Age: 32
Location: Utah, United States
Time zone: MST (GMT-6)
Join Date: 08 February, 2012, 03:16:24 (Copy and paste FTW)
Were you recommended by anyone?: A few people, Arsenic_Shark, Yomomma750
Why you should become a moderator: I enjoy helping people and am quite knowledgeable. If I don't know something, I can easily look it up. I am also very honest, to the point of sometimes being too honest. I don't believe in coddling, though teaching usually fills the need quite nicely, even if once in a while some amount of concessions need to be made. I have a great sense of humour most days, and even when I'm cranky I try to be diplomatic at a minimum (Shoot, we all have our off-days). I am in Mumble every time I play, so accessibility to me is easy. Other than that, I'm a great friend and loyal as can be, far better than an old tick hound....but I won't lick your face unless you're exceptionally attractive.