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Author Topic: Officially Leaving Notice  (Read 2374 times)

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Officially Leaving Notice
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:36:59 pm »
Hey guys, Quinton here, if you have read the subject of this you would know that I am leaving. A little over two and a half years... This is the time I have been on Opticraft. Opticraft was my first server that I have ever been on, I remember logging on the exact day I joined. I spawned into the original spawn castle and had no idea what to do, so I asked, and all of a sudden I got overwhelmed with joy with how awesome and nice the community was. There was probably about 30 out of the 115 people on happy to help. This journey through opticraft I wouldnt of been able to make it alone. One person I want to thank is Zeradeth, for giving me the wood to start my very first house, which was a disgrace to houses, but it was my house and I was happy to be a part of the community. But sadly Opticraft has died down alot, the max people usually on is around 15-20 if you are lucky. Plus I am into some new servers and I am busy with school work in my new school.

So here is my Good-Bye to Opticraft, but remember, keep staying awesome you guys!

~~Live On~~