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Messages - TheWholeLoaf

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Support / How to Connect to the Modded Server
« on: February 21, 2019, 04:24:28 pm »
The easiest way is to download the twitch app (https://app.twitch.tv/)
Click on the Mods tab – Find Minecraft – You’ll see a tab that says my modpacks, it will be empty.
Next to that is Browse all Modpcks – search for FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.12 and select that.
Next, go back to My Modpacks and play Direwolf20
The Minecraft Launcher will open and the Direwolf20 profile will be selected. You will need to edit the profile.
Select Launch Options and click on the direwolf profile – under JVM arguments, change -Xmx307sm to -Xmx4g or -Xmx6g
This changes the amount of ram allocated to the game. It needs to be at least 4g, however, we have found that 5g or 6g works better. Play with this setting if you cannot connect or keep crashing.

Accepted / Re: Builder1 Application - __gavin
« on: August 16, 2018, 07:11:31 pm »
Accepted - Very nice level of detail and application, your build has quite a bit of each of the four aspects we are looking for. Topography is definitely your strongest while interior is probably the weakest on this build. Some more advanced interiors and maybe organics would be very interesting to see in the future. Congratz!

Accepted / Re: Builder Application - butterflywolves
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:42:41 am »
Accepted - very creative builds and incorporation of the four aspects we're looking for. Keep up the good work!

Accepted / Re: Builder Application - Kodak28
« on: January 02, 2018, 12:47:29 am »
Accepted. You may now build on /j Builder and /j Builderfb.

Rejected / Re: Crafter - Claw
« on: December 28, 2017, 09:02:31 pm »
Rejected - copied build.

Announcements / Re: Opticraft 2018 Convention!
« on: December 14, 2017, 07:18:37 am »
Tickets for this will go on sale for the preorder discount the 15th at 9am EST. Check this webpage if you decide to buy a ticket at any point in time up until the event. http://www.minefaire.com

Announcements / Opticraft 2018 Convention!
« on: December 08, 2017, 02:46:44 am »
Opticraft Convention
Chicago Illinois - September 7-9 2018

Hello Opticrafters! We have noticed that there will be a Minecraft Community Event held by Minefaire in Chicago next year. A few members of our community have already expressed interest in going, and we thought this would be a perfect opportunity to hold the first Opticraft get together!

More information on ticket sales, other locations, etc can be found here: http://www.minefaire.com

These members have signed up:


Details -

This is presumed to be held at the Schaumburg Convention Center 30 minutes outside of downtown.

O'hare International Airport is your best option if you are flying in.

Where to stay:
We recommend these hotels so we can all be in a close radius around the Convention center, which is North West of where Interstate 90 and Interstate 290 intersect.

  ♦  Wyndham Garden Schaumburg Chicago Northwest
  ♦  Embassy Suites Chicago - Schaumburg - Woodfield
  ♦  Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel (This is where the event will be held)
  ♦  Residence Inn by Marriott
  ♦  SpringHill Suites by Marriott
  ♦  Hyatt Place Chicago/Schaumburg

If you're also wanting to check out Chicago, you can get a hotel in the city, however, Schaumburg is only 30 minutes out. The hotels within the city will most likely be more expensive as well.

Local transportation:
Lyft and uber will most likely be the most economic option and allows you to share rides to split the costs.

If money is an issue for you, you may consider buddying up with someone or a group to split a hotel room, however, please be aware that you haven't met most of the members of our community in person, so proceed with caution. This isn't like the server, and those of us who staff our community will not be responsible for you.

A brief itinerary
We plan to meet up as a group on Saturday the 8th around noon to check out this event.
This will be updated the closer we get, and is subject to change.

Accepted / Re: Builder App - LucidLove
« on: December 04, 2017, 01:48:34 am »

I would encourage you to build outside of your comfort zone like you did with the castle more often in the future.
Also, builder builds are all done solo, so no help from penguin this time :p

Accepted / Re: Builder App - Clawstrider
« on: November 20, 2017, 04:15:41 am »

In the future, if a build gains you a rank, please don't delete it so others may view it as well.

Discussion / Want to save your plot builds for yourself? Look Here!
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:27:03 am »
With the plot plugin we are using, PlotSquared, you are able to get schematic files of your current plot build.

Use the command /plot download while standing in your plot. This will give you a website link for the schematic file.

Applications / Building Requirements for Ranks
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:15:46 am »
Here you will find information on aspects we are looking for in builds in order for you to proceed to the next rank as well as the process you need to complete in order to rank. Please know that if your builds are rejected, you may apply again.


If you are ready to be ranked up, please refer below:

Novice - Recruit: Novices have a plot and free build world, /join novice or /join novicefb, where they need to build in a 32x32 plot or equivalent. Show an operator or crafter once you are done to move to the next rank. Refer to the building requirements below from this point on.

Recruit Tiers: Show an operator or crafter after each build to move through recruit ranks I-III, which means you will have 3 builds for recruit.

RecruitIII  - BuilderI: Create a post in this forum following the Builder Application Template and include all your recruit builds.

Builder Tiers: Show an admin or crafter after each build to move through builder ranks I-III.

