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Messages - SkyrimFUS_RO_DA

Pages: [1] 2 3
Ban Appeals / Re: [bhoughton] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA's Ban Appeal
« on: November 16, 2012, 03:54:32 am »
Thank you very much :) I'm excited for the weekend, and for thanksgiving break. It'll be nice to stay off the homework for a little while. And yes, no more x-ray.

Ban Appeals / Re: [bhoughton] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA's Ban Appeal
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:41:13 am »
I do admit. My only excuse is that Henz has banned me already, and he let me off the hook.

Ban Appeals / Re: [bhoughton] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA's Ban Appeal
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:23:17 am »
Ah, the problem was fixed after hitting Shut Down. But thanks anyways. It turns out it did download though, i just didn't see it. I watched the video and i can't really tell, but it may be one of the area's Henz banned me for already. All stone looks the same :P especially in 1x2 tunnels like the one shown.

Ban Appeals / Re: [bhoughton] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA's Ban Appeal
« on: November 04, 2012, 06:06:49 am »
I haven't watched the video yet, but what i can say is that i believe this has been settled already by Henz when he banned me in August. I admit i have no excuse, except for the fact that Henz decided to un-ban me for the offense.

P.S. lately, something on my mac has been preventing me for downloading files from the internet.... I have no idea what. Might just be Safari messing with me. In the meantime, i will wait :P until i can figure out how to fix the problem.

Ban Appeals / Re: [bhoughton] I am confused.
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:26:10 am »
Hey, can someone tell me, if bhoughton is still on Opticraft? It's been a few days.

Ban Appeals / [bhoughton] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA's Ban Appeal
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:32:07 am »
Hello, after the recent update of Minecraft 1.4 I began playing again so i wanted to see how Opticraft was doing by looking through the opticraft website. I decided I'd see if there were any new posts on threads I've started a while back... and after a few minutes I thought of my perm ban with curiosity if it may not be PERMANENT anymore (yes, it sounds stupid). I noticed BigBadHenz HAD IN FACT Shortened my ban :D but then a few days later you banned me for the exact same reason that Henz decided he would give me one last chance on. I understand the rules and I broke them, but after Henz's date listed between the date you re-banned me I haven't played at all on Opticraft. So I would like to be filled in on this please. Thanks :)

EDIT: :P i forgot to put in the ban lookup link.

Ban Appeals / Re: [BigBadHenz] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA Ban Appeal
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:42:16 pm »
Okay. Well, what you see in wonderland may seem like X-ray use. The wonderland hole, did every single turn have an ore to it or something that makes it seem suspicious? I honestly don't remember what happened down there. I know that i walked out side Wonderland (near those stone brick buildings) and then i dug down there.

Ban Appeals / Re: [BigBadHenz] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA Ban Appeal
« on: July 24, 2012, 09:27:44 pm »
At this point I'm fine with being demoted. I just don't want to be banned for something i don't have. Can i see the 1x1 hole i supposedly made near ecorrigall's place? i don't remember it. And also, are you finding it suspicious because the hole that i dug downward to find that Zombie spawner is 1x1? Because a 1x1 hole isn't proof for X-ray.

Ban Appeals / Re: SkyrimFUS_RO_DA Ban Appeal
« on: July 24, 2012, 07:56:34 am »
You really think i would Xray?? I found that small cave that lead to a dead end. I need money so i decided i would go mine for stuff! i wasn't looking for a spawner i was looking for diamonds and redstone and such! i had to dig down and i dug right behind the wall of a spawner out of LUCK. if you saw my reaction to finding it you would've known.

I don't even have any mods installed cuz i can't get Modloader to work! the only mod i've ever tried to install is Optifine.

im gonna sleep for now

Ban Appeals / [BigBadHenz] SkyrimFUS_RO_DA Ban Appeal
« on: July 24, 2012, 07:43:02 am »
I don't know if this is some kind of joke because it isn't funny, but on Tuesday 12:38am Pacific Time, I got a message saying "You are banned, please refer to http://www.opticraft.net/banned" What was i doing that was wrong? Griefing? Absolutely not. This happened while is was making a sticky piston door. I'm climbing up a ladder to place redstone and bam. Banned. I promised Alicia that i would not do anything to get me banned and i haven't. What is wrong here? I'm kind of getting worried.

Projects and Creations / Re: Cora's Wonderland
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:44:39 pm »
It's Unbelievable how massive this building is! Totally agree with 2crzy4uall. Amazing job!

Offtopic / Re: Ban The Person Above
« on: July 23, 2012, 08:46:25 am »
Your banned for "Henzing"

That's not nice.

I updated the thread with a list of the materials i need if anyone wants to help me gather them :)

Actually Tage, don't download the one from the video. I modified the map so i'll upload a link for the file i have.

Alec - Windhelms Keep is called the Palace of the Kings not dragonsreach. And the Palace is strictly for my own purposes :)

Mrtage - Sure you can help! Just download the map from the video link and then we'll see what happens :)

Pew -  I wasn't being sarcastic.

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