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Messages - Kodak28

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 10
Rejected / Re: Builder
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:23:22 pm »
Rejected.   Zslayer follow what gavin did.   You have the template but fill it out with your own information along with links to screenshots or the screenshots themselves of your builds.  Without those we cant effectively judge

Accepted / Re: [BUILDER 2] Cyan Griffin
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:20:03 pm »
Accepted.  I really love the shape of that blue castle and the white hill fort i think would be the name of it Cyan.  Beautiful shaping and design.  I look forward to seeing what you make in the future.

Accepted / Re: Operator Application- DJAlphaWolf
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:44:29 pm »
I disagree. DJ was just having fun then. And no, we don't support him just because we're his friend. Whenever he's online, he's always helping guests to the best of his ability.

I disagree with you Wyboth. One reason is because whenever DjAlphaWolf is online, I usually see him in [IRC] and not USUALLY on the Classic server. I totally get that he is a nice guy and doesn't really troll, but he's just not active enough in the Classic server. He is mostly on SMP.

DJ is hardly ever on smp... i believe he told me that his last loggin was about 2 weeks ago and for only about 5 min so, so i guess you are just assuming things about that part.  He is only on irc because there is really no reason for him to come in game.  He doesnt like to build and its hard to go around helping people when you can't teleport.  So he answers questions from irc when the ops are busy helping people... he helps in the best way that he can, despite the fact that he is helping through irc, but i still appreciate his help nevertheless and i know other people do too. 

I support DJ not simply because hes my friend, but because he has been here for a long time, and he knows how everything is run already.  He has always been incredibly helpful and kind, and he doesnt get angry over things too easily.  He may be a bit of a goofball here and there but he is just having fun (after all this entire thing is a game), but he knows when its alright to mess around and when he needs to be mature, which he is completely capable of being, and I truely believe that DJ would make the best op out of all the people in the server right now.  We need people like him here, and we need people like him to be the ones in charge.

Offtopic / Re: Weird Habits
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:04:01 am »
I have a habit of memorizing random things... right now i could tell you the locker combinations for 15 of my friends from last year, play over 10 songs on the piano by memory, several poems, 80 numbers of pi, and a couple of passwords from hotel wifis (one of those being 6f0aaeb1c), and pretty much anything else... although i prefer memorizing things that dont make sense like the strange wifi passwords and pi.  And i cant say i really try to memorize most things

Do you have a photographic memory as well?

yeah i do, and i like to use it whenever i get the chance lol

another habit i just remembered is that I have a tendancy to use the back, raised portion of a spoon to eat icecream instead of the normal curved side, and that while im right handed i use my left hand to use forks... and only forks, not spoons.

Offtopic / Re: Weird Habits
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:36:37 am »
I have a habit of memorizing random things... right now i could tell you the locker combinations for 15 of my friends from last year, play over 10 songs on the piano by memory, several poems, 80 numbers of pi, and a couple of passwords from hotel wifis (one of those being 6f0aaeb1c), and pretty much anything else... although i prefer memorizing things that dont make sense like the strange wifi passwords and pi.  And i cant say i really try to memorize most things

Offtopic / Re: Italy!
« on: June 22, 2012, 09:11:23 pm »
Have fun!! But what a coinidence since I'm heading to Italy as well this monday for a week and a half or so, maybe I'll run into you  ;D .  Enjoy your trip.

Discussion forum / Re: Im Back
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:49:16 am »
It's good to have you back KCB!!  :) 

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:45:42 pm »
Hey, I never said i was a boy :P , I have no idea where you got that from lol.  I could've sworn I had told you I was a girl about a million times recently too.

Once again welcome to opticraft!  :D  I look forward to seeing you around often in game and I hope you stay here with us for awhile.  From what I've seen I think you would make a great addition to our community.

Accepted / Re: Operator Application- DJAlphaWolf
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:42:30 pm »
Best of luck DJ, even when you are only on IRC you are constantly helping answer questions and simply helping everyone in general.  I think you would make a great Op. :)

Rejected / Re: Builder Form
« on: June 11, 2012, 07:24:00 pm »
Sorry but you must be at least a recruit rank to apply for builder and at least a builder to apply for an operator position.  If you think your build is worth a rank have an operator (people with cyan blue names) check your build in game to get promoted to recruit first.

Rejected / Re: builder application senthuran191097
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:09:41 pm »
Rejected.  You need to show us much more than one build and also builds that are of a higher quality and are more intricate and complex than this one in order to be accepted.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« on: June 09, 2012, 05:15:17 pm »
You have no ban on the classic server and your last loggin was 34 weeks ago there.  Considering you were banned while cutting down a tree I assume you were banned from the SMP server.  Moved to SMP Ban Appeals.

Rejected / Re: Builder Application
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:34:02 pm »
Currently you have the album set to private nuzzy so no one but you can go in and see the pictures.  Try changing the album to public so we can have a look!  ;)

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