BuilderIII - Crafter: Create a post in this forum following the Crafter Application Template and include all your builder builds.

These types of builds are acceptable, but are not allowable for judging and ranking and may not be built on the plot worlds.

   ♦   2d pixel art/sprites
   ♦   Player skins or statutes
   ♦   Redstone contraptions or if redstone is a primary part of the build. (simple redstone doors, redstone as a decoration(blood), etc are acceptable)
   ♦   Rollercoasters
   ♦   Parkour courses. (If parkour is built into a normal build so it doesn't look like just a parkour course it might be considered.)
   ♦   Generic box houses. Try to put a little creativity into it.
   ♦   No hateful or inappropriate builds / other offensive builds (Bannable).
   ♦   All builds need to be your own. You can not copy other's work and claim it as your own. That doesn't show your creativity, just how well you can steal.

***Please also note you are not allowed to use outside programs to help you build such as conversion machines to turn pictures into sprites or 3d modeling programs to turn a schematic or anything file or model type into blocks or layers.***


ALL ranks and tiers inherit their previous requirements unless otherwise specified. Each build for rank should be different from the rest of your early submissions, for example, a castle made out of various stones, woods, and decorative materials will pass, but the following builds may not be the same style of castle with a material change. You may define the theme of your plot to represent something that looks like a castle as something else, however, you may be told that it is too similar.
After submission, if you are not accepted, you will have an opportunity to rebuttal any comments hindering your promotion to explain your build in further detail.

Novice -
Demonstrate basic skills of building structure and topography. Builds entirely of the same material are not rank worthy.

Recruit Tiers -
Each build should be built on either the Recruit Plot World (/j Recruit) or the Recruit Free Build World (/j Recruitfb) and the space you use to build should be equal to or larger than a 32x32 area, the size of a Recruit Plot. You must have three builds in order to proceed to the Builder Tiers, the three of which need to include elements of Structure, Interior, Topography, and Organics. These aspects do not have to be present in each build, however, the three builds together must include them all.

Things to keep in mind:
   ♦   Structure refers to any build that has a house, castle, or other building. Try adding details to the exterior and refrain from creating box forms.
   ♦   When attempting topography, try experimenting with different land formations such as valleys, cliffs, mountains as well as adding in water features such as rivers, waterfalls, etc. Adding vegetation such as ground cover and hand made trees is also a good idea. The more detail in the topography, the great the chance your build will be accepted. Refrain from using bone meal to create trees and grasses, as this shows no creativity.
   ♦   Organics refers to builds that are sculptural such as an animal or statue, but please keep in mind that sprites and player skins are not rank worthy.
   ♦   We take into consideration space management when judging your builds. If your plot or build area is comprised of small builds that are very separate from one another and do not have any unity between them, theres a fair chance it will be rejected.

For each build, you will need to show an Operator or Crafter. If you have been promoted to RecruitIII and your third build has been accepted, you may apply for BuilderI.

Builder Tiers -
Each build should be built on either the Builder Plot World (/j Builder) or the Builder Free Build World (/j Builderfb) and the space you use to build should be equal to or larger than a 128x128 area, the size of a Builder Plot. You must have three builds in order to proceed to the Crafter Rank, the three of which need to include elements of Structure, Interior, Topography, and Organics, the same as the Recruit Tiers, however, in more detail. Experiment with mixing different styles of each element, such as a handful of exterior styles in the same build, or different topography styles in the same build. These aspects do not have to be present in each build, however, the three builds together must include them all.

Things to keep in mind:
   ♦   With a larger area, we expect your build to include more detail and poses greater qualities of space management, meaning that you should experiment with expanding your builds above ground with larger landforms/structures and below ground with things like caves, mines, ravines, etc.
   ♦  Your build should also include more organic additions such as hand made trees over bone meal trees as well as other elements such as rock formations, unique ways to create ground cover and texturing. By doing so, you should be able to create topography and landscape not found within a Minecraft world.
   ♦  At this point, all aspects that you have within your build should greatly compliment one another and provide a sense of unity.

You will also gain access to limited world edit (//set,//sphere,//cyl,//pyramid,//hollow,/info,//line,//undo,//redo,//replace, etc.)

In order to proceed to the Crafter Rank, you should be able to demonstrate that you can create a build with varying structure styles as well as topography styles with unique organics included. For each build, you will need to show an Operator or Crafter. If you have been promoted to BuilderIII and your third build has been accepted, you may apply for Crafter.

Crafter -
Challenge the current Master Crafter to a building competition with an agreed upon theme and build size. The theme can be assigned if requested. The minimum build size for a Crafter competition is 128x128, the size of a builder plot. If there isn't a Master Crafter at the time, Crafter's may challenge each other. If more than one wish's to participate, a bracket will be formed by Staff.

You will also be granted full worldedit as Crafter.

Master Crafter -
You're a damn good builder. You may be challenged by a Crafter and must respond within a month or forfeit your rank, where two other Crafters may compete.

