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Messages - _Obi_Wan_

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Projects and Creations / Re: Lava City
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:52:45 pm »
i cant see screenshots are they in other thread? and one on first page i saw before

Support / Re: How to become trusted
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:56:07 pm »
Sorry to burst the bubble of this post but I just wanted to note that Trusted do not get lava placement. It's just water.

No problem and thanks for info....well water placement is also huge deal.....if u are farmer  :)
I think joe wants be trusted just so he can apply for mod one day and not for title benefits......still,he need to proove himself to be trustworthy to earn that  ;)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:50:41 pm »
I'm staying in the old world most likely.
LOL we were talking about chat but nevermind  ;D ...i will probably go to new one if will have less griefers there,and when i finish city here  :)

Support / Re: How to become trusted
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:25:38 am »
joebrito mods are fighting hard with griefers and trusted rank can give potentional griefer powerfull tool of world destruction in form of lava placement ability which can destroy houses,farms,enviroment and because of that they need to be very very sure to whom they give that title.I can understand them perfectly and their lack of trust to new players especially to those with griefing record.So try to be as good and kind as u can and then double the effort and make something that will show them that u like creating not destroying.....btw that city of yours is very good start so i think one day u will become trusted  enough to get water/lava placement ability but u need to earn that and it wont be easy.
Be patient,good,nice,kind,respectfull,creative,hardworking as u were in last few days i know u,and u will manage to get to your goal.

P.S:Good luck and hope to see u trusted one day ;)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:08:40 am »
Yea that would be great idea for those who dont understand word we say but there should be someone on that channel who can reply/help them out on their own language.....english isnt my native but i do understand it perfectly and can write it ok (nobody is perfect) so i could be on croatian chanel if that idea goes into practical use  :D

Projects and Creations / Re: Lava City
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:58:12 am »
Hi Comp...we missed u in game  :).....anyway u'l maybe notice huge city right next to me which has caused me to find another location for my city so can u try take as much u can from donation chest before i relocate all stuf.FNVcourierjon will take over farm once i get out so not sure will he keep chest there.
And sorry if i wont be able to give stuff for some time cos i'l need stone again but once i start diggging again i will donate u  ;)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:42:16 am »
Woot Generator join the misa texture pack club!!!
imp and someone else also have it and my friend from school i converted to misas too
Ha ha ha guys Misa's tex pack i use since it was first published and so far convinced couple of friends....since i post movie here even more are switching to it  ;D

Btw this is converted one to 32x so i can use far render option ;) 64x i use with normal distance

Support / Re: Blocked view and too close
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:38:35 pm »
Definitely willing to give PS so you can cover the air space above your new place, message me when you start building
Thanks an by doing so u will be co-owner of city.I got atleast one more day to relocate all my resource chests and to set /home there so u can be ported there.I'm still using my home as teleport location and /back to get to new location....just hope i dont get disconect while at my farm cos i would need walk again to new place  :o
And i could make city example in sketchup so if u want help building will know what has i imagined city to look like :)
 new place is here and u will see platform with my chests when map is updated/refreshed :http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-3650/64/2355/-2/0/0 well somwhere around  :)

Projects and Creations / Re: Portugalona city
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:30:03 pm »
Ha ha ha last time i get friend here was from argument on whos got first idea to build city underwater,and now i'm helping him with getting resources for his city  ;D
So i wouldnt be surprised if we do hangout (or hangin) in game after all :)
as for city i started building tower u can see it from your farm land outside the walls...u can use that for entrance to city...and so far i removed ps stones cos i cant afford new ones and glowstone lamps so u can freely do any changes u want there.
As for farm ..one of friends will move in there once i clear my stuff,so then if u like u could ask him to add farm within city walls (i think he could agree with that )  ;)

P.S: i think that one ps stone is still active above city office but i will remove it as soon posible.

Support / Re: Blocked view and too close
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:19:19 pm »
No need for that i have managed to contact Joe and i offered him to take my city as part of his while i will be on other location building same city but this time with above water structures.Just hope that something like this dont happen to me again.This time i planing on bigger city far from anyone with hopes that i dont get griefed along the way  :)
Thanks guys for everything.....u were awesome in doing your job  ;)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:11:10 pm »
love the concept but keep getting msgs that i cant type in global only in local
Try to type /ch join global  -then u will be joined in global and then u type just /ch global   -so every time u type u will be telling in global.
Hope that helps  ;)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:02:40 pm »
That is true,chat now looks normal and it's easy to use..as for performance enhancment...well any plugin u put will create some amount of lagg,maybe restrictions on some plugin option that are not in use too much could help reduce lagg...like thunder removal or even snow/rain but that will kill world reallity appearance so that's like bad idea but can help.I dont got time to search every plugin but u be sure that if i find something worthy i will post it or just message u from here with link.From time to time i help kids from my country on stuff related with computers and internet with problem solutions and on how to use which program etc.SO helping u guys when i got time isnt any problem  ;)
And small thing i notice in game is that i saw npc villages with npc's are spawning arround the world which can create some lag when there is lot of npc's running arround so u maybe can disable them to be created on first place,cos they are not doing anything important in world so u actually dont need them.

Suggestions / Re: MELONS now $480 Really
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:23:59 pm »
What's the point of melons going down when people can just buy money?
Dr. Alfred Lanning: That, is the right question
Me:why melons price went down?
Dr. Alfred Lanning: I'm sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions

P.S:That is from movie I robot with Will Smith.....thought this was perfect place to put it  :)

Suggestions / Re: MELONS now $480 Really
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:07:17 pm »
yes u can  ;D ...and i got nothing else to think off for a price go down reason  :)

Server News / Re: Chat update, borders, new map
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:01:26 pm »
Trust me, optical can fix it. But he isn't the creator of the plugin so he has no right to.

We wont tell anyone  ::) ......just kidding,there is only two posible and legal solutions
1.contact LWC creator and ask him to fix or get his approval and we fix
2.create new plugin similiar to LWC or any other similiar plugin (just not lockette....man that is weird one)

or just leave it this way,we got used to use it as it is  ;)

P.S:I know how busy u all are running server like this and if u need any help u can pm anytime....i'm not asking to be mod,op or anything like that cos i already got a job that takes me lot of time and what i got free time i want to spend in game or resting,but some small things i can do if u really need help.

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