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Messages - McJunker

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / Capuapolis
« on: October 30, 2012, 05:53:18 pm »
We are still looking for people to help with Capuapolis.

 You can donate or help build.Just mail McJunker or ComputerGameLPer (in game).
If you donate or help build then you get $100 off any size plot (only 11x11 and 21x21).
You can also buy a plant plot for farms (same plot sizes).

So to wrap things up we need help with Capuapolis.If you do you get a discount on plots.


General Discussion / Re: Arsenic's 600k lottery give away
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:51:39 pm »
I allowed him to do it, I was busy atm

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application of ComputerGameLPer
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:57:53 pm »
I think ComputerGameLPershould be a moderator.He is a very helpful person.He is helping me right now build my new city(Capuapolis).He helped me get it started so I HAVE to thank him for that!So I hope everyone feels this way!
Please support him.

Same and I'd like a 2,500 and do you mind if I share it with a friend?
I recommend that u ask ur friend to make a app here, so that we can keep track on who's a citizen, cause many ppl hae snuck into enderpolis to use the melon farm without perm
Have you been banned before?:No (Well the only time was misunderstanding)
 Do you promise to make your house in enderpolis as soon as possible?: Yes
 Do you agree to the terms and conditions of the city?: Yes

Pages: [1]