 translations later, Bing gives us:
"Interested in"

Original text:
"I hear it's amazing when the purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw blink on Hari-Kari rock! I need scissors! 61!"

35 translations later, Bing gives us:
"Posted in happiness Flash power important table to this folder (d) 61 2 points for a second layer of color"

What can you come up with that's witty and creative that you'd like translated? Try it out for yourself!

Helpful articles / Minecraft Moderation & Administration 101
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:04:57 pm »
Yes, my video I talked about is up:


Enjoy :)

Offtopic / Punch Lines?
« on: July 13, 2012, 06:16:16 am »
Any of you thought of cool or ridiculous punch lines that you may or may not have used, or have you heard of a good punch line that may not be commonly heard?

Now's your time to share them :)

Here's a good punch line that I thought up for a future character:

"You do realize I will have your head if you do this."
"So be it. If you want my head, come and get it."

Events / Events Guidelines
« on: July 11, 2012, 04:22:21 am »
These guidelines should help out with how official events are sorted.

Official server events are events organized by members of Staff and are approved by the Administration. If you have an event that's not organized by staff, refer to the User Events section under General Discussion.
User events, unlike server events, don't get items/animals spawned or world edit used for them.

Some information to include:
  • Name of Event
  • Who is able to attend (certain ranks or everyone)
  • When will the event take place? (make sure that the time is viable for lots of people-- you need to keep time zones into consideration)
  • Where will the event take place? (use a /home location or coordinates)
  • Any other information to add?

Support / Vote Page Error/ Warning
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:56:40 pm »
Not sure if all of you are getting this message, but recently this has started popping up when entering the vote page:

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There is more information provided with this warning:

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I may try and send this to XtremeTop100, but in the current circumstances, if you do not wish to proceed, then by all means you do not have to. IF you wish to proceed, then you may, but I would recommend that for now you don't vote for XtremeTop100 until we know for certain it is safe to vote on that site again.

This is just a precautionary measure-- we realize this may cause some inconvenience for some people, but we value every players' privacy against malicious attacks like these to employ preventive measures.

Ban Appeals / [Updated -- 6/20] >> PLEASE READ BEFORE REPLYING <<
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:50:21 am »
Check why you were banned here: Ban Lookup

We have to stress this time and time again, and it has become a problem with the appeals nowadays. Not only that, but we have to start clarifying things a little more just to get our points across.

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Projects and Creations / Town of Seaside
« on: May 31, 2012, 07:37:48 am »
Hey there, folks. It's been a while since I've last updated on a project. The underground city I planned on working on didn't go so well, especially when the server's population exploded.

Now, I have found some time to work on an actual town-- not anything near extravagant as some of the cities on this server.

As such, the town of Seaside is born.

--The Town of Seaside--
Seaside is a small town that shares a testificate village. The primary focus of Seaside is to expand into a sort of loose rich cultivation/ retirement settlement for retired/ veteran players and staff members. A perfect getaway, so to speak.

The town supports a spawn, two condominium units, a block museum (contains all of the blocks that can be found in the world of Minecraft), and a market. Everyone is allowed to look through the town by accessing /home Xeadin.

There are some buildings in the distance that surround the town, but are not actually considered part of the town itself. If you wish to join your land with the town, I would be willing to do so to boost the population and turn the town into a local province.

Here is a Live Map View of the town.

Xeadin -- Town Owner
cirvin99 -- Resident/ Market Employee
Dumbbomb -- Resident
pbody -- Resident
sodasam -- Resident

The common theme for the town is wood and sandstone-based constructions. Stone can also be used as well, but make it look appealing. An all-cobblestone box might not look appealing and may be taken down for reconstruction or reconsideration (you will be notified first-hand). Some people do come and go, so some buildings may become old and abandoned. Those will be cleared to make room for other players. Of course, it will not be taken down without prior notice.

--Screenshots of the town--
(click to show/hide)

--Important Notes/ Updates--
Come one, come all!

Even though the town has no definitive borders, please try to respect the property of other's works.

General Discussion / MOVED: Favorite Mods
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:07:29 pm »
This topic has been moved to Discussion forum.


