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Messages - harif

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Support / Re: Grief
« on: May 15, 2012, 08:08:30 pm »
ive removed his house too.

the things are:
today in the morning i see the griefing things. missmedu come and fix the problem and told me who did it.
those the_legeond player was warnned by some signs which i put them in the front of his house.
i also told missmedu that we gonna demolish his building after his arrival.
so, when today in the evening this kid logged in, obviously he saw the signs, and he neglected them, more then that, he destroyed them.

he came on our town and didnt ask for permission, didnt fill any aplication form for being there on our forum thread. that doesnt matter for me at the first, as im a nice person who wants to let everyone to play. but when ive saw the griefing - he also griefed a players house at least 20-25% of it, and chop some trees in the park (even we have a middle tree farm), sorry, but i wont let any griefers around me.

half a map or not, every city has aplication forms, so do ours. why didnt he fill any?
you spamarian will accept a player who doesnt fill one? i do, but with no griefing.

at the last, he asked me to stay there. why then? i speak to him nicely, he didnt respond at all, so why would he stay?
we told him to move and he didnt do it. so we ve started to demolish his building.

sorry for the long post.
thank you.

in the next future im planning to link our 2 cities (cornerstone and woodhall or whatever will you call it) with a rail system consist of 2 tracks.
stay tunned, ill let you know when we can start this it must be carefully planned so we can do the best rail stations.
by the way, nice town you have there, ill visited a few days ago. keep the good work.

you re welcome, clarinet101, enjoy the game along us.

Suggestions / Re: Improving Trade between players
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:37:10 am »
the pluggin which permits players to buy and sell stuff is ECONOMY.
ive used it on another server and its a good idea for this server too. the only remark is that if this pluggin will be installed, it would be necesary to remove buy/sell diamonds as those can be obtained freely by voting the server.

btw, the trade channel of the server is anything else but not a trading room. people are talking about everything they want except trading.

Projects and Creations / Re: Selling and Buying
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:56:04 pm »
you re joking with the redstone price.
100 for a stack? i can sell it at the market for 250 so you re really joking....    :)))))

Projects and Creations / Re: =project: The rollercoaster= donations
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:54:07 pm »
i cant do voting as you omitted to put the best materials: stone bricks or stone slabs.   :)

zezenov, the city is developing.
we are a few which do almost all the job, but we re hoping that other citizens will choose to help.
and we are building since the first of may, so its just a half a month, think about what big s gonna be after another half, or at the end of 2 month of construction.
most of the cities of the server are older then ours and maybe arent developing yet now.

anime, thanks, but we already have them.

Projects and Creations / Re: =project: The rollercoaster= donations
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:32:32 pm »
dude, just go and mine what you need, dont stay without doing nothing, and waiting others do it for you.
make your money too, then you can ask others for help.
if you just wait, why dont you go on a creative server, where you can only build your rollercoaster.

think that: why should i donate if you ll run it and you ll get most of the money, supposing that you ll have people on it?

Projects and Creations / Re: =project: The rollercoaster= donations
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:15:48 pm »
nice face, anime, didnt know how nice you are but ive seen you in the left side, full of life.
get the rollercoaster rolling....   :)

sorry for failedreality, i think he got upset and quit our town.
ive talked to him, and ask him why he flatten all that land, nothing all but that.

if the game has biomes and mountains and all that landscape, i think its better to build according to it. if someone wants a flat land, then must go find one and build there. where the beauty of a cosntruction on multiple biomes if you dont consider them?
sorry for that, but all that are or will come in this province must cosndier what im saying here.
its not so hard to do it, everyone knows.

thank you all...

plus the pumpkin farm must go undeground, along the other farms, even its automated, as it is right in the front of the road, and near the center of the town, where should be other type of buildings or houses.
the nether stargate, must be relocated on another place, and maybe made for it a small nice square.

where s all the wheat and sugar cane from the farms?
i dont like such people who just take all the good stuff and doesnt replant.
in that case whats the use for public areas?
too many peoples on our town and nothing good on it yet. just bad things.

i dont know your ingame name, so i can contact you there.
or maybe if you already choose the place pass me the coords, in a pm on the forums or here.
thank you.

Free Residency App:

Have you been banned?
How long have you been playing?
   a year, but im quite new on opticraft, getting here in search for a server.
What are your plans in cornerstone?
   i want to help build in it. my style is mainly rustic.
How much land do you think you will need?
   i dont know, maybe just for my place. i wanna be a part of a town not a town owner.
Do you agree to abide by all server rules and be courteous to others?
   sure i do. these things makes the server better.

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