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Messages - Afro_

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 61
Forum Games / Re: Meme story
« on: December 23, 2013, 06:01:49 pm »

You want me to tell you more about it?

You're confusing me...you're on leave aren't you?  You just gave away your money...if you win it'll be pointless.
I owe some people some money.
Look, can we just take a pause on this for a second. Maybe you people don't understand what a "meme" (In the image sense) is.

It's associating a certain picture with a certain theme, and the spread of that image.

Condescending Wonka is a picture of Willy Wonka with a sarcastic phrase. "So now kids, I have a story to tell" doesn't count as sarcastic, or condescending.

The duck, or Advice Mallard is used for helpful tips, or "life-hacks". Something not many people know, but is actually a really useful idea.

Forum Games / Re: Riddle time!
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:44:21 pm »
Im a fathers child, and Im a mothers child, but no ones son, who am I?

I'm gonna wing it and give a random answer  daugther or a niece
Nice necro o.0

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:42:08 pm »

My cattfish that i fish
9000+views? Lol.

Psst, it's not his fish. He took it from reddit /r/aww

No wonder he can't deep fry it for me.
Could you almost taste, the juicy... Crisp... Delicious fish? (I'm trying to make you hungry)

Yo crzy. Found this on imgur.

Forum Games / Re: Meme story
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:37:26 pm »

Hurr Durr :/

Ha, I remember this one.

Irrelevant, though.
Oh hey, I'm winning :D
Wone you didn't post a meme! Neither did you, JLS.
Continuing after JLS's post.
"You think"

Forum Games / Re: And then... And then...
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:29:10 pm »
Shut up.
But then, Patrick came over and revived the, with...

Suggestions / Re: Could you please add a new grief protection system?
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:27:36 pm »
Like where there is a command such as /summonstick and it makes a stick appear in your hand but it can't be used like a stick and it is called Claim Stick.You right click the first corner block of your claim and left click the second corner block of your claim and your property is protected against griefing.You could make it so that players have to pay so that claiming most of the server is near impossible.
We have protection stones for protecting properties. Type /warp market ingame.

Suggestions / Re: a creative server/world
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:59:31 pm »
Was that post for or against the suggestion? I'm assuming it is for it but the wording was a bit weird...
it was for, he wanted to be able to show it ign to people. wich he cant. that's kind of the moral of the story (correct me if i'm wrong)
IGN=in game name...
"He wanted to show it in game name to people"
Lol wtv.
Wow. That looks amazing.

Forum Games / Re: Meme story
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:57:29 pm »

You want me to tell you more about it?

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:50:17 pm »

Suggestions / Re: Factions or Pvp World!
« on: December 22, 2013, 11:03:15 pm »
We already have PvP arenas.
Next time please read the suggestions portal... Thanks :)
If you don't know how to get to the arenas, go to /warp pvphub ingame.
No i mean and entire world were you can walk up to someones house and kill them.

So you're saying people can build in that world?

Like chief149 once said:
"Free diamond blocks at my /home!"
And he could have his home set in the PvP World. They teleport to his /home, whaddyaknow. He kills them, gathers his stuff. We already have PvP arenas.

This would be a completely seperate world that would be optional.
And this is a server you would be able to transfer that stuff.
We already have like 5 worlds, including one that was made just this month. The staff have to work very hard to get another world. So like gogar, sorry. I have to disagree with this.

Im Not El Kingo Of Java Script But there could be a script added that says are you sure you want to go to the PVP/Factions world. Then You answer yes or no.
That would require coding. And coding requires a developer which we don't really have ATM.

Projects and Creations / Re: City of Hillcrest Project Page
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:15:03 pm »
Wow, that resource pack is boss :)

Looks great, good luck with it!

I have a few stacks of stone bricks I can donate. Where should I put 'em?

Offtopic / Re: The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:01:34 pm »
Poor seaweed. He looks so weird toilets in a tree with no car on.
SIGNATURE FOUND! XXDD Alright this can be locked now...

Events / Re: Christmas on Opti
« on: December 22, 2013, 03:55:37 pm »
Twas chaotic

Wow, I actually have never thought of using flame arrows for lights xD Looked like fun D: I was half an hour late for the party... OH well D: I'll make sure I get on for the next cora-ramkitty event.

 Happy Holidays!

Suggestions / Re: Factions or Pvp World!
« on: December 22, 2013, 03:53:46 pm »
We already have PvP arenas.
Next time please read the suggestions portal... Thanks :)
If you don't know how to get to the arenas, go to /warp pvphub ingame.
No i mean and entire world were you can walk up to someones house and kill them.

So you're saying people can build in that world?

Like chief149 once said:
"Free diamond blocks at my /home!"
And he could have his home set in the PvP World. They teleport to his /home, whaddyaknow. He kills them, gathers his stuff. We already have PvP arenas.

This would be a completely seperate world that would be optional.
And this is a server you would be able to transfer that stuff.
We already have like 5 worlds, including one that was made just this month. The staff have to work very hard to get another world. So like gogar, sorry. I have to disagree with this.

As of now, only me and you haven't got what we requested, Afro. :\
We're together on this, mopar :')

In Game Name:
Age (Optional): 10, almost 11... About the age students start at Hogwarts :)
Time Zone: GMT -5
Location: Ontario, Canada
The House You Would Like To Choose: Ravenclaw
Why You Want This House: Because I am very intelligent for my age... most of the time, anyways. I have read the series many many times and know lots of spells, etc.
When You Die, How Would You Want People To Remember You: I want them to remember me as someone who mad a difference :)
You Come To An Instersection In The Walkway; Do You Go Left To The Sea, Straight Towards The Forest, Or Right Towards The Castle: The forest
What Do You Fear Most:Creepy crawlies 
At Hogwarts, What Would You Focus On Most; Bravery, Slyness, Power, Intelligence, or Kindness: Intelligence(So I can help people) and kindness
You Come To A Chest Of Objects, Which Do You Choose; The Dagger, The Old Book, The Rusty Key, Or The Empty Vile: Well, the old book. If it's old, it would probably contain information and stuff like that.

"The sorting hat takes your choice into account... At least it did for me." -Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

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