Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Legacy => Archives => General Discussion => Topic started by: TheFulcan on April 19, 2012, 12:28:53 pm

Title: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: TheFulcan on April 19, 2012, 12:28:53 pm
People need to stop with the automelon farms. . they are killing our economy badly.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: hennydeez on April 19, 2012, 12:30:26 pm
I don't understand how. Its just players making alot of $ out if it.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Spamarian on April 19, 2012, 12:39:23 pm
Fulcan? Make a regular farm like me. I had 1300+ roots and I cleared with another guy a 58x41x7 space from water and I got another 850+ roots.
Nothing automated. I just cant collect them all at once..
I have already made 1 full chest in less than 7 hours..:P
So, take some efficiency pix, many stacks of dirt and make your farm undergound. Make money and try to protect it..
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: DeeKay on April 19, 2012, 12:47:38 pm
I find it funny how people say things like this about the economy. It's just people earning money.
There is infinite money on the server, as in when you buy something from the market, the server creates that money. There's going to be no 'economy crisis' because, it just isn't going to happen.

besides, people put money into making the melon farms, it's only fair that they get to keep what they've earned.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on April 19, 2012, 12:57:36 pm
xdeekay say is right, some ppl invested alot to make a AUTOMATED farm,( i spent 100K +) so they have the rights to sell the melons as earnings from their investment on the auto farm.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on April 19, 2012, 01:22:21 pm
Also regardless of the item, considering its almost all infinite you're going to have people with millions of dollars, and its not honestly hurting anything, rare items aren't in the market which will always keep player trade alive, so what are we worried about?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: NateN on April 19, 2012, 02:04:36 pm
My only concern is an economic gap, which really turns new players away. Even though the actual economy isn't damaged, player satisfaction is.

Actually, the economy is hurt. The player economy will take major blows
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: TheFulcan on April 19, 2012, 02:34:53 pm
Ummmm. . . based of the fact i have a degree in business administration as well as a partial in economics. . . High yeilds of money in the economy will turn  into unlimited blocks thus creating a biased one way creative server out of our smp. . Example. . if its harer to get money then prices will stay low causing ALL players to fight for money new and old players. . however if the players that have been around have unlimited money, then they will cause market rices to skyrocket and new members will not be able to afford anything. 
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Kian on April 19, 2012, 02:36:24 pm
You should seriouslystopposting stuff like this Fulcan. As DK said we invest to make them.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: DeeKay on April 19, 2012, 02:41:44 pm
Ummmm. . . based of the fact i have a degree in business administration as well as a partial in economics. . . High yeilds of money in the economy will turn  into unlimited blocks thus creating a biased one way creative server out of our smp. . Example. . if its harer to get money then prices will stay low causing ALL players to fight for money new and old players. . however if the players that have been around have unlimited money, then they will cause market rices to skyrocket and new members will not be able to afford anything. 
But this isn't a business dude. This is a Minecraft server where people can buy what they want and make what they want to earn money. You may argue that some players have too much money and that will somehow ruin the economy, but in most cases those players have been on the server for the longest, thus putting more money and dedication into making things such as an automatic melon farm.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on April 19, 2012, 02:42:33 pm
Yes we r just investing in them, I let my citizens use it. I myself only harvest a few stacks of melons only at the most earning 10k..I don't bother harvesting for money... I try to donate xD
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on April 19, 2012, 02:45:32 pm
Ummmm. . . based of the fact i have a degree in business administration as well as a partial in economics. . . High yeilds of money in the economy will turn  into unlimited blocks thus creating a biased one way creative server out of our smp. . Example. . if its harer to get money then prices will stay low causing ALL players to fight for money new and old players. . however if the players that have been around have unlimited money, then they will cause market rices to skyrocket and new members will not be able to afford anything. 

