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Messages - bantam2

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Suggestions / Re: What if we had this:
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:06:35 am »
To me, this seems like one of the most useless suggestions that I have seen in a while, but I do not want to be on the downside to this suggestion so I will look at it realistically. You want Optical to implement TNT, but remove almost everything that TNT does?

How is it not useful?

1. Mob traps
2. TNT Cannon
3. Animal farms

1. Mob Traps? To me that seems like a total waste of TNT just to kill a few mobs on the off chance that they fall into your trap. Their AI now prevents them from falling in holes and such.

2. Isn't the point of a TNT cannon to destroy the target?
TNT that explodes, doesn't cause damage to blocks

And it should probably only affect hostile mobs, just saying.

Please explain this to me more, as I cannot fully understand your desire for TNT.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal (2crzy)
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:50:08 pm »
Even though this ban was removed and I shortened iGrantyy_x's ban, I still want to talk to both of you on Mumble or Skype.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Bantam] Ban appeal
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:02:44 am »
Okay, I have made my decision to shorten the ban from permanent to three weeks. I am shortening your ban because you have donated and you are sorry for doing what you have done. For your actions, you have lost your trusted rank. Please take time to review the Player Rules and Guidelines before you return to the server.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Bantam] Ban appeal
« on: November 12, 2012, 06:41:43 pm »
I am going to have to think this over before I make a decision. As for Neo's ban, have him make a ban appeal as he was banned by 2crzy not me.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Bantam] Ban appeal
« on: November 12, 2012, 06:09:01 pm »
Thank you alicia. For the past 10 minutes, I have been looking over your ban appeal and thinking about what to do here. Just for the sake of understanding, I am going to tell you what is going on in my head at the moment. Almost six or seven months ago, you were a staff member here. You were in charge of rolling back grief, placing water and lava, and moderating the chat. What baffles me about this situation is that you have known the rules of the server, and even enforced them before and you choose to come back and x-ray. It surprises me that yesterday, before 2crzy had alerted me to this, you had asked me if I would support you when you apply for mod. What that now says to me is that you were planning to x-ray hack and try to become staff again. I do not understand that at all.

You say in your ban appeal that "This server has been great to you". If the server has been so great to you, why x-ray? Before I make any decision about your ban, I am going to need a detailed explanation of why you decided to x-ray.

Ban appeal unlocked to continue discussion about iGrantyy_x's ban. This is no place to talk about iNeo_x's ban.

Suggestions / Re: New ranks and priveleges
« on: November 12, 2012, 06:31:57 am »
Status idea: Veteran

How to get:
1) You must be trusted. No exceptions.
2) You must be a member on the server for at least 1 year. No exceptions.

Difference between veteran and trusted:
1) Veterans are no different from trusted except they can pickup and place lava with buckets. This used to be given to trusted members, but obviously due to problems with grief it was taken away. Veterans must have a year or more on the server to be given the rank. It is highly unlikely someone will become trusted by the admins, and get a whole year on the server just so they can grief. This is the only reason for recommending that Veterans receive this even though we want to avoid making players "better" than others.

I do not know if you realize how little amount of trusted have been around for a year. I am an Operator and I have not even been around for a year. The only people that I can see getting this rank are the ones who moved from classic to SMP when 1.8 launched, and most of them are gone or SMP staff. If this rank is going to happen, and thats a big if, I think the time should be shortened. Also, I do not think that people realize how little you need to place lava while playing Minecraft. In my single player world, I only place lava for myself 3 or 4 times which is not worth a whole rank. If the point is so that Veterans can place lava for others, why not join staff? You say you want to avoid making players better than others? Well a higher rank makes them better than others. This rank says, "I've been here a year, I'm better than you". I believe that this should still be open to discussion but it is very rare that it will be approved.

Support / Re: Farming?
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:05:27 pm »
Welcome back iGranty!

The reasons that they were removed, are because:

1. People started to make bigger and bigger farms until people could make hundreds of thousands off one button push. Now that may seem okay but when those people visit the market, they essentially get creative mode with no limit of what or how many blocks they were able to buy.

2. The farms that people were making started to get out of hand as in size and amount of server resources they took up. Minecraft isn't about melon/pumpkin farms and when the admins lowered the price of melon/pumpkins, the farms only got bigger.

For these reasons, melons and pumpkins were removed from the market.

Some had the same reaction as you and here is the link to the topic where they were allowed to express their opinions on the matter: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,11202.0.html

User Events / Re: $500 Reward!
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:55:42 pm »

Suggestions / Re: Remove diamonds from market entirely
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:29:50 pm »
I didn't get conned. I said I bought the last two Ocelot spawn eggs to ever exist. This means I have the last two spawn eggs on the server, but there are ocelots that have already been spawned upon the map being initially created.

Mr is right, you are not the only one with spawn eggs. The fact is that some people do not feel the need to tell everyone about it.

User Events / Re: $500 Reward!
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:29:35 am »

Suggestions / Re: Adding some items to market
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:10:40 am »
Nether Stars are most definitely going to be added to the market. The problem is that the admins and Optical do not want anyone to be able to  buy more than four nether stars. The reason is that if people could buy infinite nether stars, that means that there would be a spam of beacon blocks all over the map, which would look horrible. I guess we will just have to wait until Optical finds a solution to this potential problem. Beacons do look really cool, but not everywhere.

Support / Re: How do I delete my account?
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:27:32 am »
Hit the profile tab on the top menu bar. This will bring you to your profile page where you want to hit the "Delete this Account" button under the Actions sidebar on the left side of the page.

Support / Re: Invisibilty potions
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:14:46 am »
These potions are just too fun to be disabled.

General Discussion / Re: Mob Culling?
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:31:42 am »
I edited the link to go directly to your post.

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