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Topics - ViperZeroOne

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions / PS Trader
« on: June 23, 2012, 12:41:45 am »
I'm not even sure if this is possible or not, but the idea just came to me.  Since people were duping PS stones and selling them back to the market, we've lost the ability to sell our old PS stones to the market.  In addition, a lot of people not using the small PS argue that the reason is they're saving up for larger ones.  All of that's fine with me, however, what if we could...

Trade in a bunch of small PS for larger PS?

That would make some sense, wouldn't it?  So new players start out with coal PS, buy more coal PS to cover more areas, then when they're ready to move up they can trade in those coal PS (say 8 maybe?) for a Lapis PS.  No cash involved, just a small stack of one PS turning into a larger PS.  Then they continue to grow their "empire" until they have enough Lapis PS, and can trade them in for a Diamond one.

To me, this would make a lot of sense.  But like I said, I dunno if it's even possible.

Ban Appeals / Jowee20 - MokerGinger - LightShadow75
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:14:35 pm »
I don't normally do this, post an appeal reply before getting an appeal, but in this case it's best to kill 3 birds with one stone (so to speak)...

I was called to a griefing incident by Hazza120909 and at first I couldn't figure out what was griefed.  It looked like some blocks were missing here and there, nothing out of the ordinary for griefing.  Then Hazza told me that the entire house was supposed to be Netherbrick and the roof Glowstone.  I honestly thought he was pulling my leg, trying to get me to use worldedit (which mods don't have btw) to change the blocks.  So I went and started clicking around, sure that I was going to catch him in a lie.  But I didn't...

What the logs instead showed me was the three of you Jowee20, MokerGinger, and LightShadow75 ripping down the netherbrick house and seemingly replacing it with whatever you had on you at the time.  This is despicable behavior and definitely NOT tolerated!

For your actions I have given each of you a week ban, which is less than you diverse, so no it WILL NOT be reduced.  This will give you time to reflect and think about what you've done.  If you return, I expect the three of you to behave.  I have noted on your records that you committed this act as a team, and any further nonsense like this will see you perm banned.

Here's the screenshots, just in case you care to dispute it.  Pay close attention to the time stamps in the first picture, that's how I know you were all together.  LightShadow75, I know you don't show in THAT image, but your time stamp was the same as theirs and it's very easy for me to get you a screenshot so don't bother disputing it;

It should be noted that even after that last rollback, there was still damage.  I had to continue to roll back the three of you until it all vanished, and even then there were still several blocks that had to be manually fixed.  I am NOT amused, and I doubt any of the other staff is either.

Introductions / How did I miss this? - ViperZeroOne
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:20:45 am »
WTF?  I'm such a forum whore, how the heck did I miss doing an introduction?  Ok, everyone has to pretend they don't know me.  Deal?  Alright... Here we go...

Hi everyone!  I'm Jay, but I go by the in-game name ViperZeroOne.  I just registered, but my goal is to one day be a Moderator or Admin.  (I know I'm already a mod, shhh!!!)  I currently live on my own with a couple of cats keeping me company.  Before you ask, no I'm not some crazy cat dude.  I only have 2, which is quite acceptable.  3 is where you officially get the title, and I'm not there yet.  Haha!

I'm quite the mixture.  A lot of my friends like to call me a human Yin-Yang.  Not so much in that I have balance.  More like, at one point in time I could be very serious and professional, and then a second later I could be laughing and having a good time clowning around.  I try to get along with pretty much everyone, which can be a challenge and sometimes doesn't work out.  The one thing I hate the most is drama, and I do my best to stay out of any kind of "click" for that very reason.

Professionally I'm a pretty mixed bag there too.  I'm a registered class AZ driver, which means I can drive everything from the family car to a full-sized 18 wheeler.  Right now I'm a professional in the cellular phone industry, and hopefully I'll be able to move up to I.T. or a management position soon.  In addition, I spend a few hours of the week also doing live broadcasting on a fully licensed internet radio station.  So yea, my days are pretty busy.

I'm a huge fan of music.  Actually when I'm playing Opticraft odds are I've got a good playlist also running.  I used to be on Mumble a lot of the time, but I've kinda backed away from that because the conversations interrupt my music.  That said, I can type like crazy so if you do end up talking to me in-game, try to keep up.   ;)

I dunno what else to put here, so I'll just end it for now.  Good meeting you all, hope to see you in-game and get to know you all better.

