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Messages - OzzyKP

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Yea, I'm always jealous of how fast B1ue works.  If I went that quick, Aquain would be much further along.

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 24, 2014, 01:22:31 pm »
I added a new texture for my bathroom/kitchen tile:

Rejected / Re: [HOF APP] City of Aquain
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:14:00 am »
Thanks for the support everyone. :)

Rejected / Re: [HOF APP] City of Aquain
« on: March 19, 2014, 01:56:06 am »
I added a bit more text to the "why it should be in the HoF" section:

Oh, another thing I think is a unique quality of this build is that I did my best to work with the environment.  A lot of builds will put down a massive sheet of super flat ground to cover up whatever natural hills or forests were there originally, or put a city on a flat 1-tile high platform in the sky.  I've made it an important goal to put my city within a natural environment.  So as much as possible I've tried to use the natural contours of the sea floor to my advantage instead of obliterating it all.

Of course this presents another challenge.  Minecraft oceans are far too shallow for my purposes.  So in order to build bigger, like my downtown dome, I actually had to lower the sea floor.  A good 12-13 blocks too, over a massive area.  Digging that big a hole in the ground is a big undertaking for any project.  But doing it underwater?  Whew. 

But of course that can yield some pretty awesome things.  Like when I was lowering the sea floor I discovered a natural underground ravine.  I opened it up to the sea, evened out some of the rough patches, and turned it into an underwater trench.  It runs right under my downtown dome and I incorporated that into the design.  It is pretty cool I think. :)

Rejected / Re: [HOF APP] City of Aquain
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:37:27 am »
Also, for a limited time only, I'll let you guys download my texture pack to check out my city:

You absolutely need Optifine for it to work properly.

Rejected / [HOF APP] City of Aquain
« on: March 17, 2014, 09:37:04 pm »
Project name: Aquain

Project location:

To see it on the live map:

To visit it in person:
Come to /home ozzykp mid to see the middle class domes

Come to /home ozzykp upper to see the upper class domes

Come to /home ozzykp lux to see B1ueJ0ker's luxury mansion

Come to /home ozzykp downtown to see downtown

Come to /home ozzykp view to see a view of the city from the surface

Come to /home ozzykp church to see the cathedral.  The school is nearby too.

ome to /home ozzykp dbay to see the docking bay

Contributors: Me, Hopper2468, Addah123, B1ueJ0ker, a few others helped here and there

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
16 residential domes, 6-7 fully furnished
1 elementary school
1 church
1 downtown dome (with a bank, movie theater, restaurants, shops, offices)
1 docking bay
1 rail network connecting it all
Lots of passageways connecting all the domes

I think it already qualifies as one of the largest cities on the server, but there is always more to do.  I'll keep expanding it till I get bored or until the server dies.  It takes quite a lot of work though, building underground/underwater is slow going.  

Why should this be in the HOF?
It is a pretty massive build, and unlike a lot of projects I've been keen to avoid putting up a bunch of big, empty buildings.  I've furnished quite a lot.  Despite the boldness of building an underwater city, I've taken care to look after the real, human level detail.  Things mesh together well in a realistic way.  There are bathrooms!  But for every bit of the mundane there is plenty of majestic to go along with it.

Oh, another thing I think is a unique quality of this build is that I did my best to work with the environment.  A lot of builds will put down a massive sheet of super flat ground to cover up whatever natural hills or forests were there originally, or put a city on a flat 1-tile high platform in the sky.  I've made it an important goal to put my city within a natural environment.  So as much as possible I've tried to use the natural contours of the sea floor to my advantage instead of obliterating it all.

Of course this presents another challenge.  Minecraft oceans are far too shallow for my purposes.  So in order to build bigger, like my downtown dome, I actually had to lower the sea floor.  A good 12-13 blocks too, over a massive area.  Digging that big a hole in the ground is a big undertaking for any project.  But doing it underwater?  Whew.  

But of course that can yield some pretty awesome things.  Like when I was lowering the sea floor I discovered a natural underground ravine.  I opened it up to the sea, evened out some of the rough patches, and turned it into an underwater trench.  It runs right under my downtown dome and I incorporated that into the design.  It is pretty cool I think. :)

Sample photos:

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:32:40 pm »
I also made a new texture full of gauges and switches and other controls:

Best yet, these are actual controls from WW2 Subs and warships. 

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:21:04 pm »
I finished the lights guiding the way into the docking bay, and put a sub in the water:

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:00:29 am »
I wasn't really planning to redo netherrack, but I just stumbled across something pretty good for it (and free to use too!) so here is my new netherrack & quartz ore:

Server News / Re: Top Voters - Febuary
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:56:03 am »
Good work folks.

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:20:15 pm »
Here is the sacristy, I added a new texture for dark oak panels, and put in a new painting:

Projects and Creations / Re: Aquain: Ozzy's City Beneath the Waves
« on: March 08, 2014, 03:16:43 pm »
You totally should!  There are no upper class homes ready, but there are plenty of middle class homes for you.

I've been working a bit more on the church, I never liked the entrance, so I added a different staircase.  That gave me enough room to put in a vestibule, a baptismal font, and a sacristy.  I also threw in a stained glass window.

Also, I've approved frogsrock12 as an architect and have decided to close down applications.  The vast majority of people who applied did nothing at all for the city and ended up wasting more of my time than actually helping.  So I'm not going to bother asking for help anymore. 

Support / Re: "Eligible to Vote Notification broken"
« on: March 05, 2014, 02:29:31 am »
It does happen to me sometimes. 

Server News / Re: Hall of Fame warp station
« on: March 01, 2014, 02:13:11 am »
Great work.  :)

One question about the hall of fame.  How do we designate where visitors will go?  And can that be moved later?  I'd like to apply, but I'm a ways away from having a proper visitor's entrance built.  I'd like to one day have people come in there when it is finished.

Projects and Creations / Re: City of Dor Kar (Iron Rock)
« on: March 01, 2014, 02:09:21 am »
I have a soft spot for underground cities.  Looks good!

What is the city population generator you used?

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