City name: Royalton
City location (coordinates, not biome): X:3000 Y: -600 (approx.)
Contributors:mecurymarauder7, 00ultima00, linker500, XRoyalDiamondX, maplemon7, Brookeness
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):Mecurymarauder7
Approximate dimensions: Not Sure 150x400 maybe?
Number of active residents: 7 and quickly rising
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 6+ in process of builing more and more
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The project is in its 4th week of development, (a resident and building stage) My plans for this city in the future could go on and on with many newcomers to the server i would like to offer them a place to stay (in the hotel / in progress) and there are city mines, a farm, sheep pen, (soon to come) XP spawners, nether portal, enchanting table, future town shop, future school, and the plans can go on and on
Why should we grant this city protection? The reason I would like to request city protection for my city is for the future when more people will be visiting the town everyday there will be more griefers coming through the town, and I cannot stand greifing what so ever. The Town of Royalton is for the rich, poor, and middle class and that os why i would like to request town protection.
Thank you so much for your considerations, and i will be updating the building numbers and resident numbers.
Thanks Very Much