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Messages - frobalt

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Suggestions / Re: All player using essential signs for selling
« on: August 17, 2013, 02:30:42 pm »
I'm not saying they can't do that, just that it's much easier to build them in a way that has a 1:1 ratio and doesn't take into account the shop being out of stock.

It is incredibly easy to establish ratios other than a 1:1 ratio with vanilla chest shops.
Plus you can indeed control out of stocks so the machine doesn't steal items when out of stock, or while dispensing more than 1 item.

Most people will be lazy and go for the first tutorial they find on the matter though.

It's only simple if you know how to do it.

Most people aren't good with advanced circuitry though so will keep it as simple as possible. The 1:1 ratios that don't check for out of stock are the easiest ones to make.

Server News / Re: PVP is now open!
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:22:28 pm »
/Powertool spawnmob giant

click click click click click

congrats, you just ripped off cshurz.

/powertool spawnmob giant

click click click click click


It's impressive that you remembered about the post he ripped off.

Server News / Re: PVP is now open!
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:23:18 am »

 Ops+ Have creative! Meaning they can use anvils to enchant weapons with books, etc. Just a heads up- Beware of them.


I've seen stated a couple of times already that mods using their powers to cheat is an instant demotion.

I believe that would apply in those circumstances.

General Discussion / Re: PVP NOT FAIR!!!
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:26:28 pm »
Before even setting foot in a PvP arena you have to understand that this sort of things happens. If you can't understand it then you should just leave it well alone.

General Discussion / Re: Public ZOMBIE AND SKELETON Spawner
« on: August 09, 2013, 12:10:30 pm »
thanks for ruining my spawner buisniss

I've already done that with my public ender farm :P

Trade Central / Re: Selling Totally OP Diamond Sword
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:10:12 pm »
What's the end date for this auction?

Server News / Re: PVP is now open!
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:50:04 pm »
The pvp world is now open boys and girls, have fun killing each other!

Managed to get my first kill then fled before the second guy could kill me :P

Suggestions / Re: Auction Rules
« on: August 06, 2013, 04:02:23 pm »
Thought I was in the suggestions forum tbh. Sorry, should have checked.

I think I remember Nick saying something under the lines of, he doesn't want to put too many rules on trading and auctions because people buy and sell items at their own risk, and we have a 'trade with people you trust' rule, and that items don't get refunded if a faulty auction is held.

I can see the point, although, in this case the rules do state that people should specify when the auction ends, including date and time/time zone, which people don't seem to be doing.

Suggestions / Auction Rules
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:57:17 am »
I would have posted this in the auctions rules thread, but it's locked, and it's technically a suggestion.

1 thing that really grinds my gears on the trade forum is people starting auctions without specifying an exact end date. The recent trend is people specifying auctions to end X amount of time after the last bid, which means the auctions could go on until the buyout price is reached (if there is one).

It seems to me either people aren't reading the trade rules or just don't care to follow them.

There is a loophole in rule 1 of the auction rules stating that the auction can have the end time changed, but it must be done during while the auction is on-going, which technically makes this not against the rules as the sellers could potentially just extend auctions anyway. But most sellers don't even fall within this loophole, as they flat out don't specify an end date at all to extend.

My suggestion is this:

Can the auctions be moderated a bit more  or can the rules be updated to allow auctions like this?

Trade Central / Re: Bid For 4 enchantment diamond sword!
« on: August 06, 2013, 05:43:28 am »
Finish bid 20k? Why not just say you're selling it for 20k?

Especially since you haven't specified an end time for this auction.

Suggestions / Re: All player using essential signs for selling
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:19:12 am »
I'm not saying they can't do that, just that it's much easier to build them in a way that has a 1:1 ratio and doesn't take into account the shop being out of stock.

Support / Re: vote rankings
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:18:08 pm »
If I had to take a shot in the dark, the top voters list is generated using a SQL query that will only order by votes descending.

It will be ordered by another field where ties are concerned, which is likely to be the primary key for the users table, so the order is based on when the people joined up.

I'm really tired atm so sorry if this doesn't make sense.

Support / Re: Trapdoor and Door Glitch
« on: July 31, 2013, 01:44:50 am »
The recommended work around is to aim for the hinges.

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 30, 2013, 04:48:00 am »
Ooh, is it that "metropolis" map that nobody can /warp or /home to?
Nope, it will be the PVP map that nobody can /warp or /home too lol. Metropolis is just a city.

I really wanna see Metropolis. I once journeyed from memberworld spawn to try to get a glimpse, not realizing that the no access thing was everywhere, not just nick's /home.
It's for no one's eyes except the chosen ones.

Can I be a chosen one? I'd love to just look around. Don't wanna build or obstruct anything. I'd just like to see what's there. Maybe get some ideas. Could we at least get some screenies? Is this something that is going to become an addon to the server?
We cant give out too much info on it, we are currently hiding Edward Snowden there.

How long before the CIA come rooting in the server? I wonder... xD

Suggestions / Re: All player using essential signs for selling
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:11:20 pm »
You also have to restock a redstone chestshop and collect from it. With an essentials shop, you never have to go back to it to collect the money.

You have to restock chest shops as well.

The down side to redstone created shops is that they can still take items even when the shop is out of stock unless they are built specifically to avoid that. I'd say these are more exploitable than redstone chest shops.

There would have to be rules regarding chest shops if they were implemented, as you can't expect a server side plugin to moderate everything.

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