I am demonic2012. I have been banned for 14 days by Xeaden.
I do not believe I have griefed. I placed over 300 roses near shock's house. I do not believe that this can count as a grief for several reasons.
1) it isn't destroying property. nothing of his was touched. all i did was place roses.
2) the grass around his house is not "his". he did not place it or protect it, and it is a natural area.
3) it was not meant to be a Grief or a troll or anything. I thought it would be kinda funny, and i thought that shock would take it as such. I am genuinely sorry for any..erm...shock and/or inconvenience by a result of my actions. I thought it would be amusing, and I'm surprised that it was this serious.
4) roses are not hard to remove. it takes no effort to remove, and i really didn't think it was a big deal. it's not like i placed obsidian everywhere or something like that
5) I had no warning. I wasn't aware that placing roses in that way was considered a grief. I guess that was my fault, but considering the fact that I've never been banned before, and the fact that i've only been kicked twice (once because another demon did something) I don't believe that this kind of ban was in order.
In conclusion, I apologize for my actions, and plead my ignorance to the fact that placing roses is a grief. I am genuinely sorry, and all i want to do is get back on the server. I admire the effectiveness of opticraft's anti-greifing system, and I look forward to playing on the server in the future, even though I am on the recieving end this time.
hoping that you will consider my ban appeal,