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Messages - FallenDrops

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:45:53 pm »
dont forget that mobs dont walk if you are more then 32 blocks away from them.

true, BUT! those in 128 blocks, when spawned they move for exactly 5 seconds!


the more you know!

maybe a little bit outdated?? its 1 year old, mob behavior changed a lot since then

I confirmed it in creative mode myself =D

Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:48:30 am »
dont forget that mobs dont walk if you are more then 32 blocks away from them.

true, BUT! those in 128 blocks, when spawned they move for exactly 5 seconds!


the more you know!

Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:55:20 pm »
to make a good-working-farm, you will need at least 1 double chest (54 stacks) of obsidian

we have already passed that long ago, we have about 1500 portals so far, when done itll be around 6000 portals.

Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 04, 2013, 07:24:46 pm »
Thanks! I have given you access to my lair including our gold farm! *cheers* we will continue our work asap!

Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 04, 2013, 06:44:03 pm »
      What is the lair like? I may buy access.

my lair is fully underground, with a main room that you start in close to the surface, there's 4 doors with signs that say "livestock & Crops" meaning through that door you will come into a room that has a 17 by 17 hole all the way to bedrock with layers of crops, at the top of this giant hole there's a house with a lever to release water to harvest them all automatically, and there's a minecart system that will constantly gather the crops and bring them to the top, so theres no need to go allllllll the way down there. then there's a door in the crops room that has a sign "livestock" which consists of sheep with an elivator so you can just sit and clip away at the top house (all of my farms have a house at the top and with a transport system) so you can easily access all resources by simply pressing a button (some use activators to auto harvest) and just take what you need from the chests! i'm currently in progress of building a slime farm, im digging more 17 by 17 hole to make room for cocoa farm, melons, and pumpkins. but as soon as i find one with some slime's spawning, it'll be the slimefarm. there is so much to say about each farm and with such unique transport systems, I really cant explain them all! (this place isn't exactly small) if you would like the grand tour just pm gogar72 or me! bosco007 in game and we will gladly show you around!

But! as ive said before, I wont be selling access to the gold farm period. those who contribute to the build of it by donating large amounts of obsidian will be the only ones with access to that farm.

Projects and Creations / Re: Makin a gold farm And I need you!
« on: July 04, 2013, 12:06:45 am »
Bosco007 Here,  8)

So far we have 300 portals and we have started from bedrock! its a 17 by 17 hole in the ground (16 by 16 structure) within my huge underground lair! It is Currently 75% of the way to the surface. but we wont stop there, We plan on bringing it all the way to the skies!

Your donation doesn't just stop at the gold farm. I will give you Full Access to my underground lair! Which contains auto farms, from pigs, cows, sheep, sugar cane, wheat, carrot's, potato's, cactus, mushroom's, and chickens. I am in the working of making cocoa farms, melons, pumpkin's, and other farms! these aren't just small farms either, they are all in 17x17 holes that fall roughly 70-100 blocks down. and with a clever transport system to bring them all back up to the top! you can have every crop in less than half a minute away!  :o

I currently am selling access to my lair! But when it comes to the gold. only those who donate will have access. I will not be selling access to that farm!

If you would like to donate, contact me! Bosco007 or Gogar72, or if you want to seem my lair, just ask!  ;)

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