Age: 13
Location: Tennessee, United States
Timezone: Central Standard Timezone [GMT -5]
Join Date: May 24, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No [Feel Free to add your name]
Why you should become a moderator:The reason I am putting a Moderator App in, is because I have been on the server, quite a while now, I have familiarized myself with the server's plugins, and I am very great with handling people that get angry due to grief, or need water or lava, I am always there for them. When people yell "Grief", I usually tell them to use /helpop (Helpop is broken, so I try to notify a staff member as soon as possible.) I am always active, although my computer was getting fixed, I try to keep my activity levels high, and so I am extremely active when there's not any school. I have had past experience with the rank, and so I know if I need to ban a player for how long, rolling back grief, etc.