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Messages - gintoss

Pages: [1]
Creations / Re: Train!
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:13:48 pm »
Awesome! Makes me feel like a child playing with blocks in comparison xD

Creations / Gintoss 2 creations.
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:07:30 pm »
My very first building, and I remade it in the recruit world. That recruit world is now called /j recruit13. The Aztec Temple is at the left wall in the sky. There's a maze etc inside so enjoy it!

Here's a pic of my aztec temple: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/minecrafttemplegintoss2.png/

And my second work in the current recruit world (most likely to be /j recruit14 in the near future) It's in the left corner from where you enter. You'll find it ;)
It is a very big roman pillar, and inside is a staircase leading to the top part. Still planning to make something cool in there. On the sides and the back is an entrance to secret tunnels under the pillar, but nothing special in there.

Here's a pic of my Roman Pillar: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/gintossromanpillar.png/

And of course I added my nametag above both.

And I'd like to add that they look way nicer in-game, and the insides are worth checking out. Took a lot of work.

Also some news, I am going to apply as builder once I make 2 or 3 more of these pieces. Was a bit too hurried before, and I thought 1 piece was enough (Aztec Temple and city) but now after the Roman Pillar I think I might need some more, since ranks aren't meant to be gotten easily. Thanks for checking this out and reading this!


Rejected / [Builder application] Gintoss (2)
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:59:53 am »
Oops missed the template, I am sorry:

Ingame name: Gintoss
Join date: 6/24/2011
Briefly describe all your creations: I made floating aztec style ruins in the sky with a giant pyramid with a maze and a private room on top
What worlds are the creations on: I made my first 3 aztec houses and a giant pyramid (connected to each other) in the sky too on the /guest server. Then i got promoted to recruit because it was pretty big for one person i think... Then griefers deleted most of my pyramid and i destroyed it, and made an exact replica on /recruit. (If you are looking for it, it's at the right wall in the sky.)
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/minecrafttemplegintoss2.png/
Names of players who helped contribute: I made this all by myself (biggest part even twice.)
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I have no problem with doing boring long work. And my ruins are not finished just yet, I plan on making more houses around the temple and play a bit with waterways.
Do you agree with our terms Yes!

And excuses for not uploading the image here, but my image doesnt appear if i do it with the image tags.
+ additional excuses for not using this template before.  ;D

Rejected / [Builder application] Gintoss
« on: June 25, 2011, 11:36:21 pm »
I am making some aztec style ruins and I thought why not apply for builder? This is the second time I made this exact same aztec pyramid, but this time improved inside and outside. I am still busy making a small city around the temple. Inside there is a maze with traps, and when you finish the maze stairs to the next floor. The second floor shows how the aztec pyramid is being supported and there are small stairs to the upper level. Here you come into a small golden room where you can look outside through gaps, and when you find the "hidden" stairs, you can see my own private room and the open sky + a great view. My nametag is floating above the ruins. If you want to see the building yourself first, it is located in the recruit room, to the far right wall as you enter.

Now without wasting your time any further, here's my image:


I am very sorry, somehow if i put the link between {img}{/img} it doesnt work (i do use the [..] )

Pages: [1]