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Messages - cschurz

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban hammer
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:21:53 am »
there's some bug with the old ban hammer plugin. banhammer still recognizes him as banned, even though we don't use that plugin to handle bans anymore. try using the banhammer unban command.

Server News / Re: Warning - Do not reply to this email
« on: May 03, 2013, 09:27:37 am »
so where does the link point? :)

Support / Re: Reporting Felix_De_Kat
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:17:37 am »
I was online when I realized that one of my (IRL) friends had hacked into my account (real hacking. We are 4th year Computer Science Students)


Let me elaborate... my friend hacked my Linux machine

that's not elaboration :( your friend has a sweet 0day in the linux kernel?

Support / Re: Reporting Felix_De_Kat
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:27:54 am »
I was online when I realized that one of my (IRL) friends had hacked into my account (real hacking. We are 4th year Computer Science Students)


Support / Re: Need Information about Server
« on: April 20, 2013, 10:07:19 pm »


Mob cap: Mobs will stop spawning in an area once that area is occupied by a certain number of mobs.

Mob culling: If too many mobs (such as villagers) are contained in one area, they will be slaughtered mercilessly, never to be seen again. (At least a few of them so they're below the mob cap).

~6 mobs in a 2 block radius or so is the current "max."

Suggestions / Re: Lava Buckets in Furnaces
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:06:06 am »
Basically to implement this:

1) Register a BlockPlaceEvent handler to the Opticraft server plugin (if not already done).
2) On the onBlockPlace method call add this:

public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent bpEvent)
     if(bpEvent.getBlockPlaced().getType() ==  Material.STATIONARY_LAVA)

Personally I would have preffered to combine the two IF statements into one using &&, but since the forum text editor was being wierd I found it to look nicer for viewing with two seperate statements.
Basically, on each and every block placement, the above method is called. Then we check if the block placed is STATIONARY_LAVA, or a lava source block which is what is placed by a filled lava bucket. If I'm wrong then simply change the Material.<material> part on the first IF statement.
If it is a lava block, then check to see if the player who placed the lava has the override permission (such as a moderator permission). Notice I have the ! in front of the hasPermission() call. For those who don't know how to program, that simply stands for if the player DOESNT have the permission. If not, then we set the event state to be cancelled, and Bukkit does the rest.

Add that to the opticraft plugin, and allow lava buckets to be used. That code will block lava placement, but not picking up lava. So long as we can fill a lava bucket, we can use it in a furnace. No harm can be done as long as players can't place the lava.

lol you made the same mistake as cschurz  :P

what about lava that isn't stationary?  ;D

optical made that mistake, not me :)

Basically to implement this:

1) Register a BlockPlaceEvent handler to the Opticraft server plugin (if not already done).
2) On the onBlockPlace method call add this:

public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent bpEvent)
     if(bpEvent.getBlockPlaced().getType() ==  Material.STATIONARY_LAVA)

this prevents users from placing stationary lava, yes. we already have that. the problem is that we have code that prevents members from collecting water/lava into buckets. i just removed that, but it's up to optical to approve it and update the server. i don't see why members shouldn't be allowed to collect stuff into buckets.

Offtopic / Re: Suprising topic is suprising.
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:54:24 pm »

Support / Re: Hacked ._.
« on: March 19, 2013, 01:13:47 am »
If the keylogger is the case use an on screen keyboard for your passwords

yeah this is pretty reasonable. don't bother trying to remove the keylogger or anything. just go ahead and use the on-screen keyboard for the rest of your life.

i fixed the issue with /back not working correctly if you used /back twice in a row

i'm not sure about about the "glitch which allows people into homes" - could this be described a little more?

Ban Appeals / Re: [cschurz] death trap
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:04:29 am »
sure don't do it again


Support / Re: Issue with Ban Reports
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:36:25 am »
Well one wasnt read good enough cause i was the one that broke those blocks and I know what i broke.
And im not here to waste anyone's time. I'm also not playing a child's game of lieing to get what he wants.

the ban system records when a ban was pardoned early. you just can't see that info on the website.

Suggestions / Re: SignShop or ChestShop Plugin, Trading made easy
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:36:08 am »
Sorry to barge in, but:

This may just be my own ignorance here, but isn't the code already in place for the server market?
The market uses a different plugin called Essentials.

no, optical made his own implementation of sign-shops. we no longer use essentials to handle teleportation signs or market signs.

Support / Re: Minecraft crashing
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:46:07 pm »
Ok so far I've tried just logging in like normal, reinstalling, completely deleting minecraft and doing a total re install and thats about it. It worked the day before so idk what happend between then and now. The problem with magic launcher is optihelp. The optihelp (our ticket claiming client) is not very compatible with magic launcher.

just for clarification... Modloader is the thing that's not very compatible with magic launcher.

Ban Appeals / Re: [cschurz] zajhein appeal
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:45:02 pm »
please give us the name of your "friend" who supplied you with 500+ diamond blocks and upload all of the error logs you have.

Support / Re: Chat from iPad mini/mobile directly to in game?
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:28:51 pm »
the answer is irc.

look in the app store for an irc app.

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