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Messages - Beefstew1997

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [TheWholeLoaf] Unban Please
« on: May 03, 2015, 06:17:27 pm »
Dear OptiCraft staff,

I was banned three times on the same day by TheWholeLoaf. I was banned for apparently griefing over 100 blocks. Then 3 minutes later was banned for griefing 600 blocks which is a ridiculous increase in number. In the past I have been banned for things that make no sense. I would like to be unbanned for this insane accusation.


Ban Appeals / [Tankermide]Ban Appeal
« on: April 22, 2014, 11:16:11 pm »
Dear OptiCraft Staff,

  The last time I played on this server was about 5 months ago. I tried to join the server and it said that I was banned. I looked up the reason for the ban and it says, "griefed 85 blks in old guest." It also says that I was banned on 2014-04-11 at 22:20:33. Please respond back and unban me if possible. Thanks.



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