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Author Topic: Spawn-Point-Contest  (Read 1708 times)

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« on: April 16, 2011, 09:06:26 am »
I don't really know where to post this so i will do it here... My Point is: The Spawnpoints for the Guest-Worlds are really boring and just get attractive when some builders come and make it to something awesome with some spontaneous ideas... or it will never get attractive and the ppl won't stay there thinking: "WOW" :(
I don't think that im the first one who came up with the idea of a contest for the most awesome spawnpoint, which will be the first thing on a new, fresh-opened guest world. My version of this idea is that everyone can post pics of their already build, or sketches of their planned to build, spawnpoints. than an op, mod or admin can choose the best one out of all and give it the place, that every spawnbuilding wants to achive: the middle of the map, where the Players spawn^^

I will take my freedom and post 2 sketches of spawnpoints i thinked up, and ask at the same time if they are possible in this dimensions or what the dimensions have to be at most. Another question would be if the safe zone (where only builders+ can actually build) has to be all overground or can it get a bit undergound too? cause my pseudo-atlantis-spawn gets in both directions, and i dont want the lower half to gecome griefed...
Ok, thats enough talk, here are my thumbsketches:

this pic displays a huge sphere made of water, with many hemispheres inside made of glass, so everyone can see whats going on outside. it may be too large but its no problem to resize it steplessly.
and the other one:

this is just a garden with a fountain floating in the sky... the temple in the background can be cut off if needed or if the consumed space is too big...


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Re: Spawn-Point-Contest
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 12:03:55 pm »
 second pic reminds me of villa in black ops...
Anywayyy i think thats a great idea, and guest may be more motivated if they see an awsoume spawn, the only grief free part of  the map.