But the prices simply do not matter, Instead of melons it could be dirt, $15 a stack selling at market, doesn't matter in the long run you still get the gap, I'm saying there's no way to avoid that with members who have invested time into mining/farming/cutting trees/anything. just because people have loads of money, doesnt mean that Opticals going to raise the market prices, why would that make sense?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on April 19, 2012, 02:50:39 pm
First it be melons, then Fulcan will complain abt pumpkins.. Then he will complain abt ppl selling cobble with their cobble generator.... What 2crzy said is correct...
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Boshiwarrior on April 19, 2012, 02:52:02 pm
I donate the most of my money to other people and use the money to buy things at the market and donate it to people that needs those items that I buy. I don't see a problem when people having so much money. They have worked hard for it to make it! I know the most people using the Automatic farms aren't people that builded it. But if they like to have much money they can have it. No problem with that!
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Kian on April 19, 2012, 02:52:52 pm
Ummmm. . . based of the fact i have a degree in business administration as well as a partial in economics. . . High yeilds of money in the economy will turn  into unlimited blocks thus creating a biased one way creative server out of our smp. . Example. . if its harer to get money then prices will stay low causing ALL players to fight for money new and old players. . however if the players that have been around have unlimited money, then they will cause market rices to skyrocket and new members will not be able to afford anything. 
Your saying you want everyone to be poor and the market prices to rise...live with it.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: SpikeyThorn on April 19, 2012, 03:03:46 pm
Bill gates is a billionaire, does he ruin the economy. No.

People are millionaires on opticraft, Economy? what economy? this is a game?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: ryans1230 on April 19, 2012, 03:10:45 pm
There is no inflation on in-game money. And if anything, all the money they have will go back to the market when they buy things (like protection stones).

I find it funny how people say things like this about the economy. It's just people earning money.
There is infinite money on the server, as in when you buy something from the market, the server creates that money. There's going to be no 'economy crisis' because, it just isn't going to happen.

besides, people put money into making the melon farms, it's only fair that they get to keep what they've earned.
The Opticraft economy is not going to fail like the US economy has.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: tbpb2010 on April 19, 2012, 04:27:05 pm
Didn't you already make a topic somewhat addressing this in Suggestions?

But what many people have said are true, because the economy of this server is based on items which can be infinitely created there is no way for preventing the amount of money from increasing on this server (money is infinite). 

Auto-farms are a great way of becoming self-sufficient and allow people to make money to buy more things.  The only negative aspect of this is that it may destroy the idea of survival in minecraft (but you could live in a dirt house, plant a few wheat seeds and survive off of that too) And I've noticed this server is becoming more of a "maintaining a city server" rather than the typical "survive to get to the end", which actually is survival but on a massive scale.  Funds are necessary for protection, building, food supply and things like that so more money is good in that respect.

Honestly I wonder, can you even call what our server has, a true economy?  There is no such thing as scarcity here (in the extreme long run because all minecraft objects can be infintely spawned)

Edit: Oh also arguing that new players will "struggle" because of rising prices won't happen.  The prices for the market will stay the same because of the fact that it's an infinite supply.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: bantam2 on April 19, 2012, 08:38:33 pm
Everything that DeeKay said is right. There is no real economy to ruin. The only reason that people need money on this server is to quickly buy bulk items or protection. Anybody making a melon farm should be doing it just for the fun of it or to better the quality of their creations. Being the Bill Gates of opticraft gets you absolutely nothing.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Redchecks on April 19, 2012, 09:08:33 pm
Fulcan, think of it as this.
These melon farms aren't easy to make with little money. People earn the money to make them using melons. then gradually there profit kicks in. They make money back and can build better farms - making more money.

Then take that in to the real world. you own a business(a minecraft melon farm); it starts off local, and gradually that gets national, then eventually international and the money is rolling in. Day-by-day.

But wait... you have poor man Jenkins who just moved in(guests who first join the server). Sure he has not nearly as much money but he knows how to start and develop a business and what he does not know he asks people around to help because they are friendly and know what to do. His business grows and he turns in to a millionaire. 

