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Messages - jonasknilsen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
Server News / Re: SMP 1.0 is now live @ smp.opticraft.net
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:02:04 pm »
Thank u!

Offtopic / Re: Official Opticraft Builder Song
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:42:47 pm »
Haha :D

Introductions / Re: Hello all
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:35:06 pm »
Aha ;P your funny...
Welcome ;)

General Discussion / Re: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:24:48 pm »
Same to you tobs! :D

General Discussion / MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:04:02 pm »
I just wanted to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!!!! I hope everyone will have an awesome christmas!!!!!


Merry Christmas! :D

Discussion forum / Re: Just Joined, Maybe Leaving...
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:57:47 pm »
I think i know whats the issue, i was ipbanned, could not go on any account, but now i can go on my second one... but not the builder account... so ipban is gone, but Regular ban... is there

Discussion forum / Re: Just Joined, Maybe Leaving...
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:46:13 pm »
He said he would remove the ban right now... then he left the game. and i have waited hours now...

Discussion forum / Just Joined, Maybe Leaving...
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:40:37 pm »
Forget it, not quitting


Introductions / Re: I'm ezzo, again!
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:06:54 pm »
Welcome Back :DD

Accepted / Re: [operator application] gameguy96
« on: December 22, 2011, 03:04:11 pm »
Maybe this will be your Christmas Present :D you never know ;P

Good Luck!!

Thank you guys! A Merry Christmas to you too guys!

Creations / Re: Operator world Airship
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:52:32 pm »

May i ask how you get texture pack on minecraft classic? or is that "Creative Mode" on Minecraft SP?

Offtopic / Re: Sorry to tell you guys the truth but...
« on: December 21, 2011, 09:20:48 pm »
Was this a troll? or did i just fail?? ;OO

Merry x-mas to u too ;P

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14