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Author Topic: Building Requirements for Ranks  (Read 17221 times)

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  • The Architect
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Building Requirements for Ranks
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:15:46 am »
Here you will find information on aspects we are looking for in builds in order for you to proceed to the next rank as well as the process you need to complete in order to rank. Please know that if your builds are rejected, you may apply again.


If you are ready to be ranked up, please refer below:

Novice - Recruit: Novices have a plot and free build world, /join novice or /join novicefb, where they need to build in a 32x32 plot or equivalent. Show an operator or crafter once you are done to move to the next rank. Refer to the building requirements below from this point on.

Recruit Tiers: Show an operator or crafter after each build to move through recruit ranks I-III, which means you will have 3 builds for recruit.

RecruitIII  - BuilderI: Create a post in this forum following the Builder Application Template and include all your recruit builds.

Builder Tiers: Show an admin or crafter after each build to move through builder ranks I-III.

BuilderIII - Crafter: Create a post in this forum following the Crafter Application Template and include all your builder builds.

These types of builds are acceptable, but are not allowable for judging and ranking and may not be built on the plot worlds.

   ♦   2d pixel art/sprites
   ♦   Player skins or statutes
   ♦   Redstone contraptions or if redstone is a primary part of the build. (simple redstone doors, redstone as a decoration(blood), etc are acceptable)
   ♦   Rollercoasters
   ♦   Parkour courses. (If parkour is built into a normal build so it doesn't look like just a parkour course it might be considered.)
   ♦   Generic box houses. Try to put a little creativity into it.
   ♦   No hateful or inappropriate builds / other offensive builds (Bannable).
   ♦   All builds need to be your own. You can not copy other's work and claim it as your own. That doesn't show your creativity, just how well you can steal.

***Please also note you are not allowed to use outside programs to help you build such as conversion machines to turn pictures into sprites or 3d modeling programs to turn a schematic or anything file or model type into blocks or layers.***


ALL ranks and tiers inherit their previous requirements unless otherwise specified. Each build for rank should be different from the rest of your early submissions, for example, a castle made out of various stones, woods, and decorative materials will pass, but the following builds may not be the same style of castle with a material change. You may define the theme of your plot to represent something that looks like a castle as something else, however, you may be told that it is too similar.
After submission, if you are not accepted, you will have an opportunity to rebuttal any comments hindering your promotion to explain your build in further detail.

Novice -
Demonstrate basic skills of building structure and topography. Builds entirely of the same material are not rank worthy.

Recruit Tiers -
Each build should be built on either the Recruit Plot World (/j Recruit) or the Recruit Free Build World (/j Recruitfb) and the space you use to build should be equal to or larger than a 32x32 area, the size of a Recruit Plot. You must have three builds in order to proceed to the Builder Tiers, the three of which need to include elements of Structure, Interior, Topography, and Organics. These aspects do not have to be present in each build, however, the three builds together must include them all.

Things to keep in mind:
   ♦   Structure refers to any build that has a house, castle, or other building. Try adding details to the exterior and refrain from creating box forms.
   ♦   When attempting topography, try experimenting with different land formations such as valleys, cliffs, mountains as well as adding in water features such as rivers, waterfalls, etc. Adding vegetation such as ground cover and hand made trees is also a good idea. The more detail in the topography, the great the chance your build will be accepted. Refrain from using bone meal to create trees and grasses, as this shows no creativity.
   ♦   Organics refers to builds that are sculptural such as an animal or statue, but please keep in mind that sprites and player skins are not rank worthy.
   ♦   We take into consideration space management when judging your builds. If your plot or build area is comprised of small builds that are very separate from one another and do not have any unity between them, theres a fair chance it will be rejected.

For each build, you will need to show an Operator or Crafter. If you have been promoted to RecruitIII and your third build has been accepted, you may apply for BuilderI.

Builder Tiers -
Each build should be built on either the Builder Plot World (/j Builder) or the Builder Free Build World (/j Builderfb) and the space you use to build should be equal to or larger than a 128x128 area, the size of a Builder Plot. You must have three builds in order to proceed to the Crafter Rank, the three of which need to include elements of Structure, Interior, Topography, and Organics, the same as the Recruit Tiers, however, in more detail. Experiment with mixing different styles of each element, such as a handful of exterior styles in the same build, or different topography styles in the same build. These aspects do not have to be present in each build, however, the three builds together must include them all.

Things to keep in mind:
   ♦   With a larger area, we expect your build to include more detail and poses greater qualities of space management, meaning that you should experiment with expanding your builds above ground with larger landforms/structures and below ground with things like caves, mines, ravines, etc.
   ♦  Your build should also include more organic additions such as hand made trees over bone meal trees as well as other elements such as rock formations, unique ways to create ground cover and texturing. By doing so, you should be able to create topography and landscape not found within a Minecraft world.
   ♦  At this point, all aspects that you have within your build should greatly compliment one another and provide a sense of unity.

You will also gain access to limited world edit (//set,//sphere,//cyl,//pyramid,//hollow,/info,//line,//undo,//redo,//replace, etc.)

In order to proceed to the Crafter Rank, you should be able to demonstrate that you can create a build with varying structure styles as well as topography styles with unique organics included. For each build, you will need to show an Operator or Crafter. If you have been promoted to BuilderIII and your third build has been accepted, you may apply for Crafter.

Crafter -
Challenge the current Master Crafter to a building competition with an agreed upon theme and build size. The theme can be assigned if requested. The minimum build size for a Crafter competition is 128x128, the size of a builder plot. If there isn't a Master Crafter at the time, Crafter's may challenge each other. If more than one wish's to participate, a bracket will be formed by Staff.

You will also be granted full worldedit as Crafter.

Master Crafter -
You're a damn good builder. You may be challenged by a Crafter and must respond within a month or forfeit your rank, where two other Crafters may compete.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 04:33:33 pm by TheWholeLoaf »
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