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Messages - Interbane

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Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:32:10 pm »
Sounds good Mike.  Let me know when to show you the storage.  There's more than a single double chest of rail, I have quite a lot.  Maybe we need Zen online at the same time.

There's a cool looking building being constructed nearby, I think that should be the nearest "junction". 

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: June 27, 2012, 07:26:34 pm »
Shooting for 200x200.

Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:38:40 pm »
I have a double chest of rail to donate.  I can place it for the connection to my ziggurat.

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: June 24, 2012, 09:34:14 pm »
I need a place to write the stuff down, so it might as well be this thread.

Sircy, thanks for offering to help with the skull.  Oversized canines may help the problem of pixelated teeth.  Go vampire!

Mike Weirauch is onboard with helping as well.  Thanks.  Infrastructure, catacombs, and anything else that suits your fancy. 

It'll take a day or two after the member+ world goes live to survey an area and plot the points.  Naturally, I'd like it to be in a city, or near a city. 

It will take a few months to build, in bits and pieces. 

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:18:50 am »

General Discussion / Re: The Biggest Enemys Of Opticraft
« on: June 23, 2012, 09:02:51 pm »
Cacti that sneak up behind me and blow me to bits while I'm just about to mine a diamond block with a fortune pick. 

Makes me wanna find a real cactus and hack it to chunks with a machete.  Just sayin....

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:06:37 pm »
The request is sort of nebulous. 

Overall scope: a necro themed ziggurat from sky limit to bedrock.  Inside will be hollow vacuoles, each with it's own distinct theme.  It will be sectioned into a 3D "triforce" internally, with safe falls between levels.  The bottom will be catacombs, up to depth 20, so void fog doesn't affect the bottom level of decorated areas.  Catacombs will be rows of pillars like Mines of Moria.

The outside will be soul sand, nether rack, and nether brick.  Nether brick will be the "structure, with soul sand inlaid with netherrack "veins" as fleshy outer rings between the nether brick structure.  The fleshy "rings" that make up the exterior will have massive spikes protruding, curving upward.  The top will be a massive skull with an open mouth as the throne room, and lava flowing through the teeth.

The landscape around will slope down from far away, with rivers of water and lava and buildings here and there.  Perhaps some farms.

Since large projects fail from lack of ambition, progress be made in a sequence that leaves a fully finished product as each subtask is completed.  For example, full functioning catacombs at first.  I foresee completing this in time, as that's just the way I am.

Here's what I need people for:

-Mining.  It will be sky limit to bedrock.  The base will be quite wide.  Well-defined "chunks will be defined for clearing.
-Resource collectors.  Each theme will take some specific building materials, each with it's own vault. 
-Artisans.  I hope some of the better builders will be willing to help.  I know Sircy has a flair for the artistic.  Adding art to the inside of each massive chamber.
-Polishers.  Some menial tasks of collecting animals, planting trees, placing vines, etc.
-Donations. If my choice of location isn't under city protection, I'll need P-Stones.

Projects and Creations / Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:41:04 am »
UPDATE:  I've defined an area that's ready to be excavated.  All cobble goes to Cora's Wonderland/Falador(I have enough stockpiled for the ziggurat).  

The crescents are ready to be transcribed upwards and downwards.

The skull on top is almost finished.  Perhaps it already is, I've barely taken a look at it, I'm staying out of Sircy's way.

I still need Nether brick and Sandstone.  I'm down to a double chest of each.  

Support / Re: Dear thief.
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:41:55 pm »
Build the house slightly below ground with your /home set at a location a few dozen meters away in a random direction.  Memorize where the "entrance" is.  After you have enough money for a bigger PS, terraform away the nearest dirt, or elevate your house with additional levels so the first is a basement.  There are also some cities you could apply to, and when inside everything you build is protected. 

57pt outer circle?  What's the grey?

I would be interested in helping, but only if I can build something rather grand.  Small stuff by it's nature can't be detailed enough.

Projects and Creations / Re: Invictus Citizenship Applications [OPEN]
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:17:50 pm »
You can port to Leganie's house.  It's near the middle. 

Leganie / Scotty, how would you feel about towers at each of the corners of the walls?  Not massive like the one over my humble abode, but smaller like the lava-roofed one.  I have a cornucopia of designs I'd like to try. 

Stone brick, cobble, and wood are the building materials of course.  Glass/leaves/lava/and glowstone for accent.  Perhaps not leaves, only when it feels right.

Projects and Creations / Re: Cave Spider EXP Grinder
« on: May 11, 2012, 06:59:31 pm »
I don't know of any links/vids.  I watched a bunch in parts and pieces to figure out the game mechanics.  Once you know the game mechanics, you can basically build according to the algorithm(s). 

Basically, if you know how to channel mobs with water, all you need to learn is the spider elevator.  You'd have to google it, I forget what videos show the details. 

Where the spiders are "channeled" must be out of aggro range of yourself, usually a dozen or more blocks below you, so that they are also out of range of the spawner so that more may spawn. 

The place I found actually has 4 spawners, but I haven't integrated the other, as it's right at max distance.  I do not channel any of my spiders yet, as my clump is also at bedrock.  I know what I need to do, I just would rather not bother someone with placing all that water. 

Projects and Creations / Re: Cave Spider EXP Grinder
« on: May 10, 2012, 08:21:31 pm »
The 16 block aggro range is the problem variable.  When spiders aggro, they are extremely difficult to control, as they climb and glitch and squirm.  If bedrock is too near the underside of the three spawners, you need to have your "AFK station" above the spawners, so even falling a few blocks removes them from aggro range. 

From that point, they can be controlled with water.  Flush them to the side and build an elevator.  There is an elevator design that works with spiders even when they aggro, using fence posts and signs.  Once they raise up within the elevator to aggro range, they are already stuck in the "flow" of the water, so are unable to escape. 

You'll need to flush them far enough sideways(also 16 blocks) so that more spawn.  Do this before you elevate them, as it needs to be ASAP to get maximum spawn rate.

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