Name: My name is Joe Smith
Age: I am 27 years old.
Location: I am from Charlotte, North Carolina
Timezone: My timezone is Eastern.
Join date: I joined the server around the 22nd of April. I don't have the specific date. But I already was promoted to Recruit and now trying to seek a higher authority.
Forum Join date: Today I just joined the Opticraft forums which is April 29, 2011.
Current rank: I am currently a recruit, but please don't let that keep me from being approved. I am very mature and ran many guilds, clans, and gaming servers in my past.
Reason for application: I would like to join your ranks in helping the server become the number one server for Minecraft classic. I would also like to keep a safe and fun enviroment for all players and ban those pesky griefers!!!
Why you should become an operator:I believe I can be a great asset to the company and it's servers. I have a lot of free time so I am always online. I want to further myself in the Classic version of Minecraft. Although I started only a week ago and I am very talented in the game already. I know how to run a server from A clan I had joined and started with a friend back in 2003 and lasted until 2009. We then went to World of Warcraft which we created a few guilds and successfully beaten all content.
Have you been temp-op before?: No I have not been a temp-op before, if you can possibly put me as temp-op I can show you that I am trustworthy and very mature when it comes to gaming.
Extra information: I am also a independent business owner. I run and operate and
http://www.gamespa.netI am very professional at what I do and I strive to be best at what I do 110% all the time.
I hope after close evaluation that you will choose me as an operator for your gaming servers.
P.S. In this post I will be including screen shots of my great structure. I had spend 20+ hours on this building (no lie) and still working on it right now. (April 29, 2011 at 4:45pm Eastern time)
Thank you
aka in-game

Thats just a few I will post the rest later tonight. As for now I will continue my project.
You can view my building on server guest96