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Messages - harif

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Projects and Creations / Re: Massive Store
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:32:29 pm »
yup, the lazy people, i can say.
instead of gather your own building materials you better ask for them.

Projects and Creations / Re: Massive Store
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:59:05 am »
hehe, im already building one, located in Cornerstone Province.
and i dont ask for donations.
you cant build it on your own?   :)

Suggestions / Re: Include warps to cities who have been accepted
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:32:35 pm »
why multiple homes should solve this problem?
my home or my homes are MINE, not the others, so why should i use one for the city spawn?
i have my home especially for me not for another thing, so i can use it.
if my home is for city spawn, i cant use it anymore.
if i have one more home to set, why should i put one of them for city spawn, and dont use them both for my purposes?
i said that in another topic too, so we dont need to open so many topics with the same problem.
let it be like it is and we ll see later.

Suggestions / Re: A little detail but not useless
« on: May 26, 2012, 05:51:20 am »
this is a bad idea as for now is the only way to travel.
some of us can travel even when the 'home' owner it isnt online, so....what should be done with that? its an extra job for mods to check another list. because if the grief is in place, only one from that list did it, and that can be also checked with rollblock.

ps: atd, think at what we ve got on our home, nate's home is in our town spawn, many can pass over there, see what i mean? we re using homes for warping somehow, as we dont have warps or anything for travelling between towns.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:10:03 pm »
excuse us....
you were banned for griefing???
we re sorry, but what did you say if the ban is forever on opticraft?   :)
and believe us, this is on purpose only.

Suggestions / Re: Things I think should be added to the market
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:59:52 am »
from all the required things only slimes could be added, if the owner wants.
the rest of it you can crafted.
you cant craft redstone repeters? lol, im selling redstone dust constantly at the market so its easy to get.
pistons laso can be crafted easy, only sticky pistons cant as you need slimes.

Suggestions / Re: Removal of the old griefed houses.
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:36:10 am »
a griefed house remains allways a griefed house. that player wont come back to it and live in it, so this type of houses could be destroyed. also, some from the stuff has the ability to check for how long that player didnt enter the game, and if its for a long time, also the house can be deleted, like the fact when he s on but dont live there anymore.
in that last case, the fault for the lost stuff is entirely of that player who didnt took it for quite some time.

post some screenshots so we can see how it looks and where you can move it.

a project like this should be made from the inside to outside.
so you must be careful when you choose a place for it.

Suggestions / Re: Improving Trade between players
« on: May 18, 2012, 11:27:31 am »
your solution, tabooti, is mostly for the forums.
and i say that its a great solution.

for the game, to make money there are 3 pluggins of which i now and have played.
1. is ECONOMY, the best of those three, which can improve alot the trading btw players,
2. is JOBS, which is at the middle and which can corrupt more the economy by other players and ruin the game,
3. it is the AUCTION, which is the worst, because it depends on many things when auctioning, and it was very little used.

if we speak of BUKKIT they have the best pluggins for minecraft, and what ive heard is that notch will fusion with bukkit to have his own great pluggins.

and who's stoping you?
just use all the materials, make combinations of them, put one on eachother and see which one fits.
be creative, and like nate see, you can just visit our city and take a look at some combinations.

sure sparring, its not a problem for me too.
you can build it.

nate...today we will tear down your automatic farm from outside and you should do the same with your sand warehouse.
on that land i wanna start building the library with the council hall of the province, and near it your own house, - the guvernor's house. so i need to free the land.

as you also see, we already have another 2 important buildings, enchantment room and laboratory.

i dont know what to say, nate, you re on more on weekends.
but whole week we ve got alot of problems with griefers, with players who come in the town and build with no rule, players who really griefed alot, players who 'borrow' things (thats why now we dont have any animals), he said that he only borrowed them, with players who use the farms but dont replant any....
....so for me, a citizen is a citizen, in only one city. if that player wants to have another house/s on other city/ies maybe he can have. in cornerstone i vote for a middle sized payment for his future house.
and im thinking of that because we dont know which town will participate more. the first one, second, third....

this is my opinion.

sparring, we dont know what to say, but i think you must choose a citizenship there or in cornerstone.
if you wanna be a citizen of another town, why wont you have a house in ours?
soon we will do a huge market where anybody can pay for a place to buy/sell stuff.
if you choose to be a cornerstone citizen, then, its up on the other town how will solve your request.

everybody must know that our town is a strict one on buildings, with strict building rules.

Support / Re: Grief
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:22:45 am »
viper, i wont call a mod just for a thing like this.
we didnt break any block until the owner logged in. when i saw him, ive tried to speak with him. even he was in front of me he didnt reply anything. ive asked him to remove his building and go out there as we dont need griefers in the area. he didnt do that.
why should i call a mod? just to say to another kid to leave from a place? sorry, i wont do that.
and anyway, a mod already know that, it was missmedu who helped me with restoring the griefed things.
i think ive explained already all that was happend.

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