Projects and Creations / Isle of the Dark
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:11:50 pm »
Well sheesh, I started building a place to broadcast my radio show from and now I can't stop!  Looks like I've got a little village started and only God knows how big it's gonna get.  

Each "plot" has it's own PS protection, which is how I've been determining the size of the "islands" and they're interlinked with small bridged paths.  Don't know if it will eventually turn into some kind of city, but I am starting my first "administration building".  Please don't ask to be a resident, at this time I'm not accepting any (and if I ever do it'll be only Trusted+ members).

Don't have any pictures yet, since I haven't thought to take any, but I'll post some eventually.  Until then you can watch the progress on the live map;

To see it in person (right now) you can use "/home viperzeroone" ...  Be advised, when I'm online I do sometimes shift my /home around to make it easier to go from place to place.  If you end up somewhere weird it's your own fault.   :P  Oh, and any griefing, if you happen to find a non-PS spot, is a perm-ban since there are signs at the /home that say just that.

First, yes this is a suggestion so it belongs here.   ;D  It's a suggestion to those who are applying for the position of Moderator.  A suggestion to truly consider what it means to be a Moderator before you apply.

Having not been a mod, and having been a mod, I've got some perspective on both sides.  Yes, as a Trusted you see mods flying about and building amazing things with water and fire but as they say "The grass is always greener on the other side".  I feel before you put in an application you should get a bit of a wake-up call to the life of a mod.  I suggest you read through this carefully before you make your application.

First and foremost, you have to be there for the players.  It doesn't matter if you're working on the best minecraft build of your entire life.  If someone yells "Grief" or "Water" you need to go to their aid.  You have to be willing to drop whatever you're doing, and occasionally not even get a chance to do what you want to be doing.  There have been times when it's taken me weeks to do a project I could have had done in an evening.

Mods do NOT get unlimited building materials.  I don't know where this rumor started, so I'm gonna put an end to it right now.  Mods have to gather, and sell, and buy, and do everything else that regular players have to do.  Sure, we have fly, and that does help with building, but the materials (which is what counts) are still all gathered by solid hard work.  If you can't gather enough materials/money as a Trusted, you're gonna have HEAVY issues doing it as a Mod just due to the added workload of being a Mod.

Being a Mod isn't a free ticket to do what you want when you want.  If anything, you have to pay even more attention to the rules and ensure you're following them.  How can you ban or warn someone if you're doing the exact same thing they're doing?  You have to keep your language in check, your manners professional, and know how to diffuse an angry player.  Mods don't have the right to abuse the powers they're given, so consider that carefully.  Yes you have the ability to look inside other's chests for security purposes, but that doesn't give you the right to take/put anything in them.  Yes you have the right to teleport players, but that doesn't give you the right to teleport innocent players around without their permission.  Yes you have the ability to place lava, but that doesn't mean you can go build endless waterfalls of lava or grief abandoned buildings with that lava.  With great power comes great responsibility, and you should be able to handle that responsibility.

Expect at times to get more flack than praise.  Players will complain if you're taking too long to respond to them, they'll lie (occasionally) to you about griefing, they'll get upset with you for banning their friend/relative, they'll yell at you for "spying" on them, they'll mistake you for a griefer and tell you to get out of their house (even if they called you there).  It's not all fame and glory.  Sometimes you'll even get flack from other mods/admins over something you've done.  You have to be able to handle that and either accept the criticism or defend your actions.

You need to put in the hours it takes to be a mod.  If you can only be online once or twice a week, maybe being a mod isn't a good idea for you.  I, personally, try to get on every single day for at least a few hours.  That might not be a reality for others.  Everyone's life is different, but you can loose the mod rank for inactivity, so truly consider how much time you can devote to the server.

Personally, I love being a mod.  Sure, it means my projects take longer and there are days when nothing gets done on them at all, but in helping others I get to see what they're doing and basically get a good look at what's going on server-wide.  Yea, I have a few more enemies than I did before I became a mod, but I've gained a few more friends too so it kinda balances out.

EDIT:  Due to recent mod abuse, took SalasCraft's suggestion and added a section (paragraph 5) about that.

Support / How To Farm
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:45:37 pm »
I pulled my comment from another post just because I'm starting to realize that there are a lot of people out there who are starving, just because they aren't sure how to properly setup a good yielding farm.  So, in an effort to help out those players, I've gone through a bit of a painstakingly long process to do up some graphics for you.