And that was my ramble of the day. Hope you enjoyed it :) Also, i'm sure someone can find a point in this story....
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Mr_Mr_Mr on April 19, 2012, 09:11:28 pm
There has to be rich people in an economy - There has to be poor people in an economy.
Bill gates - Homeless people.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: NateN on April 19, 2012, 09:35:02 pm
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on April 19, 2012, 09:41:19 pm
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: SpikeyThorn on April 19, 2012, 09:55:24 pm
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?

He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Nick3306 on April 19, 2012, 10:00:27 pm
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?

He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
The lag only exists inside of the chunk which the pistons are in.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on April 19, 2012, 10:02:32 pm
He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
Ah yes they suck lol, also i dont use them in series, each ones on its own circuit, I figure that cuts down on lag instead of having them on a clock
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: tbpb2010 on April 19, 2012, 11:27:39 pm
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?

He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
The lag only exists inside of the chunk which the pistons are in.

Which is why I built my farm within 1 chunk :)  TAKE THAT SERVER LAG! Ruining other's day? Not from my pistons and redstone!
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: NateN on April 20, 2012, 01:37:01 am
Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?

He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
The lag only exists inside of the chunk which the pistons are in.

Which is why I built my farm within 1 chunk :)  TAKE THAT SERVER LAG! Ruining other's day? Not from my pistons and redstone!

Still confused about chunks...oh well.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Newbrict on April 20, 2012, 01:43:01 am
My only concern is an economic gap, which really turns new players away. Even though the actual economy isn't damaged, player satisfaction is.

Actually, the economy is hurt. The player economy will take major blows
I joined the server without knowing how to make any money
within my first week i made 20k, my second week I make ~50k/day
only those who don't know how to make money will be turned away
it's easy to learn....
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Kian on April 20, 2012, 05:20:15 pm
I think people will agree with what I'm about to say: IT'S A GAME!
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: TheFulcan on April 20, 2012, 08:26:51 pm
Now seeing everyones sides of the story i agree that they wont hurt the economy too badly however they do cause lag. . I think we are fine now that i look over this post. . However everytime i get over 500K bucks no matter how i earn it an operator takes it from me. . it has happened twice now. . so how should i deal with that?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: clawstrider on April 20, 2012, 08:33:13 pm
Now seeing everyones sides of the story i agree that they wont hurt the economy too badly however they do cause lag. . I think we are fine now that i look over this post. . However everytime i get over 500K bucks no matter how i earn it an operator takes it from me. . it has happened twice now. . so how should i deal with that?

If that seriously is happening for no reason, you should report it, although I can't see an operator doing that :S
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: Nick3306 on April 20, 2012, 08:42:06 pm
Now seeing everyones sides of the story i agree that they wont hurt the economy too badly however they do cause lag. . I think we are fine now that i look over this post. . However everytime i get over 500K bucks no matter how i earn it an operator takes it from me. . it has happened twice now. . so how should i deal with that?
You know why i took away your money, and you should be glad i didnt take away your protection stones also.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on April 21, 2012, 12:35:35 am
Now seeing everyones sides of the story i agree that they wont hurt the economy too badly however they do cause lag. . I think we are fine now that i look over this post. . However everytime i get over 500K bucks no matter how i earn it an operator takes it from me. . it has happened twice now. . so how should i deal with that?
You know why i took away your money, and you should be glad i didnt take away your protection stones also.
If I donated and get more than 500k u won't take it away right?
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: SalasCraft on April 21, 2012, 12:38:44 am
Now seeing everyones sides of the story i agree that they wont hurt the economy too badly however they do cause lag. . I think we are fine now that i look over this post. . However everytime i get over 500K bucks no matter how i earn it an operator takes it from me. . it has happened twice now. . so how should i deal with that?
You know why i took away your money, and you should be glad i didnt take away your protection stones also.
If I donated and get more than 500k u won't take it away right?

No, that's just with him. Nick probably found out he was exploiting or something, I am not aware.
Title: Re: Auto melon farms are destroying the servers economy
Post by: animedude88 on April 21, 2012, 12:58:17 am
i have a melon farm which i always get money from. the town warp is /home anime