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Messages - Informer21

Pages: [1]
Discussion forum / Re: Why operators don't answer all requests.
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:44:38 am »
Nor am I. I am also in-fact stating my opinion.

Discussion forum / Re: Why operators don't answer all requests.
« on: May 04, 2011, 12:39:45 am »
I speak for myself on this reply. I enjoy keeping the server friendly and clean from griefers and other unusual creations.

I would have not applied if I didn't, but I also like to sometimes take time to myself and build some objects or work on a project of mine.

If it is not possible to build as an operator I guess this isn't the job for me. I don't see it being greedy taking a day off and enjoying the server like everyone else. Nor do I see it being greedy spending 2-6hours as an operator during the day and then taking 3hours that night to build.

I am not here to continually watch over children(griefers 100% of the time). I do my job as an operator and had not gotten any negative feedback as of yet.

I will personally speak to Optical when he is online and explain my situation and I do think he will agree with me.

You can quote all you want, but I still see what I do is fair. If he disagrees with me then fine I will ask to have my OP rights removed and there won't be that extra OP to help out during times when no one is on.


aka Informer21

Discussion forum / Why operators don't answer all requests.
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:10:29 am »
Hello everyone!  My name is Joe (IRL) and I would like to explain why operators cannot always answer all requests. 

Here is a list of some reasons why we do not answer all requests. Also please be aware we are trying very hard to answer all your requests.

1. We are helping other people at that moment in time. Thus we sometimes forget who also asked for help.

2. We sometimes are alone with no additional operators helping.

3. We also like to enjoy the game and build sometimes. We put many hours in to keeping the servers as best we can with the amount of operators on hand.

RL (Real Life) plays an important roll on why we do not answer all requests.

4.We may not be near our computer at the time of request.

5. We all do our jobs out of charity, but we are working very hard in the background of the servers trying and keeping the servers free of griefers, spammers, bots, and other obscene creations. Thus being said, we sometimes are occupied with other daily routines in and out of game.

From all of us at Opticraft, we would like to truly apologize to those who do not get a immediate response to your requests. We will all try much harder to answer and fix any problems or requests in a timely manner. As time goes on we hope to have more operators on hand for all world timezones.

If you are interested in joining our forces please post an application in the application section of the forums.  Any reasonable and well written application will be looked at by our administrator team.

Thank you,

Operator (In-game customer service team)  :D

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - vegemite11
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:39:58 am »
Well I Support this poster and his willingness to become an operator.  A+

Even though I am fairly new and don't have much say yet. I think he would be a great and tremendous addition to the operator team. He is very helpful not just with me, but also other new clients joining the server each day. He does in-fact help with reporting of the Nazi symbols and other obscene structures. He did in-fact build many and awesome structures and he is very mature for his age.

I usually don't like giving younger people power since they sometimes abuse the rights that are given to them, but with proper guidance and help he will do very well.

Well you now know my opinion on this application.

Thank you,


omg MR_mr_mr that sig of the wolf? I had a dream about a damn box wolf the other day chasing me!!! When i spend 24hours on this server the other day lol....

You can pick up a cheap headset at walmart for $8.54. Or buy it online and will come to a total with shipping $12.19. Link below:

I am down for it. Count me in. I believe we should get together more often. We all are working together on this server to bring our clients great customer service.

If we all at least try to sign on at the same time once a month. Maybe we all can bond and get to know each other. The more of a family atmosphere we have; we will all feel more comfortable with each other.

So also if you do not have a mic you should try and get one. It will help a ton!


Rejected / Operator (OP) - Informer21
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:09:02 pm »
Name: My name is Joe Smith

Age: I am 27 years old.

Location: I am from Charlotte, North Carolina

My timezone is Eastern.

Join date: I joined the server around the 22nd of April. I don't have the specific date. But I already was promoted to Recruit and now trying to seek a higher authority.

Forum Join date: Today I just joined the Opticraft forums which is April 29, 2011.

Current rank: I am currently a recruit, but please don't let that keep me from being approved. I am very mature and ran many guilds, clans, and gaming servers in my past.

Reason for application: I would like to join your ranks in helping the server become the number one server for Minecraft classic. I would also like to keep a safe and fun enviroment for all players and ban those pesky griefers!!!

Why you should become an operator:
I believe I can be a great asset to the company and it's servers. I have a lot of free time so I am always online. I want to further myself in the Classic version of Minecraft. Although I started only a week ago and I am very talented in the game already.  I know how to run a server from A clan I had joined and started with a friend back in 2003 and lasted until 2009. We then went to World of Warcraft which we created a few guilds and successfully beaten all content.

Have you been temp-op before?:
No I have not been a temp-op before, if you can possibly put me as temp-op I can show you that I am trustworthy and very mature when it comes to gaming.

Extra information: I am also a independent business owner. I run and operate and

I am very professional at what I do and I strive to be best at what I do 110% all the time.

I hope after close evaluation that you will choose me as an operator for your gaming servers.

P.S. In this post I will be including screen shots of my great structure. I had spend 20+ hours on this building (no lie) and still working on it right now. (April 29, 2011 at 4:45pm Eastern time)

Thank you


aka in-game


Thats just a few I will post the rest later tonight. As for now I will continue my project.

You can view my building on server guest96

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