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Messages - S_I_K_U_

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:50:17 am »
Alrighty, sounds good.

Yeah it's SIKU no underscores.

Also, thank you for the new opportunity, I will not disappoint you.

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:49:56 am »
Hey, it's SIKU again
I was wandering if I could get an appeal, its been like three years and I really just want a server that I am familiar with and can hopefully help out on. I wanted to post an appeal because the multiple bans I have had are in the past and I just really want to play on this server again. I am a donate, and have donated a lot of money. I promise I will no longer disrespect staff nor will I be a troll. I also promise to help out and not be as mischievous or up to no good.

I do believe I should be unbanned because I feel as though I have served enough time and I have matured since the last ban.

Thank you,

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal, I am very sorry
« on: January 16, 2014, 11:49:24 pm »
I give you my dearest, most sincere apology.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Ban Appeal, I am very sorry
« on: January 16, 2014, 11:46:39 pm »
Dear 2crzy4uall, and Opticraft staff
I would like to have my ban lifted; here is my apology and reasons why I was banned and why I believe I should be unbanned:
2crzy4uall, I give you my most sincere apology for what I did a while ago. I knew I was doing something wrong when I was glitching through a hole in the wall. I was sneaking around your house and swam under your island. While I was under there I looked up and saw your redstone shop. I threw an enderpearl through a hole and saw your shop and came back again and again to try and copy it. I did not know that this was considered "Glitching" through a wall, but I felt as if I was doing something wrong. I am sorry in the most sincere way.
Also, I now see that as a petty thing to do.

Opticraft Staff,
I am incredibly sorry for all the things I have done and arguments I have started. All the things I did before were; Selfish, Immature, and petty. Now that I am more mature and have more self-control I ask you to please un ban me. I realize I have many bans; however, If I am unbanned I will:
-Do everything in my power to help the staff and the server
-Keep my mouth shut and stay in the shadows and not be a problem
-Keep donating and trying to help the server stay alive
-Build more cool things and play fair(I never played un-fair)
-Never again use ender pearls to go through a wall
-Never cuss
-Follow all the rules and encourage others to do so as well.(Although it is a given It is now very important to me)

Ban Appeals / Re: 2crzy ban a while ago
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:18:31 am »
Yes, I know you have, but that was when my friends were around me and using my account and influencing me to do bad things, I am extremely sorry if it sounds like I'm blaming other people, but If I am unbanned one more time, I will prove to you that I have changed and that I should have the privilege to play on the server. I beg of you, my history is not the same as who i am now. I am very sorry, but I really want to be un banned and prove to you that I can play on the server responsibly again.

Ban Appeals / Re: 2crzy ban a while ago
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:07:24 am »
Please, I swear, this is the final final chance, after this I will never do anything bad on the server again. Please lad. Just one more, I promise you won't regret it. I will never ask you for anything else again.

Ban Appeals / 2crzy ban a while ago
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:02:09 am »
Dear 2crzy4uall,
I would like to have my ban lifted; here is my apology and reasons why I was banned and why I believe I should be unbanned:
2crzy4uall, I give you my most sincere apology for what I did a while ago. I knew I was doing something wrong when I was glitching through a hole in the wall. I was sneaking around your house and swam under your island. While I was under there I looked up and saw your redstone shop. I threw an enderpearl through a hole and saw your shop and came back again and again to try and copy it. I did not know that this was considered "Glitching" through a wall, but I felt as if I was doing something wrong. I am sorry in the most sincere way.

Why I was Banned:
Glitching through walls by use of enderpearl

Why I believe I should be unbanned:
-At the time I did not know this was considered "Glitching" though I did feel kinda shady while I was doing the action

What I would Do If My Ban Were To Be Lifted:
-I will do everything in my power to help the staff and the server
-I will keep my mouth shut and stay in the shadows and not be a problem
-I will keep donating and trying to help the server stay alive
-I will build more cool things and play fair
-I will never again use enderpearls to go through a wall
-I will never cuss
-I will follow all the rules and encourage others to do so
-If I am ever banned again I would not try to return

Once again 2crzy4uall I am extremely sorry for my actions and beg of you to lift my ban. I really wish you could forgive me and give me one last chance, please, unban me.

       - S_I_K_U_

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] Banned
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:53:24 am »
I used one pearl, I ran to the bridge and swam under your island where I used ONE pearl to gain access.

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] Banned
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:45:22 am »
I didnt glitch through walls, if you unban me I will show you the way I went, and you could prevent anyone from attempting it again. I didn't know you were getting my pm's because you never responded leaving me think whether or not you read them and me sending the again.
There was no access underground. You abused the glitch enderpearls have with going through walls. I never "Hated" you, like I said in game, people think I hate them simply because I do my job. Your constant messages and  such were very annoying however, anyway no your appeal is denied, you simply have caused too much trouble.
I really Haven't caused much if any trouble at all since awesomealicia banned me

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:25:32 am »
I wasn't "Snooping" you told me you had a design and asked me if I wanted to buy it. , you constantly pm'd me so much I had you ignored, then you use mob disguise to try and hide while you glitch through my walls. this is you have 6 bans, you have had your chance, you blew it.
The title before your username doesn't decide whether or not you were snooping, my testing area was underground hidden and you *stumbled* upon it, and yes I kept pm-ing you because you never responded so I didn't know if you had read it or not, I did use mb and i didn't glitch through walls, I simply went underneath and threw one enderpearl, I know I have six bans and I was being a model player which you hated, yelling at me when I told people to get out of trade chat if they were not trading. I know I blew the chance, but I would really like to get back on the server. I don't care whether I'm ever trusted or not, it's a great server to play on and I wish to play on it, please unban me, I beg of you.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Banned
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:13:10 am »
I was banned this time because I did to 2crzy4uall what he did to me. Earlier I caught him snooping around my property looking for my version of an automatic shop. Later, I went to his house and did the same thing, I used ONE enderpearl and all of a sudden I was kicked the message saying, "stop" I logged back on asking "stop what" next thing I know the ban sentence was on, now I'm writing this appeal. I'm sorry for annoying you 2crzy4uall and I hope you unban me.

I also believe this situation was handled badly by an Operator because earlier he was doing the same thing to me.

Thanks for reading this~ S_I_K_U_

Rejected / City Application
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:02:07 pm »
So I have a town/city consisting now of three people; S_I_K_U_(me), Kurdman899, and karlavbarrios we also might be gaining another person soon. The town was created over about four weeks ago, and the town is sitting on a very large piece of land that is clearly marked, and I build pretty big creations upon the land, like a Cathedral, and now a new modern mansion. Kurdman899 and I are planning on creating a giant skyscrape come summertime.

City name: Querrin bay

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): X: -936 Y: 63 Z: 5,089

Contributors: S_I_K_U_

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): S_I_K_U_

Number of active residents: three

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: two

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The project "Skyscraper" is in the thought process now, we are looking to have it started come may

Why should we grant this city protection? There are many many valuable things and the land is too big it would cost way too much for all the protection stones.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and I hope you agree on making my land protected.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Whatmyname
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:44:25 pm »

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - FNVcourierjon
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:43:46 pm »

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application: zeldalove1998x
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:43:31 pm »

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