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Topics - littlej11

Pages: [1] 2 3
Offtopic / Just saying where I have been...
« on: June 05, 2012, 01:19:12 am »
Okay, so recently I have bought Diablo 3 (very good btw) so if you are wondering where I am and why I haven't been on for a while, its because I'm playing Diablo 3 (or I'm hanging with friends it is the summer ofc) so no need to comment just letting you all know where I have been.

Offtopic / The dance floor!
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:45:21 pm »
Hello all! when I play music while I play opticraft I sometimes dance in minecraft (:P) so I thought that I should have a dance floor to dance on! so here it is!

(click to show/hide)

Thanks too: YuangusTheGreat for redstone wiring and part of building!

EDIT: one of the signs is a little messed up, you don't have to be on mumble its just if you want to listing to music while you dance.

Discussion forum / new people?
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:09:34 pm »
So today I was able to get on to the smp server and find out that I know no one except for noobies that was on.. so I'm asking for everyone who sees this topic to write and say hello, tell us your rank, how often you get on, if you play classic or smp, etc.

I hope to see all of you on and having fun!

Discussion forum / Almost back....
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:21:01 pm »
Well hi guys! As you can tell I have not been on at all because my laptop in which I use to play on had got a virus and made it so the computer would not come on, and now this computer that I am using to write this message on for some reason does not let me play minecraft... Now for my birthday present my parents are getting me a disk that will restore my computer making it that I can play on it again! The only problem is that the disc has not arrived yet... so when it does come you should expect to see me on more! Can't wait to talk to all of you again!


Discussion forum / Hey guys!
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:12:56 pm »
Hello all!!!! Its been such a long time.... I have been fighting a virus and sadly... i think my lap top is now gone forever... so Its been a very long time since I have last seen you guys! tell me all of what has happened please! and also tell me if I know anyone who has left :/

Discussion forum / Joseph Kony
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:34:00 am »

So this just hit me were I live and I think it is very interesting.
So I want to know what you all know if anything.. so please share.

Rejected / Operator littlej11
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:54:52 pm »
Name: Jon/littlej11

Age: 13

Location: USA

Timezone: CST

Join date: wed sep 28 2011

Forum Join date:oct 8 2011

Current rank: builder

Reason for application: well... I guess the reason to why I made this application is because I love this community and I don't want it to burn with griefers running wild.. and I want to help others out in the best way possible.

Why you should become an operator: well first let me say that i actually do enjoy classic more then smp. other reasons why are that I'm helpful,kind,and I have a lot of patience. also I have been seeing a lot of times that when I come on here is no ops. so I would like to help this and be there.
Have you been temp-op before?: yes I have

Extra information:I would like to say that I hope the people reading this will forgive the recent events that had happened for I have made a clean slat and forgive everyone (as said in this topic www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,7143.0.html ) and I know that the admins don'tink im mature neough to hadle op, but please take another look and  see me for me.

Discussion forum / clean slate
« on: February 22, 2012, 02:13:19 am »
from this point on I am having a clean slate for everyone in this community so anything you did that might have upset me is erased now, thrown into the trash. now this doesn't mean i will just listen to all of you now and agree, I am just saying from now on i will act like all the bad stuff in the past that happened is gone and erased.

I hope all of you make a clean slate for me too, but not just me. I encourage all of you to take all of your angers and throw them away and clean your slate like i have decided to do.

Discussion forum / wow... just wow.....
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:44:03 pm »
ok so today in only ONE conversation in mumble i found out that there is so many secrets that tehy dont tell you unless your on mumble like everday or your high up in the community like for one: in apps they say that the admins actully take the ops suggestions in mind when before the said "you can give support, but it wont mean anything" and now it does and always has???? and during the whole conversation they are saying "mumble this and mumble that" and during that im just thinking NOT EVERYONE HAS MUMBLE! so how are people that dont have mumble going to get this information that i didn't even know ( and I've been here a long time) till now? i mena come on during the whole thing im getting fact after fact of things ive never heard about and there saying it like it is normal like that everyone knows it! this is just ridicules now i thought opticraft was a loveing and shareing comunity when really we know almost notthing!   

Offtopic / amazing block spam!
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:09:09 pm »

lol i walked into the guest server one day and found this.

perhaps its payback?

Rejected / operator application~ littlej11
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:40:54 pm »
lets give it another go shall we?

Name: Jon/littlej11
Age: 13
Location: USA
Timezone: CST
Join date: wed sep 28 2011
Forum Join date:oct 8 2011
Current rank: builder
Reason for application: I have always wanted to be an operator (like most people that come on of course) and I enjoy to help people. actually no I don't enjoy to help people, I love to help people. If I can make one person happy well, that will make my day alone. I AM mature, but I like to be more wiled and fun, of course I will be mature to my best power when it is needed, but if you see me on and nothing is happening I will try and be the weird stupid one and get everyone lol'ing and enjoying themselves, Makeing opticraft there new favorite server.
Why you should become an operator: I have been a member of this server for a very long time now. I love it, and love to do my part in it. If i become an operator I will be able to contribute much much more to the community and to the players.
Have you been temp-op before?: yes i have
Extra information: nothing really besides me sorta fighting a virus my computer is working fine now, but i might not be able to get on as much as i use too, but if my computer ever goes haywire and i am an op/trial op i will make sure to get on with my parents desktop. -I believe I have my computer under control now 

Offtopic / bad news
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:27:59 pm »
Hello everyone, as you all know I am littlej11 right now as most of you probably figured out i am not coming on a lot. The reason to this is that i am currently fighting a virus that is deleting my hard drive....... so if any of you are wondering " hey i wonder were littlej11 is at" i am fighting a virus so in terms this might be a goodbye for a while.


update: currently my mom looked at my computer found the virus and deleted it... i for one don't believe it is gone, but my computer is somewhat better so i'm going to be on more. :)

new update: well i restored my computer then got a new security program... funny thing when i did the scan the first and only thing that poped up was my old security program..... LOL

Support / erm......
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:22:42 pm »
I... I don't know what is with the nether..... i don't know if an op or mod made it or if it just poped up, but its is revealing me and littleevilwolfs spawner and nether wart farm. I asked xeadin to look at it and he said its some sort of world edit.... and that there was nothing he could do... I also know that it wasn't made by someone who just came in and placed down dirt and fence because it has grass growing on it and if you look up it leads to nothing....

EDIT: dwarfy36 found another thing... more crazy....

Support / griefed
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:43:04 pm »
My wheat farm, melon farm, and sugar cane farm got griefed I tried to get an op/mod but tobs (the only one on) is afk.

Please help

Support / lava bucket
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:04:05 pm »
Today I was goofing around in my mine and I had an empty bucket well in my mine theirs a lot of lava, so i tried to pick some up.... it let me o.o and when i placed it down it went down.....

So I was wondering if this is just a glitch or if trusted people are now allowed to use lava buckets. o.o

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