June 11, 2024, 01:56:33 pm

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Messages - kagarium

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65]
Ban Appeals / Re: why was i banned?
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:21:07 pm »
when/where did i do that? the thing nearest to that i remember is using a farm that had a sign saying Public Farm- for use by anyone on this server. that is all i can recall, although on sunday morning april 8th, i was fealing sleepy and dont remember much, but considering i fell asleap on the keyboard for around an hour.....

you knoow, i just realized i spelled actually wrong in my first post. oops :)

i dont think speling is my strong subject

(neither is using the "modify" button) -- Xeadin

Ban Appeals / why was i banned?
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:10:01 pm »
i just went on and minecraft told me "the ban hammer has spoken" if this was for griefing, a mod talked to me and i haven't griefed AT ALL since. more or less, i get griefed a LOT. i really enjoy this server, and its actuaaly the only server that i have people i know on and people that i can trust. can a mod please respond to my mesage asap? thanks

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