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Messages - morten2ela

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40
Accepted / Re: [recruit/builder] - MrSebeXx
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:24:39 pm »
I saw your cobblestone in-game, it was really cool! If you aren't recruit yet, I'm accepting you as one :) Keep in mind that you need more when you are posting your builder application!

Edit: I did /whois and found out that you are banned, i guess that was good and bad news on one day^^

Rejected / Re: [OPERATOR APPLICATION] made3
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:56:21 am »
Actually, i think the majority is german. Anyway, there is most ops at +1, including me :)

Good luck :) !

Rejected / Re: [Builder] XxEVIL_KNEGROxX
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:53:23 am »
Rejected for now, try again when you have built more and/or more complex things


Accepted / Re: [BUILDER] twangle
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:41:53 am »

Accepted / Re: (:: Operator Appication - Drunz ::)
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:23:42 pm »
Drunz, you are in the requested timezone, You are mature, patient, responsible. I've seen these four important qualities during the time we have played together, an obvious pick :) !

Rejected / Re: [operator] Morten1ela
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:43:03 pm »
Even skipped the trial, thanks! I doubt i would have failed the trial tho :)

Introductions / Re: A late introduction
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:28:45 pm »
Thanks! :)

Applications / Re: The Ultimate Guide To Make And Post A Screenshot!!!!
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:25:17 pm »
TRy imgur.com

Its best imo, its stylish, fast, and no registration. Try it!

Introductions / A late introduction
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:51:28 pm »
Hey! Even though many of you are familiar with me, i will post here to get to know players from other timezones!

First of all i would like to say that my name is Morten. I am 17 year old, and I'm currently educating to be a electrician. My hobbies consist of Making and listening to music (DnB, Classical rock like Pink Floyd, and hands up music). I also play alot of Minecraft, which is quite obvious :p My buildingstyle is real life buildings, I'm not very fond of sprites.
I give everyone a chance unless they give me a reason not to :)

Thats all, if you are curious for more, talk to me ingame!

Rejected / Re: [operator] Morten1ela
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:07:45 pm »
Settle this in pm's or in a private chat in IRC, don't do it in each others apps please. keep applications on topic

I feel the same, but when he attacks me like this in public, i really feel like i have the rights to defend myself in public :P

Offtopic / Re: THE music topic
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:30:27 pm »
Anything from pendulum
Pink floyd
Spencer & hill

Creations / Re: acropolis
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:54:51 pm »
That is the 4th acropolis on this server:P

Anyway, its not 100% like the others, and i like it :)

General Discussion / Re: :( new lobby
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:20:51 pm »
Quoting my other messages to explain a little bit further. I do not tolerate such things to be spoken about me.

Nice try making me look bad.

First you come and ask like everybody else to join building, i told you to wait since we had enough builders at that time, you would not take no for an answear, so you kept asking each and everyone in the world if you could join us. After ten minutes you started spamming the chat with "*sobb*" "i hate my life" "i have asian parents, and they are really strict". Because of my age, i had enough experience to see that you only said those things to gain pity, which you were far away from gaining. We were 4 builders and one op who was gently saying no to you for the next 30 minutes. You just could not take a hint, so you were kicked. You came back 1 hour later, and you started argumenting again. The arguments you used this time is that it had gone 50 minutes and you are calm now. We were still over full on builders, so i kept gently saying no.

It was no suprise that the next 15 minutes was filled with bad complaints about your life, trying to make us feel bad for you. As a human, i have boundaries, so i told you once "SHUT THE FUCK UP, I DO NOT TOLERATE THIS nocaps" I was glad for a five minute period, because it actually worked for some time!

At the peak level, we were 6 builders and 2 ops telling you to be quiet.

And about the op thing, what i said was that you would make a bad op, and i will post your actions on the forums (thanks for reminding me)


This kid needs to be shown how to behave with other people

Projects / Re: The new lobby world!
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:26:06 pm »
If your getting banned or not, i dont know. who told that to you?
And you have kept us from doing anything for an hour or so, you wont take no for an answear...

Projects / The new lobby world!
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:58:29 pm »
The Lobby is now done! Thanks for everybody who has helped me and relkeb! sadly me and relkeb had difrent timezones, so he didnt get to join us on all the fun :(
Anyways, here are some before and after pictures :)

Before, after digging and soling and a paste.

After: view 1

After: view 2

After: The threasure room, can you find it :) ?

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