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Who do you think will die at the Trip Finale?

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Author Topic: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!  (Read 39317 times)

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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2014, 06:37:00 pm »
Other travelers back at Fort Bridger warned them of thieves on the trail between Fort Bridger and Soda Springs. As the group had stopped to rest for the night, Claw the leader, volunteered to keep watch, much to the protests of Salsa. After clubbing Salsa on the head, he ordered the rest of them to go to sleep. After finding a small puddle, Claw was too busy admiring his likeness to notice a middle-aged man sneak past him, rummage through their wagon and run off with 9 sets of clothes...

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Claw realizes he was holding the map upside down again....

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Salsa tells Claw they're running low on food so Claw goes out hunting...

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After shooting 2 deers and a bear, they realized they could only carry back the bear meat. The group is forced to leave the other carcasses behind.

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The group reaches another river crossing.

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Claw doesn't think the wagon will be able to float across on its own so he enlists the help of a local Shoshani guide at the price of 2 sets of clothing.

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Wone got caught in Claw and Salsa's catfight and was pushed off the moving wagon. After realizing what they've done, they went back for him and found him with a broken leg.

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« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 06:55:06 pm by DJAlphaWolf »


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2014, 06:46:25 pm »
I never got sick nor injured too.
Maybe a lil bit traumatised,  though.

Wone got caught in Claw and Salsa's catfight and was pushed off the moving wagon. After realizing what they've done, they went back for him found him with a broken leg.
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You were saying?

After finding a small puddle, Claw was too busy admiring his likeness to notice a middle-aged man sneak past him, rummage through their wagon and run off with 9 sets of clothes...

I regret nothing. I'm a beautiful man! We didn't need those clothes anyway...


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2014, 08:59:22 pm »
After several months of hard, strenuous travel, our injured ox dies.

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Looks like we're gonna need TWO buckets...

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On the same day Kag contracts his disease, one of the oxen collapses and brings the wagon to a halt. Upon inspection, its found to have broken one of its legs. It stands up on its own though, determined to continue on the journey. Claw begins to  grow weary of their luck.

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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2014, 10:34:17 pm »
Poll 1: Will salsa catch typhoid in the first few turns?
Poll 2: Will salsa ever catch typhoid?
Both answered yes unanimously other than myself.
Public enemy #1 of the game.
And now...

Leader: Claw- Healthy

- IGen- Cholera
- Salsa- Healthy
- Wone- Broken Leg
- Kag- Broken Arm, Dysentery

And I want to request a peace treaty with team claw. Seeing as we're the only healthy ones it would be best for the others.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 10:42:07 pm by SalsaInABowl »
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2014, 10:46:24 pm »
And I want to request a peace treaty with team claw. Seeing as we're the only healthy ones it would be best for the others.

You clubbed me on the head!

I suggest that we sacrifice Salsa to Zeus / Cthulu / The Devil / DJAlphaWolf / The Sun God to try and prevent this string of bad luck that he is obviously causing.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2014, 11:15:11 pm »
And I want to request a peace treaty with team claw. Seeing as we're the only healthy ones it would be best for the others.

You clubbed me on the head!

I suggest that we sacrifice Salsa to Zeus / Cthulu / The Devil / DJAlphaWolf / The Sun God to try and prevent this string of bad luck that he is obviously causing.

It's not my fault DJ is dictating our actions.
And bad luck? I'd say good luck because everyone is falling ill and yet our leader remains healthy.
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2014, 11:45:11 pm »


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2014, 01:39:14 am »
We reach yet another fork in the path. Claw decided to head to The Dalles.

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IGen's battle with cholera and Kag's singing have made him restless. Not sleeping well for several days, IGen begins to experience symptoms of exhaustion.

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Claw stops the wagon and says they are gonna rest for a few days. He advises IGen to sleep well and rest up. The group tries to wake him on the second morning of rest but IGen has already long left them.

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Who else will die? Have Claw and Salsa finally settled their differences? Will we ever see the end of this godforsaken trail from hell? Stay tuned and find out on the trip finale coming at 12 PM CST on 4/11/14!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 04:27:38 am by DJAlphaWolf »


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2014, 02:01:08 am »
Claw. Our terms were clear. You were to protect us and you were to ensure that iGen lives. Our peace treaty is now invalid and war rages on. And if kag dies I'm taking leadership because clearly you are incapable of leading us to safety.

With the death of iGen I will say a few words.

He dead. He was cool. *sobs*

I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2014, 05:40:42 am »
iGen dieded?!


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2014, 09:53:15 am »
Pffff, we didn't need him anyway.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2014, 02:40:53 pm »
Pffff, we didn't need him anyway.

That's it.
I push claw off the wagon
Broken skeleton and urinary system.
Super cancersenteryphoidera.
Claw dies.
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2014, 06:01:00 pm »
Trip Finale!

After burying their fallen comrade, the group forces Claw to take a few days of rest to mourn him before continuing onwards.

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The group reaches its final divide. Having spent every last dollar he had back in Independence on supplies and beer, Claw is forced to make the decision to float down the Columbia River. He caulks the wagon and tells everyone to brace themselves...

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The river rapids are too strong and the wagon is barely handling it....Salsa begins berating Claw for not saving a few dollars for the toll road...The two get in a large argument and eventually fists start flying...Wone desperately tries to stop this pointless violence but is kicked to the back of the wagon...Claw slips and falls overboard, clinging onto the wagon with his life and a look of fear....The wagon is now tilted as supplies begin falling off...Salsa, although mad at Claw, reaches his hand out to pull him up and save him....Claw grabs Salsa's hand and pulls him into the water....he then proceeds to pull himself up into the wagon...A panting Claw, Wone and Kag barely glimpse Salsa's last struggle for life as the river claims him as its own...

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Claw immediately jumps up and starts to steer the wagon/raft again, narrowly missing a rock as some more supplies fall over...

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Eventually, the river finally calms as Claw and Wone pull the wagon to shore...."We've made it!", Claw exclaims. Kag and Wone start to distance themselves from Claw as they decide to walk behind the slow moving wagon (despite their conditions). As they walk by other settlers, the group marvels at their soon-to-be new home, full of beauty and possibility. They have survived the Oregon Trail and now they are home.

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Congratulations winners! I will now begin taking names for the next trip if anyone is interested.

The next trip will begin whenever I find time to do it. Maybe a few days. Maybe a week. But thanks for participating and thanks for the awesome roleplay. It was definitely a fun experience. Hope you all enjoyed!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 06:13:18 pm by DJAlphaWolf »


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2014, 07:01:54 pm »
I push claw off the wagon

Karma, bitch.

If for some odd reason you survive/were the healthiest in your trip, you're automatically placed on the trip next round. Because we all just want to watch you die :3.

Trip 1
Leader: Claw- Healthy

- IGen- Dead
- Salsa- Dead
- Wone- Broken Leg
- Kag- Broken Arm, Dysentery
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 07:06:06 pm by clawstrider »


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Re: Opticraft plays...Oregon Trail!
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2014, 10:03:29 pm »
I can be one of the peoplez.
Holy balls.
Do not be afraid of your mistakes in the past Embrace them, Cherish them, and Reflect on them.