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Messages - OzzyKP

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22] 23
I just put in my city protection application!!,16084.0.html

City name: Aquain (though I'm not 100% satisfied with the name, it could change)

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):
Old Guest World:

Contributors:  All the building and planning I did myself, but several people have given me ideas & feedback, plus helped clear land and sheer sheep.  A few contributors whose names I remember:

piewolf123, Blondie100, RadicalAlpha11, Lorrana, moomattoo8, blueted12345 (I think), Nhataley

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):  OzzyKP

Approximate dimensions:  Heh, here is where things get tricky.  I have rather ambitious plans for this city, so I am requesting a rather massive amount of space.  I understand if you don't approve this much room, but I intend to make my case.

1. I am in the Old Guest World, so the value of this land has drastically decreased.  Anyone at this point wanting to build something new will go to the new guest world or the member world.  It is unlikely that I'd be depriving this land to someone else in need.

2. All the land I am claiming is underwater.  Assuming someone did come along and decide they wanted to start building in the Old Guest World, they are likely to find a patch of land - not water.  The value of this land is further diminished.

3.  As far as I can tell all the buildings and projects surrounding my sea are abandoned.  In my last two months of working on my city I haven't once noticed anyone in any of the surrounding areas.  It is unlikely that one of these projects will be resurrected.  And, of course, it is further unlikely that if one of these projects is resurrected that they will seek to expand into the ocean.

4. I have been here for a little less than two months but I have finished quite a lot.  I understand that I have only filled a small portion of the space I've requested, but I have spent a lot of time recently on adding details, furnishings, interiors, and my custom texture pack.  Had I spent that time only on building more empty domes I'm sure I'd have half this place 'filled' by now.  However I think a good build isn't just a lot of walls, roads, and empty shells of buildings, but a lot of details.  So I have built accordingly.  When the time comes to further expand out it shouldn't take me very long. 

5.  While I have had some very valuable help collecting resources and clearing land, the vast majority of this project has been done exclusively by me.  I have been a bit hesitant to involve others in this more directly before I got city protection.  Once I get this I hope to find some partners to help expand this city further, I expect progress to be more rapid at that point.

Anyhow, here is the map of what I have finished so far and my proposed city protection border:
(click to show/hide)

I'm not sure how city protection works, but I'd appreciate it if the border extended down to bedrock and up to the sky.  A lot of my build is under ground. 

Here is a *very* rough idea of the potential scope of this project:
(click to show/hide)

Number of active residents:  Just me.  Though I've seen interest from Blondie100, SPW, ninjafail888 and others in purchasing homes.  Once I get city protection I will begin seeking out residents more actively.

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:  Due to the nature of my build I don't have a lot of free standing individual buildings.  I have 10 domes built so far.  The interior of the docking bay is perhaps 70% finished.  The interior of the commercial dome is perhaps 5% finished.  I have six middle class domes, I have not yet begun work on the interiors of three of these.  The interiors of the other three are around 95% finished.  I have 36 furnished condos in these three domes.  I intend to add bathrooms (with working showers) to all of these, and add a few more paintings, but otherwise these are complete.  I have two upper class domes, one is around 70% finished, and the other is about 40% finished.  There are plenty of screen shots in this thread.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I guess I answered this already.  Things are coming along nicely.  Plenty of things are furnished already.  I think I have more finished work than several other cities out there, which is significant especially due to the challenges of working under water.  My ultimate plans for the city are very ambitious, but unlike others who start a big ambitious project by laying down a lot of roads and walls and then give up before they get around to furnishing their buildings I'm finishing existing structures before I expand a skeleton of infrastructure further.  So even if I fall short of my ambitious plans the city won't look like an empty husk.

Why should we grant this city protection?  Because this city is pretty awesome.  :)  As I said in my thread many have attempted underwater cities on this server before, but I am further along than any of them.  Not to get too full of myself, but underwater cities are unique in Minecraft and if promoted well a properly built one (like mine) could attract people to the server.  Of course I am quite hesitant to promote the city if it isn't protected.  It is far too large for protection stones, so my only defense so far has been a low profile.  If I start promoting it more, and allowing more people to access it to look around, then I need city protection.  A griefer smashing the glass on my domes could do a lot of damage. 

Awesome. :)

And I just realized I forgot to include the screenshot of the wood floor.  I just added that.

Not all of them.  I'm working on my texture pack bit by bit.  The wood floor you see there is custom.  Just finished that this morning.  It is constantly evolving, but I'll make a download available at some point.

Projects and Creations / Re: Oceania (Not Like 1984)
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:18:50 am »
(Offtopic) what was in 1984?

Its a book.

New pictures everyone!!

I've been making a lot of progress on the upper class domes.  I've got the structure finished on one and I just finished one of the sub garages.  I still need to finish the structure of the other dome and furnish both of them, but I'm making significant progress!  Check it out:

(click to show/hide)

awsome build how do you get to it though???

You don't. :)

Not yet at least. 

I'm really not sure about pricing and such, but right now I'm thinking about this for prices:

Luxury home (not started yet): $80,000
Upper class home (not finished yet): $20,000
Middle class home (mostly finished): $1,000
Lower class home (not started yet ): $500

Blondie100 & Spy have both expressed interest in buying upper class homes. 

Also, what do people think about the name of the city?  I'm calling it Aquain so far, but I'm open to other suggestions.

You must have drowned many times in the initial building

A few times, but then I discovered respiration helmets and the /back command.  Now I'm an underwater building pro. :)
Lol, can you get some screenies of the homes then :)

I posted pictures (and video) of the middle class homes.  Those are the only ones finished.

You must have drowned many times in the initial building

A few times, but then I discovered respiration helmets and the /back command.  Now I'm an underwater building pro. :)

Will you post a screening of one of the upper class and lower class rooms?

I haven't finished the upper class or lower class places yet.  Just middle class are finished so far (and I posted pictures of that already). 

It seems like it took more time to create the forum page than to build the city XD

Hah, you should see how long this texture pack is taking.  The newscast took well over a day of solid work by itself, and I'm not sure anyone has actually watched my YouTube video all the way to the end to see it.

I've spent all day today working on a new floor texture ctm.  Probably won't finish it till the weekend (so many damn twists and turns in ctm, ugh), but it is coming along fantastically.  Here is a preview of the floor texture:

I started out just wanting to make a nice art deco wooden floor for my upper class homes, but it turned out way fancier and awesomer than I anticipated, so this will be a great floor for train stations and other public spaces. 

36 apartments finished, 36 to go! 

Offtopic / Re: Merry Christmas All
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:20:47 pm »

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!

Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.

Server News / Re: Opticraft - The Night Before Chirstmas
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:07:48 pm »
Awesome stuff, good work guys.

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