Griefing blocks from dash102's home and others.
My mouse button was stuck (I have this reaallly old dell ball mouse from like, 1995, PS/2 mouse) and it destroyed 2 BLOCKS FROM SOMEONE'S HOME*
Griefing OTHERS PLAYERS HOMES? -_- This is false. I can tell you that.
And I replaced the blocks, anyway.
I was banned by: GirlLuvzerMac
(who didn't even check to see if I replaced the blocks, and jumped to the conclusion that I was a griefer)
And I'm an admin on
5 SERVERS, so why would I be griefing?
I'm an admin on
I really feel like I'm being mocked.
I honestly do.
And GirlLuvzerMac should get bumped down for false banning, and not even taking the time to check the damages done, and simply just being careless.
(And when I came to dash's house, It was already greifed, for one thing. So she saw the massively griefed house, which I had by accident taken 2 blocks from, and replaced, and assumed it was me.)
(And once more, I didn't grief anyone's house and I am
NOT a griefer. Nor do I have a reputation.)
Now, and GirlLuvzerMac is probably like 13 - 18, and I'm in 4th grade (11yrs old) and have more consideration than her.
If I think someone has done a bad grief, then I check over the server log (on those servers admin have access to that) and question people so much that it's obvious they did it.
I'm Much more smarter admin than whoever banned me. (OoooOOOoohhhh, and I'm a in a Gifted Class (no wonder I'm so smart at solving griefs and other stuff outside of minecraft))
(user is flash_bomber, and thank for taking your time to look at this.)
Edit: Maybe I do get too cocky. Dunno.

Oh, and my TimeZone is wrong.
I'm in New York timezone.