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Messages - KingPanic

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: operator Tylerhan2000
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:04:00 pm »
When I was online earlier, all I saw in the chat was 2 operators beating down on one builder. Albeit, a very persistent builder, I saw no reason for the 2 OPs to treat him that way.

I'll have to admit, Tyler's persistence was a bit much, but there was no reason for the OPs to tell him to shut up every 5 seconds. Maybe it made sense to them, maybe I missed the part where Tyler really was worth getting kicked from the server, but I tuned in for a while and it was just plain ridiculous from an outside perspective.

I guess there was much more to the situation than I saw. (I read Morten's app threat.)

I can't vouch for or against you, but good luck with the application!

Accepted / [Builder] KingPanic
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:42:26 am »
Ingame name: KingPanic
Join date: Jan 3rd, 2011
Briefly describe all your creations: So far I've made a moonbase (Originally a death star, but RelKeb beat me to it, lol. I wanted to do something new.) The sphere started as an 8-legged spherical skeleton so I could make it as round as possible with square building blocks. I've also made a Minecraft version of my home, fully furnished and as close to scale as possible. It took quite a bit of trial and error, as well as working around other buildings (It was bigger than I thought it'd be.)
What worlds are the creations on: Both creations are in WorldofRecruits. The Moonbase it about 25 45 degrees left of the spawns lava slide. The House is slightly to the right of the water slide, just past the large castle, and next to JoelTheCool's house.  
Links to screenshots of the creation:
House gallery: http://imgur.com/a/JAOjt
Moon base gallery: http://imgur.com/a/zaflm
Names of players who helped contribute: All on my own, though JoelTheCool helped me fill up the sphere for about 5 minutes.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I see a pattern of people being rejected for not having enough work. Completely understandable, I thought I'd give it a shot though, hoping a 40-brick-tall moon base would compensate.
Do you agree with our terms?: Of course.

Creations / Semi-true version of my house.
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:27:22 am »
I like my house, so I decided to make it on Minecraft as a project. It took a lot of trial and error, and I had to find a spot open enough for my to build. Everything is pretty much furnished like it is in reality. I'm surprised how well it came out, though a few things came out of proportion, because it's Minecraft.. lol.

Pics: http://imgur.com/a/JAOjt

It seems bland because, honestly, 90% of my house is hardwood, and my brother is the only person in the place with carpet, lol. Obviously, not all the walls are hardwood, but there was no way to make the right walls white without screwing up the outside wall as well.

Creations / Re: AH1W "Supercobra"
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:27:43 am »
That's pretty sick, awesome job

Creations / Moon base! (Started as a Death Star..)
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:13:05 am »
I decided to create a death stay almost immediately gaining recruit status. "Ho, this is going to be amazing" I thought.

And then, I noticed that, not only did someone one think of it, they started before I did.

BUT I HAD GONE TOO FAR. I had made an 8-legged skeleton of the sphere and filled up half of it, solid. So I made it into something else. What else? I don't know, but it looks like a moon base, right?


From above:

From afar:

Up close: (~20 blocks high):


Bottom of the water elevator:

Main base level (I know, the shadows make the design look even more complicated):

Elevator goes all the way up:


Sub Level 1:

Sub-level 2:

So yeah, it's extremely empty. I'm gonna fill it up once I figure something out, but for now I'm content with what I've done so far.

Thanks to whoever made http://i.imgur.com/2rR6J.jpg because it gave me the idea of a spherical skeleton.

As you can see, it is just left of the spawns lava slide:

And cheers to whoever made http://i.imgur.com/nCeqx.jpg (Update: Death Star belongs to RelKeb!)

Taking suggestions!

Rejected / Re: [GUEST] KingPanic
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:26:10 am »
LOL nice extra comments, XD and also... is that a dick on masterchief? did you place that there or was it griefers? ???

XD That's the tower I mentioned in the comments. Its probably the one I used to get up to the top, so that was my bad :x

Rejected / [BUILDER] KingPanic
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:23:52 am »
Ingame name: KingPanic
Join date: N/A (Want to be builder or recruit)
Briefly describe all your creations: Large double-entry skyhouse/treehouse, and a large 8-bit Master Cheif
What worlds are the creations on: J Guest :[
Links to screenshots of the creation:
Left tower: http://i.imgur.com/Zh0wE.jpg
Right Tower: http://i.imgur.com/LQeej.jpg
Middle walk-through: http://i.imgur.com/rVaty.jpg
Glass Ceiling: http://i.imgur.com/TOsoh.jpg
Outside: http://i.imgur.com/ry8TC.jpg
Master Cheif: http://i.imgur.com/KUWar.jpg (I swear to God that's a tower behind him. When you see it, you'll s*** bricks)
Master Cheif Up close:http://i.imgur.com/MvPwe.jpg
Names of players who helped contribute: N/A
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Guest
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Please, God, get me away from all the greifing noobs, I just want to build D:
Do you agree with our terms?: Yes!

Introductions / Yep.
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:36:16 pm »
I'm King Panic. I like building, so I'm pretty much here to become a builder and maybe do some bigger collaborations.

This is just one of my projects (Just the master Chief, I came back later and maintained the Mario just for a cool pic.) I've build plenty of roads, houses, castles, etc. I just wanna build somewhere it's not going to get destroyed so quickly.. ugh, and all the towers.. lol.

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