Applications / Builder Application Template and Information
« on: November 16, 2017, 04:55:09 am »
Have you been through the three Recruit tiers (RecruitI-RecruitIII) and want to proceed to the next rank, BuilderI? Then read this to see how you apply to become one!

Please copy and paste the template below into a new thread within this forum, filling out the blanks.
Any posts which do not follow this template will be closed and ignored.

Sites to upload your screenshots of your builds:
- http://www.imgur.com
- http://www.tinypic.com
- http://www.imageshack.us
- http://photobucket.com 

Please note that this application is only needed to achieve the rank of BuilderI. RecruitI-III applications are not needed, ask an operator or crafter in-game to rank through the Recruit tiers. Please only post serious applications, wait some time as RecruitIII before applying for BuilderI to better your chances. If your application is rejected, please wait a minimum of 1 day before reapplying. You MUST provide pictures or links to pictures as well as in-game coordinates/plot number in your application for each build.


Title: BuilderI Application - Name

In-game name:
Join Date:
Briefly describe all your builds through the Recruit Tiers:
Coordinates/plot numbers of each build:
Links to screenshots of the creations:
Do you agree to allow us to put your builds on our social media? Yes/No:
(Credit will be given to you, it just shows off your builds and our server)
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):

(click to show/hide)

Applications / Crafter Application Template and Information
« on: November 16, 2017, 04:37:25 am »
The Crafter rank is the next rank after the Builder ranks. These players have shown extraordinary building talent in the fields of structure, interior, and topography. They create some of the most impressive creations on Opticraft Creative. As they are among the best, this rank is not an easy one to achieve, but practice and patience will get you there. To achieve this, a player must show incredible building capabilities as well as dedication. This rank will be given by Admin+.

The creations in your application must be your own work, no team building or help from others.

Please copy and paste the template below into a new thread within this forum, filling out the blacks. Any posts that do not follow this template will be closed and ignored.

REMINDER: These builds must show incredible talent, use of space, structure, interior, and topography all working together.


Title: Crafter Application - Name
Join Date:
Briefly describe all your builds through the Builder Tiers:
Coordinates/plot number of each build:
Links to screenshots of your builds:
Do you agree to allow us to put your builds on our social media? Yes/No:
(Credit will be given to you, it just shows off your builds and our server)
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):

Announcements / Re: Introducing the Opticraft Network!
« on: October 30, 2017, 11:04:51 pm »
if opticraft could rise to its former glory somehow, that would be amazing.  I think y'all should try the jobs plugin, it earns you money every time you do a certain action. A good economy is what this server will need if it will ever not be dead tbh

That means things like the economy and market are gone.

We are getting rid of a currency based economy, yes. So something like the jobs plugin would not fit. However, we will be implementing a trading plugin at a later time for the survival server.

Announcements / Introducing the Opticraft Network!
« on: October 28, 2017, 10:24:25 pm »

Dear Opticraft,

We are excited to announce the release of our new Opticraft Network!

Along with a brand new Survival and Creative server, our main focus has been on cross-server access and communication, to further connect the servers and community together.
With the help of BungeeCord, we have been able to achieve this and so much more.

As a long time ambition and project for many of us, we hope you enjoy the new experience and make some new memories along the way.

The network is now open to everyone! Thank you for your patience. For more information on each server and the changes to expect, please see below.

Network Features
  • Connect to the network with a single IP address
  • Switch servers from anywhere on the network
  • Chat with friends and players across all servers
  • Navigate the networks features with the menu system
  • Modify network specific settings like show/hide player chat
  • Manage your profile and social pages - Coming Soon!
  • Add players to your friends list  - Coming Soon!
  • Earn reward points in numerous ways and spend them on perks - Coming Soon!

Opticraft Survival

To make things more challenging this time around, we wanted the new Survival server to have a greater focus on vanilla survival. That means things like the economy and market are gone.

An all new protection system has been developed and allows players to protect blocks however they want.
Every player automatically starts with 15625 blocks, or a 25x25x25 cuboid. Additional blocks can be earned through promotion and events and will also soon be available for purchase with reward points in the networks in-game rewards store.

Opticraft Creative

Creative now has a combination of open free build worlds and plot worlds. Every succeeding rank will have access to new free build and plot worlds, as well as 50% larger plot sizes.
The old personal worlds are still accessible to those who generously donated for them. Additional personal worlds will soon be available for purchase with reward points in the networks in-game rewards store.
Promotions will be done solely through the plot worlds, while the free build and personal worlds are more for practice and fun with your friends.

We've introduced a tiered-based ranking system which should help give each rank a greater sense of progression. Every build application will be evaluated by an Operator using our building standards.
The 3 building ranks, Recruit, Builder, and Crafter each have 3 tiers. The first tier of each rank has 1 plot available, and promotion to the next tier grants an addition plot to build on, in order to be promoted to the next tier.

Opticraft Legacy

If you're worried the original SMP server was going anywhere, fear not. No changes were made to the server, however, we decided to rename it to the Legacy server to avoid confusion between the new Survival server.

Legacy will not be linked to the network initially, but we plan to get the network features available for the server shortly after this release.
While we won’t be actively developing anything new for Legacy, it will still be maintained and kept up to date.

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