Welcome to the Official Falador City thread!Replica city built to scale from RuneScape
What is Falador? Current Progress?Falador is a city from the very popular MMORPG The city is currently not completely finished,
called RuneScape. Inside the large city walls, here is a rough indication of how complete it
which provide protection from surroundings, are currently is...
houses, shops, banks, places of work and a
very grand castle surrounded by a moat which
provides it with extra protection. The city itself
is very grand, and even holds a royal family with There are still a range of things that need to
kings, queens and knights all ruling, living and to be done in the city, the main significant
protecting the castle at the centre of the city thing is: Finish building the floor plan/layout
and surrounding land. of the buildings.
(for more information about Falador in
RuneScape, click here)
Project Leaders and Citizens A Reminder to Citizens-
Project Leaders own Falador. They say what is As a citizen you are reminded that the base
appropriate to the city, accept/reject citizens rules of Opticraft still apply and any other
and their word is final. rules that the Project Leaders put forward
VIP Citizens are citizens which one or more of then also apply too. You are only permitted
the Project Leaders fully trust, they still abide to build in your own area/plot - if you
by the same rules and regualtions. build anywhere else in/around the city
Citizens are people who live in the city, they in which is not in yours, it will be considered
are expected to behave with maturity. They as griefing which is quite clearly, bannable.
have been accepted into the city through an To quickly access the city, type
application (see below)
/home raul7legend which will teleport
you directly there. You can use this as an
Project Leaders: alternitive to an additional home by
- raul7legend walking from the teleport location to your
- redchecks home.
- ecorrigall
VIP Citizens: Remember, hardworking citizens will give the
- Tobs74 Project Leaders a good impression of you
- Selkon_Hunter which could *possibly* lead to rewards!
Citizenship ApplicationTo become a citizen of Falador, and earn the privilage to live and/or work in it you must post an application
as a reply to this post folowing the format that we provide to you. As a citizen you are able to earn a house
plot in an extension outside the city which can also be used to access the city itself. House plots are limited
for the time being, so working citizens will be offered a house placement first.
In-game name (username):
Ban history (if any):
Do you agree to Falador T&C's:
An example of an application...In-game name (username): Tobs74
Ban history (if any): None
Do you agree to Falador T&C's: Yes
Copy, paste and fill in the "Citizenship Application Form" and post a reply if you would like to become a citizen
of Falador, the terms and conditions are below.
Falador Terms and Conditions1. You agree that every modification and change you make in Falador is logged
- Anything you place in Falador belongs to the Government (excluding private chests, furnaces etc.)
- No building anywhere except your housing area/plot
- Griefing/modification of the city/other citizens' plots will not be tolerated
2. You must be respectful and thoughtful to every other citizen
- Trolling is not acceptable
- Disrespectful behaviour can get your citizenship revoked
- Bypassing protections/doors to homes will not be tolerated
3. If a citizen is inactive for long enough, Project Leaders have the power to pass the space on to someone else
- The inactive citizen's citizenship will be revoked
- All contents of chests in the apartment will be taken by the Government