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Messages - bricker2011

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Bricker2011's Ban appeal - Please read and consider
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:40:13 pm »
Thank you so much, i wont let you down

Bricker2011 (Chloe)

Ban Appeals / Re: Bricker2011's Ban appeal - Please read and consider
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:16:19 pm »
1. I don't deny doing it, i understand it was wrong and i know it was stupid
2. we are separate accounts, the only reason i have added that to my brothers appeal now is because i have only just started playing minecraft again.
3. I dont use mods anymore and will never again use mods on minecraft.
4. I have learned something and that is to not use mods anymore... I just want to play on the server, that is all.

what kind of better reasons can i give you other than that i dont use mods anymore because its pointless because it wold just result in me being banned again. How can i prove to you that i wont do this again and that i just want to play on the server with my friends... It's been two years, i've grown up since then.
 EDIT:  I just found this post from a couple of years ago showing the moderator who banned me, unbanning me as i apologised etc. please look at this ^-^,18320.msg177937.html#msg177937


-Bricker2011 (Chloe)

I would just like to add that brickman2012 and bricker2011 are separate accounts, we are brother and sister. My brother wasn't logging off and logging on as me because we obviously have different accounts and he doesn't know my log in details.

Bricker2011 (Chloe)

Ban Appeals / Bricker2011's Ban appeal - Please read and consider
« on: January 19, 2015, 06:39:33 pm »
i was banned about 2 years ago for using a mod which i didn't know wasn't allowed to be used on the server. I personally believe that a ban that lasts longer than 2 years for a small reason like that is a tad unreasonable but that is just my opinion as it is obviously your server and you can set what ever rules you feel are necessary. I would like to request that i be unbanned so i can continue playing on your server as i used to enjoy playing on it with my friends. Ihave had two years to learn from this mistake and i don't use any kind of mods anymore.  I hope you consider my request to be unbanned and i hope to be able to continue playing on the server again after two years.,BanLookup.html?username=Bricker2011

Thank you,

Bricker2011 (Chloe)  :)

Ban Appeals / [crippnfeet] Bricker2011's Ban appeal
« on: August 10, 2013, 09:09:06 am »
Dear opticraft moderators,

I, Bricker2011, Would like to sincerely apologize for advertising my hamachi server on opticraft. I would just like to say that it was wrong and i promise not to advertise servers on opticraft again.
I would also like to apologize about using x-ray on the server, i didn't know that it wasnt allowed to be used on the server and i will not use mods like x-ray again on the server.

I hope you accept my apology and consider letting me back onto your amazing server.

Yours Sincerely

Bricker2011 (Chloe)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Operator] bricker2011 appeal
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:42:04 pm »
thanks so much, and dont worry i wont be advertising any more servers anymore  :)

Ban Appeals / [Operator] bricker2011 appeal
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:30:26 pm »
hello, i am Bricker2011 and i would like to appeal for my ban. i was banned by tabooti for advertising my server, and the ban never ends which i found was quite unfair as i did say that i wouldn't do it again, and people have done worse things and there bans don't last as long as mine. please reply. here is a link to my ban information page:,BanLookup.html?username=bricker2011

yours sincerely


p.s- i am a girl not a boy.

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