First thing to note is that each water block supports a minimum 4 block radius of crops.  Since water is the "life blood" of a farm, it's important to maximize each water block to it's full potential.  Therefore the best way to plant is with water in the center of your crop fields.  Like so;

= Water
= Wheat

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= Water
= Melon Stem
= Dirt

Step 2 to having a farm is to ensure it's survivability.  This is easily done with a coal PS stone.  You get one right off the start, so I'd suggest using it to protect your farm.  This is how I like to setup my farm's PS stone when I'm dealing with melons.

= Water
= Melon Stem
= Dirt
= Coal PS Stone

But it can also be done with your Wheat farm.  That said, you should put a 2x tall fence around the farm (or 3x tall with a flat roof) so people can't get in and trample it.  Because the farm is only 9x9, your fence (and roof) is going to be inside the protection of the PS stone.

= Water
= Wheat
= Coal PS Stone

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With this setup you'll have no problem with food, at all.  It's what I used when I first started, and within a day I had an entire chest full of food.  

- If you CROUCH you won't damage the soil when you move across it, so no need for paths that waste farming space.
- Grow your melon stems with bonemeal to skip having to wait for them to mature.
- Be patient and spend some time just standing at your melon farm, it'll produce a melon roughly every 10 seconds.
- Stack your farms vertical instead of spreading them out across the countryside, to keep them in the same chunk.

Happy farming!

All I have to say is, EPIC!   ;D

Rejected / Moderator Application - ViperZeroOne
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:30:41 pm »
Age: 33

Location: Northern Ontario, Canada

Timezone: Eastern Standard (GMT -5)

Join Date: March 14, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?:  Nyssa.

Why you should become a moderator:  To be honest, I'd like to try modding but I'm not sure if I'd like it or not.  I'm a huge fan of helping people out but on the other hand I really like having "me time" to build and designing my own structures.  I'm not sure if the workload of a mod would hinder that more than I'd like.  I run around handing out water buckets anyway.  They say the only way to know for sure is to give it a shot, so here I am.

Some of the assets that would make me a good mod would include;

- Prior experience as an Op, I am familiar with the LWC, LogBlock, and WorldEdit plugins. (knowledgeable)
- Having dealt with player disputes I've learned to never "jump the gun" on handing down punishment. (wise)
- I know that there are always 3 sides to any player dispute, and you need to hear all sides of the story. (logical)
- I actively help the community and have, on many occasions, assisted players with water placement. (duty bound)
- I've helped several members with redstone designs, fountains, etc. (helpful)
- I've given materials, items, and food to players without requesting reimbursement. (friendly)
- I've spent 9 years in the customer service industry.  (personable)
- I've never abused the power I've been given. (trustworthy)
- I'm known on Mumble and play almost every day. (active)
- I've have gone to great pains to ensure even accidental violations are avoided. (rule abiding)

The main reason I want to be a moderator is because I believe in Opticraft.  I've been on many other servers before coming here and have never felt like any of them were my "home".  That said, since spending time on Opticraft I've met many people, made a few friends, and consider myself an active part of the community.  By earning the trusted rank I feel like Opticraft has become a home for me.  The next logical step in this "relationship" is becoming a moderator so I can further aid and assist the community I've come to respect and enjoy.

If you feel that I'm not yet ready, or are required to decline this application for another reason, please let me know the reason so I can deal with it in time for my next application.  Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Support / Static "Live" map
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:11:53 pm »
I didn't see this issue listed, and you probably already know about it, but just in case you don't...  It appears that the live map has gone into a static mode.  It's not properly updated, and actually appears to be over 12 hours behind.  I say that, because one of my completed builds from last night still shows as framework on the map.  Just lettin ya know.   :)

Suggestions / Logical PS Stone Sizes
« on: March 18, 2012, 07:34:05 pm »
Just a minor suggestion, but seeing that chunk sizes are specific (16x16) would it not be logical to have PS stones follow that same formula?  Say the lowest PS stone covers one chunk (16x16), maybe the next level does one better (32x32), and the next level covers even more (48x48) etc?  Having PS divisible by 16 would make life a lot easier I think.  But it's up to you guys, I'm just suggesting it.  :)

Support / Nether Portals
« on: March 18, 2012, 07:21:04 pm »
I found a couple topics on Nether Portals, but due to overhearing a few people talking in-game I'm thinking maybe rules on them have changed?  So what's the deal with nether portals?  Can people own them?  Is there a central portal for everyone to use?  If you build one can you get a mod/admin to light it for you?

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