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Messages - MightAsWellCraft

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / MightAsWellCraft's "proxy" ban appeal
« on: June 28, 2013, 10:56:25 pm »
Hello, I am MightAsWellCraft. Some people here may know me as I played here sometime 1-1.5 years ago as a trusted member. I am currently on a vacation in Korea and its around 10 pm here, so I decided to visit some old servers I played on and had fun. I logged into this server and saw that my house is still intact, but shortly after get disconnected with this message:

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I don't understand why the server detected this IP as a proxy but this is the actual IP address of this computer.

(click to show/hide)

At first I thought it would be the HotSpot Shield program I installed recently (I tried to use it as a proxy to bypass the region barrier to play League of Legends on the NA server with my friends), but the program was disabled.

So, I am here now to appeal this "proxy" ban.

Support / Re: Items Stolen.
« on: January 22, 2012, 07:45:20 pm »
Thats why I make tree farms in my base. It provides a good amount of money if you sell the planks

Introductions / You Might As Well Craft
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:18:23 pm »
Hello, I am MightAsWellCraft.

I play minecraft casually just to have fun, make a base, adventrue etc. and I like to be part of large communities in minecraft. :D
I play other games (LoL, SC2, MW3) so PM me if you want my usernames and stuff.

I do enjoy listening to KPop, and I also bboy casually.

Sooo yeah. I am glad to be part of this community :D

Pages: [1]