Reason: General Discussion forum topic (Not about Opticraft's SMP server)

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal [gruntapocalypse]
« on: April 13, 2012, 12:47:50 am »
Because SOMEBODY deleted the Ban Appeal I was about to reply to this time, I am making this because this is an issue that needs to be covered.

My name is Gruntapocalypse me and my best friend were chopping down trees in a town and i did not no that i would get banned for griefing for chopping trees i broke a few blocks of a house and i was laging so i dint no what to do the pieces dissapeared i would love to get back on the server i swear i will not grief anymore and if i am lagging i will not chop down trees i think that it would be nice to play on such a great server and i was gunna get about 3 of my friends at school to play with me but if i am banned i really can so if and admins mods or ops read this please unban me i will be very happy  ;D ;D ;D :D ;) :)

This screenshot sums up all of the damage you have caused to the server as a whole.

When you started out, you stole crops from my original home-- shortly after, you were banned by DeadlyLead101 for griefing 30 blocks in a very small area from someone's house. After that, you were banned by billybobcool6 for stealing a jukebox and numerous other items from another user's home. Soon after, you were banned by Jewnier for griefing/ stealing from troddenostrich's farm.

Now, you are banned by Troddenostrich for griefing the Republic of Skyrim, which is a well-established city.

A couple things I want to ask you-- Why should we even consider unbanning you with your current history of griefing-- when the SMP Rules have been around for the ENTIRE time you were on that told you "NO GRIEFING," and still you neglected to read them?

And-- How are we to trust your word at this point?

Take a look at Thunderkiller12-- he was in the exact situation as you, and every time he made an appeal he said that he would not grief anymore. Well guess what? After he was unbanned, he griefed again-- BREAKING his proposed promises time and time again.

This appeal ultimately lies in Troddenostrich's hands. Wait for his response.

Suggestions / SMP Rank Suggestion -- Architect
« on: March 28, 2012, 06:40:29 pm »
This is only a suggestion, but this rank would separate the highly skilled, highly dedicated builders from those that build to their own leisure. It's pretty much the equivalent to the Crafter in the Classic server, but not sure what kind of quirks you could grant an Architect in SMP-- probably teleporting permissions?

Anywho, the application process would be the same or similar as Crafter, where you'd need an admin's permission just to put it up and then an admin reviews it again and decides if the player has built enough fine creations to be considered an outstanding architect.

These players would also be able to help in designing new spawns and towns for new worlds (which we may be doing here in the weeks to come).

Tell me what you think. Also, the rank color would be the same as Crafter

The reason why I am suggesting this is I have personally seen some very neat constructions out and about throughout the server (Zezenov's town of Stettin, dedlymagik's city, Terrewee and ZXFEAR's joint city project -- just to name a few).

Offtopic / My Artistic Side
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:40:30 pm »
I realize some of you may not have seen my artistic side, so this topic will cover just that ;)

Just wanted to show you a project that I am in the middle of making. It's not finished yet, but I'll be able to show you the finished product when I can:

I'll post more projects when I've started on them. Enjoy :)

General Discussion / Redstone and Logic Gates
« on: March 12, 2012, 08:31:35 pm »
Seems as though not many people understand how redstone circuits and logic gates work, so if you have any questions on what they are or how they work, or need some demonstrations, come talk to me or anyone else-- we'll be happy to help you answer any questions you may have or figure out problems you might have with your circuits.

Logic Gates might appear simple, but it's a bit more complex than you might think when it gets to more complex circuits and linking different gates together.

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal [Fuzzy234]
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:38:54 pm »
hey guys its thursday the 1st of march and for some reason i am BANNED!!!! i dont know why i am banned but if i could know why maybe it could help resolve the problem. it says when i try to join that
'THE BAN HAMMER HAS SPOKEN'. i sont know what that means? please could someone help me out

Fuzzy :-( :(

Should have split the post from the other topic to make a new appeal, but oh well... At least I still had the quote handy.

Checking out the user's ban history, the username Fuzzy234 was banned by SalasCraft for "Griefing Tylerhan2000's underground home"

The ban will lift on March 7th. I suggest you wait it out

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