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Messages - Zhenek1414

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Zhenek1414 Builder application
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:40:45 am »
Ingame name: Zhenek1414
Join date: 9th of Marth (it means that i was on the server just a little)
Briefly describe all your creations: I created the garden, my VIP grave, the pyramide hotel "RIP" and a bunker
What world are the creations on: WorldOfRecruits , the corner
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/PyBNMl&hNpVC&4t3Nj&xHOfb&arGgi&rKQJv&FrZNZ&c4e4Z&Cx7bJ&jb4FE&ECOAi
What is your current rank in Opticraft? : Recruit
Extra: i do it with miniport lags for a day
Do you agree with our terms : Yes

P.S. I agree i am the new on Opticraft and played so little... But I will wait if you want...
If i must to work hardly and more-just tell me!!!
If players said that i am the griefer...
1. They are telling lie.
2. Hackerrrr!!!
3. It wasn't me
4. /About =)
5. /About grieved by Zhenek1414=WTF?! o_O it can't be!!!

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