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Messages - Jowenator

Pages: [1]
Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:28:44 pm »
I support this decision...

It seems people have forgotten about the lottery system?

Iron farming made becoming rich less fun, of course you were going to get a lot of cash you're selling to an automated market... The arguements about 'trying to become rich' are bull. 'Trying' to become rich is by selling with other players, that way it's more exciting and fun as you don't know if you'll ever strike rich or not, I remember back when before Iron farms existed, many people were trading with each other for cash, it was a more friendly way of doing things, you get to know people by exchanging items, now THAT is what's fun and the point of minecraft: making friends... Anyone can build an Iron farm/gold farm and AFK to get a lot of cash, where's the excitement in that?

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Demontree city
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:32:53 am »
Looking like a great build! I approve this tree.  ;)

Rejected / Moderator application: jowen12
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:31:23 am »
Age: 17 (26/10/95)

Location: United Kingdom

Timezone: GMT+1 (Summer time but usually +0)

Join Date: Opticraft server: August 2012
               Forums: August 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: Daniblue182, Others please post below! :)

Why you should become a moderator: I'm not going to bore you with the whole clichè of why I feel I would bring something new to the server, because I'm not good at that kind of thing and frankly, I'm guessing you've had enough of reading these applications by the time you get to mine (even if you do!) Anyhow, I hope to believe that I have the level of maturity to fit in with the rank of moderator whilst keeping my same level of humour present! Being the social hermit I am, I spend plenty of time on the server and feel that I am ready to give others a hand if they need be, sure, I'm not perfect, no-where near meeting the sub-standards of 'perfect' at all, i.e sometimes I forget that not everyone on the server has to agree with what I believe and so on... But I hope that by becoming a moderator I can focus on those 'issues' and resolve them, Opticraft has a brilliant atmosphere to it anyway, everytime I login I feel like I am joining my group of friends at college and just messing around, and I wish by increasing my rank to moderator I can finally feel truly significant and helpful to someone! Anyway soppy stuff over, thanks for reading!

TL:DR Opticraft is the only thing keeping me from insanity, being a mod would be something else for me to contribute to!

User Events / Re: GOCKEY!!!
« on: February 15, 2013, 07:11:32 pm »
This is a very good idea, I like it very much  ;D

Projects and Creations / Giant community floating island!
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:23:09 pm »
Giant Community build!
This can only work as much as you guys want it too!

Are you an experienced builder who wants to get their work on the map?
Do you want to have a fun time building with people and making friends?
Do you want to be a part of the fantastic opticraft community?
Then this thread may just be for you!

Hey there people of opti, I am planning a quite large community build for this weekend. It involves as many people as possible and a giant floating island!

This is my first community build and I want all of you guys to be a part of it so this weekend starting on Friday 12th October at 12PM CST or 5PM GMT and hopefully finishing on either the saturday or sunday of said weekend!

This is only going to work if you guys want it to! It's up to you to join in and have fun, this isn't going to work with just 3-4 people, we need dozens as there is a lot of work to be done in a small amount of time! To get to where the build will be you just have to teleport to my home on the day and hopefully there will be people there working on it.

The only requirements for this is that you need to bring your own tools, if you really can't use your own, then I'm sure I can lend you some! You will also need to bring quite a lot of resources IF POSSIBLE this is not necessary but it will be a HUGE help if you do!

I am already building the basic skeleton for the island itself but that is all I will do for now! All other building will be done over the weekend with anyone who decides to join in!

My in-game name is: jowen12
so add me a private message if any further questions need to be asked! There will also be a skype party running for those who wish to join and socialize! What better way to spend a weekend of minecrafting than meeting new people and building on a huge project while doing so!

My skype name is jowen.spicer1
Just add me if there are any questions and I am not on the server at the time you needed to speak to me, although that will be very unlikely because I will be up for 24hrs over friday going into saturday to work on the project.

Remember this will not work if no-one joins in! So invite a friend, it is literally the more the merrier right now and I cant emphasize enough how much I need YOU to join!

So crack open a cold one, join the team of builders and have a great weekend!

Ooh one last thing, the progress of the island will be recorded for use on the opticraft website (hopefully!)

Thanks people and have a great day!  :D

*I would post an image but imgur is in overload or some crap*

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