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Messages - RasmusM96

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Re: Heya, guys!
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:51:14 am »
Thanks everyone, hopefully I'll have lots of fun on the smp server. :)

Introductions / Heya, guys!
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:41:35 am »
Hi everyone, I've recently started playing minecraft again.

Some of you might remember me from the classic server, but I won't be playing as much on that server, sorry to say.
But I will be playing on the SMP server under the name "ofign"

A little bit about myself;

I'm a fifteen year old guy, who loves simply be at the computer.
I play Minecraft, RuneScape (proud to say it) and Call of Duty on my Xbox.
I'm starting high-school in about a week and I'm really looking forward to it. (mostly because I'm excited, but partly also because there are 11 girls and 2 guys in my grade ;D)
That's the most about me. :P Looking forward to playing with all of you.


Rejected / [BUILDER] RasmusM96 (Fourth Attempt)
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:07:12 pm »
Ingame name:RasmusM96

Join date:Fifth of april, 2012.

Briefly describe all your creations: I've made a dojo/school with a meditation room, a LARGE skull crying lava,
"The N-Box", NES+controller, Win95-logo, Apple1976-logo, a clock tower, a helicopter, the RED RING OF DEATH, my XBox GamerTag within a lava-sign, a dragon and a rocket just about to be launched.

What worlds are the creations on: recruit42, recruit43, Current guest world.

Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/z5Nwk#36

Names of players who helped contribute:
Gameguy96 cuboided the lava bottom of the Skull.
Awesomealicia placed some lava on my Dojo/school, before I was recruit
Alpha_Lance placed lava under my instructions in my Dojo/school.

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention) : Made this rocket launch, pretty decent.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yeps.

Events / Re: AFK Box Tournament (sign up for teams!)
« on: April 24, 2012, 01:17:31 pm »

Rejected / [Builder] - RasmusM96 (Third Try)
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:54:05 pm »
Ingame name:RasmusM96

Join date:Fifth of april, 2012.

Briefly describe all your creations: I've made a dojo/school with a meditation room, a LARGE skull crying lava,
"The N-Box", NES+controller, Win95-logo, Apple1976-logo, a clock tower, a helicopter, the RED RING OF DEATH, my XBox GamerTag within a lava-sign and a dragon.

What worlds are the creations on: recruit42, recruit43

Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/z5Nwk#35

Names of players who helped contribute:
Gameguy96 cuboided the lava bottom of the Skull.
Awesomealicia placed some lava on my Dojo/school, before I was recruit
Alpha_Lance placed lava under my instructions in my Dojo/school.

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention) : I hope I'll get accepted with the new dragon I've made. :P
Can it help if i ask nicely? : ) If so, Please? : )

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yeps.

Rejected / [Builder] - RasmusM96 (Second Try)
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:26:39 pm »
Ingame name: RasmusM96

Join date: April Fifth, 2012.

Briefly describe all your creations: I've made a dojo/school with a meditation room, a LARGE skull crying lava,
"The N-Box", NES+controller, Win95-logo, Apple1976-logo, a clock tower, a helicopter, the RED RING OF DEATH and finally my XBox GamerTag within a lava-sign.

What worlds are the creations on: recruit42, recruit43, member23,

Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/z5Nwk#0

Names of players who helped contribute:
Gameguy96 cuboided the lava bottom of the Skull.
Awesomealicia placed some lava on my Dojo/school, and cuboided the water bottom at my dojo/school.
Alpha_Lance placed the lava crown in my dojo/School

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): My second attempt, I hope my recent creations will acquire me the rank of builder, that I desire.

Do you agree with our terms (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Always.

Rejected / [Builder] - RasmusM96
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:12:30 pm »
Ingame name:RasmusM96

Join date:Fifth of april, 2012.

Briefly describe all your creations: I've made a dojo/school, with a meditation room, and a LARGE skull crying lava.

What worlds are the creations on: recruit42, recruit43

Links to screenshots of the creation:http://imgur.com/a/FtaJX#0

Names of players who helped contribute:
Gameguy96 cuboided the lava bottom of the Skull.
Awesomealicia placed some lava on my Dojo/school, before I was recruit
Alpha_Lance placed lava under my instructions in my Dojo/school.

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):I have made a few computer logos such as Win95 and Mac1976, those can be found in member22 or member23 I think.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yeps.:)

Pages: [1]