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Messages - Korhildon

Pages: [1]
Accepted / [Builder] Korhildon
« on: March 09, 2012, 09:27:22 pm »
Hi guys, I wish you enjoy that ^.^!

Ingame name: Korhildon

Join date: Thu. Dec. 8, 2011.

Briefly describe all your creations:

1.- Recruit38 - Aproximately 100x100x100 King Theoden's Meduseld Golden Hall: I very very recommend to see it by yourself, its a bit hard to appreciate the details just by screens. Thats why I will show us some screens about the way the building was done. I started by cuboiding the 100x100 floor. Once I knew the height I realized it was like 95 pixels tall. Building inspired by The Lord of the Rings; the main house/palace/castle of Theoden, in Edoras village of Rohan. You can look for some "real" screens of the building i got inspired by. Nothing more to say... just look at pics and If u can, Join Recruit38 and see by yourself =).

2.- Member20 - Pipe: Easy made, I built a cylindric sphere and then I added staggered ellipsoids to make the tube.

3.- Member20 - Labyrinth Palace: Was an experiment, the palace have some forniture but its basically a very simple building.

4.- Member20 - Library: Spheric rooms plus a garden scene, also a simple building.

[Buildings 2,3 and 4 were built before reaching Recruit Rank, I also did a Pyramid that I'm not going to show... just an evident, common building.]

What worlds are the creations on: Recruit38 and Member20, already said.

Links to screenshots of the creation: Already shown before.

Names of players who helped contribute: The Library of Member20 have a pit that JustenMG and zenomex did. I enjoyed his contribution :D.

What is your current rank in Opticraft? Recruiter.

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): The Golden Hall took me tons of time and an accurated preparation to take care about the sizes of the majority of the details. I already write about the things I wanted to say before at the building list.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Of course, yes :P.

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