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Topics - Nikoljan

Pages: [1]
Support / "Eligible to Vote Notification broken"
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:02:29 am »
Hey!  It looks like you're eligible to Vote.

I've been receiving the notification spam even though I have already voted and can not vote again on the website.  Perhaps something in the plugin got tweaked or there is a work-around for this?

I usually vote to support the server, but also to avoid this spam.  =)

I confirmed that everyone is experiencing this problem.

Discussion forum / Come join me, no one's online!
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:44:06 am »
Logged in to find no one online today.. I think I'm catching Cabin Fever being alone on this island...

The wind blows, the chickens cluck... but for once Opticraft is SILENT!

Suggestions / Hardcore Island Proposition;
« on: September 05, 2013, 12:23:57 am »
Hardcore Island

I was trying to think of something to add a new feature to the server that will get our senior members something new to do and new-commers something else to look forward to.

I think it would be great if there was a way to have staff design an island that is laid out to be very difficult to survive on.  Health regeneration would be turned off , and there would be many more mobs. Building would not be allowed, only gathering resources.  (I'm not sure if there is a plugin we already have that would allow us to adjust the number of mobs spawning).  The island's resources may regenerate daily, sort of like the EnderDragon reset.  This would make this island a higher risk area to play on but yield larger rewards.

One idea to make it so users aren't just farming on the island would be perhaps to consider PVP to make it even more dangerous since the idea is that it is hardcore.  

Anyways this is just a base idea that can be evolved with a little brainstorming and I'm sure into a great project and another addition to the server.  

I'd be willing to devote as much time as needed to make this work, and this wouldn't be my first time building a hardcore zone.  So I do have some experience.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Nikoljan
« on: June 27, 2013, 01:45:22 am »
Title: Moderator
Moderator Application - Nikoljan

Age: 22
Location: California
Timezone: PST - My times are flexible anywhere between 7AM-4AM

Join Date: November 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: crippnfeet, Felix_De_Kat, joshskiizz
Why you should become a moderator:

   I've been waiting for this opportunity for a while now.  I would be greatly honored and appreciative for a chance to play a bigger role in the Opticraft community.
     This is by far my favorite place to be, and would be privilaged to be able to help out those who are new to the community or long term members with anything that may arrise.  I am very familiar with all moderator commands and functions, including but not limited to Logblock, Helpop and overall friendly behavior.

     I understand the importance of maintaining a proffesional and fun attitude toward the community and how that affects players.  We want to make the server as enjoyable as possible and a moderators job is to guide our users in that direction.

I'm asking for this position not for the power but for the opportunity to put my efforts in to maintain the already excellent service that Opticraft gives.  I sincerely get my Minecraft enjoyment from helping others.

Thank you for taking a moment to review my application, and I look forward to hearing from you.



Suggestions / Incomplete IP on Xtremetop100.com
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:21:59 am »
Just somethin I thought I'd point out. It doesn't seem our IP is completely typed out on their details page. Maybe I'm completely wrong but here's the link.



City name: Elwood Forest

City location: Coordinates: x-1000 z-1000.  /home Nikoljan
OptiMap Link: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-985/64/-1010/-1/2/0
World: Member World

Contributors: Nikoljan

Mayor: Nikoljan

Approximate dimensions: 200 x 175

Number of active residents:2

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:12

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: My project is finally at the breaking point where everything is coming together.  I plan to expand out further and create a beautiful natural swamp corrupted by a dark witch who used to live there. Elwood Forest is a natural Retreat that anyone is welcome to live in and be a part of.  My goal is to make a city that is as whole , natural, and beautifully landscaped as possible while retaining the cozy minecraft culture.

The Center Tree will be finished 05/20 by the evening, including the top part to make it look more natural.

Why should we grant this city protection?  As my project has grown quite a lot, I am unfortunately noticing a lot more grief (mostly unintentional due to how natural the trees surrounding my plot and everything are. However I place all my trees one by one to follow a certain pattern.  I don't always notice the grief, until days later when I am about to start a new project I get distracted and have to replace broken / moved blocks then end up being held up and not getting much done.

I would like to ask Opticraft staff a chance to protect my fast growing city/forest for a chance to really expand it and create a build that will be a contribution to our wonderful server.

Note*One end of my underground grove does run through the tip of my friend Elektro209's plot; He approved that this part be protected if I am accepted. (He placed a sign on location)

I also placed a Dirt perimeter which will be removed immediately after this application is submitted.

Offtopic / Three Good Deeds +$$Prize!
« on: May 11, 2013, 04:36:37 pm »
Hello everyone, this post is about doing three kind things and after post what you did.  Don't include names.  Sometimes doing things for others is even more rewarding than for yourself.  

I will be choosing Three winners for in game $$

1st $10,000
2nd $3,500
3rd  $1000

Let's come up with an awesome list!  (At least two of the deeds must be outside Minecraft.)

I'll start..

1. Today bought extra hamburger and brought to the bum who always sleeps by the bus stop
2. Arranged a bouquet with flowers in my backyard for my neighbor who is too old to go out and buy them herself
3. Started a forum post hoping to motive a large amount of people to do good deeds <3

Good luck all!! Winners will be chosen Sunday evening 8:00 PST

Suggestions / Setting /Home restrictions
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:19:50 pm »
Hello all! Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I wanted to make a small suggestion I thought of today. We have quite a few users who are private about their homes , and I noticed placing door blocks at /home is common to prevent entry. I was wondering if there is some way we could permit certain restrictions when creating a /home. To prevent unwanted players access. Ex. Setprivatehome and so on.  To clarify, I'm not talking about land/area access , I'm referring to using someone else's /home.
I think even being able to toggle private or public for a current home is an idea as well.
Thanks again, cheers.

PS: if I were to write the code would it be something you all would consider.

Support / Will my donations rewards transfer with my new MC Account?
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:13:59 am »
Hello, I recently switched accounts from nLkolai to Nikoljan to avoid name confusion, and I am wondering if the rewards I received on nLkolai will transfer to my new account?  Thanks for looking this thread over.


General Discussion / NlKOLAI name change to Nikoljan
« on: April 20, 2013, 06:34:32 am »
Just so you are all aware, I did change my username due to the misleading L in nLkolai which caused some confusion when teleporting and sending me messages.  I hope this helps resolve some issues.  See you all soon!!

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