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Messages - MonkeyDLuffy63

Pages: [1]
Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Marine Island
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:10:09 am »
I definitely support this becoming a protected city. I have been here many times and seen the amount of work n8matthews and co have put into every detail into building this city. There are many valuable materials being used in the construction of this city and one can only afford a certain amount of protection stones to keep them safe from griefers. N8matthews is extremely diligent on building up his city as well as continuously visits those who reside within the city to keep up on how they are doing and to check if they need any help. If he has any problems with additions his citizens make he kindly offers other options to help them achieve what they want done without obstructing other citizens. Just one look at this city and one can tell that n8matthews definitely plans into the future to make this one of the most respected and well liked cities in opticraft.

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