Moderator Application- GirlLuvzerMac
Age: [One Million. Suck on this, Leaf & minerexpert11 . :p]
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada eh?
Timezone: GMT -4
Join Date: September 26th, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:
WinniedoxieWhy you should become a moderator:
I was a moderator not too long ago, though I was rightfully demoted for inactivity. In the past month, we've had houseguests for three weeks and then spent a week visiting my grandparents as they're no longer well enough to travel. Prior to this month, I'd been somewhat less active on opticraft as I had a new relationship, a busy 4 year old and other family obligations, though I'm willing to trade my offspring for a staff position if necessary.
Kidding aside, the chaos IRL is settling down to a dull roar and I'd like to spend more time playing and helping out on the server.
When not answering tickets or building, I made a hobby of repairing the grief done to the areas surrounding the spawns. There is something very rewarding about seeing a build pop back into existence with a handy "/lb undo player DumbassGriefer since 10d area 15".
I go the extra mile to help and welcome new players, and I think I was very good at moderating player disputes fairly. I hope I will be given the opportunity to rejoin the staff so that I can do more to help maintain the opti community I love.
Thank you,