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Messages - tbpb2010

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General Discussion / Re: Everyone has two set homes
« on: April 21, 2012, 01:53:46 am »
Lol I'll tell you how chunks work if you let me know how the extra homes work (I remember on another topic you said you still didn't fully understand them)

General Discussion / Re: Logo
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:50:46 am »
I have yet to see it. :(  Then again I'm not pressing my refresh button 100 times a day or visit each topic 5 times. (I only press it 50 times a day :P) Obsessiveness?  What's that?

Support / Re: LWC magnet
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:25:19 am »
This will be fixed when a fix is readily available. For now, you will just have to live without the magnet feature. It was disabled due to a replication bug.
I seen that, I was showing my wife how it worked but the item i threw never went in, so i picked it up and later i came back and i had a dupe in there, which promptly disappeared once i logged back in.

Yeah I discovered that duplication bug too (I died by my chest and it sucked up duplicates of my items)  Too bad the duplicates could only be used once before disappearing...Don't worry I didn't abuse it and was never planning to but it was an interesting glitch nonetheless.


This doesn't have nearly all the commands. Such as the allow water flow into ps. Or the magnet cmd. Plus, its so darn hard to read

Also ^THIS!  I think when I made my previous topic requesting a full list there was talk about revising the ingame help list but honestly I'd prefer a topic on the forums about it.  Chat text just scrolls too dang fast and it's just downright easier imo to do a cumulative topic list that can easily be edited vs trying to find the cmd ingame.

I had to redo the topic just to add the option to add more votes >.> Sorry for people who already voted....but you can now vote up to 4 times :)

I've decided to make seperate topics for the main components of the Community's Tower for the sake of not having too much stuff in a single topic.  This topic is going to be focused on the "Residental Discs" that surround the central shaft of the tower.
LINK to Community's Tower MAIN TOPIC: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,6624.0.html

Concerning the poll: I've already chosen a green field-like theme for the North Disc and I wanna know what the community would like to see because, well it's called the "Community's Tower" Also feel free to suggest new themes to be added to polls! If it isn't a redundant or boring theme I'll add it. People can vote up to 4 times and change their votes!  This may be because when I show pictures, they might not want that anymore.  The imagination sees only what it wants to see :P

Residental Discs:
There are 5 residental discs that face West, Northwest, North, Northeast, and East so I'll refer to them as such until I decide for more better names for each area :P

Basically each disc will have it's own theme and be developed as such:

^The North Disc - Green Fields Themed

The "zones" in the image shows where the INN and the statue will be built. 
INN:  Each disc will have an inn. The Inn will be based on the theme chosen.  It'll probably be no more than 3 stories and is mainly for newcomers to rest, have acess to crafting tables, room chest, furnances, and a bed (which probably will never be used on this server :P) I may also grant access to enchantment tables for free or $1 fee.  Also there will be a lobby and a lounge with food either for free or again $1.

Statue: Each disc will have a themed statue. I may have design contests to decide what the statues for the others discs will be if people are interested.  I'm debating on how big the dimensions for the statue's space should be so I'll probably be updating this very soon.

Housing:  There will be prebuilt homes in each disc and will be available for new residents to move in immediately.  These houses will be built in the building zone in the image above. The citizens can decide whether to keep the pre-built home they got, or tear it down and build another.  Of course citizens could just build their own home in the free space and can build it with any size.  HOWEVER, I will judge on whether they are being too greedy with the surface area of the land because there need to be room for other citizens as well.  Building as high as the want is perfectly fine.  Housing on the top "floor" can have stairs coming down to the bottom floor as long as they aren't too invasive and look decent enough. I will probably not charge citizens to build if they provide their own materials and don't take too much space.  I may charge if the space is ridiculously large.

Roads. Lightning, and Scenery: There will be a block layer for each disc dedicated to defining the roads of the disc and can be expanded upon as more citizens move in and create structures.  Lightening will be kept enough so mobs don't spawn (uunlike it is now XD)  Scenery may be harvested by anyone i.e. trees AS LONG AS IT IS REPLANTED.  If it gets too excessive I may only allow certain people to harvest scenery.

North Disc:Details and Theming are in progress (4/20/12)
The disc is going to be a Green Field themed area.  There will be a tree in the middle that represents the architecture of the tower. 

Ruining the economy? No.

Ruining server stability? Yes.
Why because people have money? You cant avoid the gap between new and old players, it doesnt matter how much you make, if melons sold for $1 a stack you would still have millionaires! its infinite.... itd just take longer to get there. How is it unstable?

He was talking about the extreme lag auto melon farms cause, which just so happens to be combated by the plugin which groups items, however, the pistons still create lot's of lag when triggered.
The lag only exists inside of the chunk which the pistons are in.

Which is why I built my farm within 1 chunk :)  TAKE THAT SERVER LAG! Ruining other's day? Not from my pistons and redstone!

Support / Re: LWC magnet
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:32:53 pm »
its /lwc flag magnet on

Or /cmagnet on :P

Actually that reminds me, is there a cohercive list of EVERY CMD on this server?  I think I made a topic about this a while back but I forgot if there was a definite anwser to this.  Hmmm....I'll probably start a new topic about this if i can't find or revive the old topic.....

Support / Re: Failed to login: "Bad login" HELP!
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:30:08 pm »
This usually happens when I'm still logged in somewhere else by mistake.  Make sure no one is using your account :P and close all programs related to minecraft (i.e. magic launcher, internet browser, the typical minecraft.exe client or any other clients) and try again.

Didn't you already make a topic somewhat addressing this in Suggestions?

But what many people have said are true, because the economy of this server is based on items which can be infinitely created there is no way for preventing the amount of money from increasing on this server (money is infinite). 

Auto-farms are a great way of becoming self-sufficient and allow people to make money to buy more things.  The only negative aspect of this is that it may destroy the idea of survival in minecraft (but you could live in a dirt house, plant a few wheat seeds and survive off of that too) And I've noticed this server is becoming more of a "maintaining a city server" rather than the typical "survive to get to the end", which actually is survival but on a massive scale.  Funds are necessary for protection, building, food supply and things like that so more money is good in that respect.

Honestly I wonder, can you even call what our server has, a true economy?  There is no such thing as scarcity here (in the extreme long run because all minecraft objects can be infintely spawned)

Edit: Oh also arguing that new players will "struggle" because of rising prices won't happen.  The prices for the market will stay the same because of the fact that it's an infinite supply.

General Discussion / Re: Question_building
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:22:03 pm »
Lol I remember helping making an anti-"towering" headquarters in classic to combat this very thing.   We used to talk about how many towers we destroyed within a given time period....ah good times, good times :) /destroytower was the greastest command I ever used as a builder! ;D (besides /me :P

I'm not sure how 1x1 towers are looked upon in SMP but I figure its the same as it is in classic: Building 1x1 towers = banhamma.  So like Kian said, destroy them if they're annoying.

General Discussion / Probably Won't Be On SMP As Often - tbpb2010
« on: April 18, 2012, 01:52:06 am »
Hey Opticrafters just giving everyone a heads up that I probably won't be able to come on as often as I would like because of my college classes having a very annoying habit of giving me tests after tests after tests after tests after.... well you get the idea  :D 

Long story short, I will need time to study and prepare for upcoming tests for the rest of April and also finals week(s) which will be the first part of May.  If anyone who I'm working with on this server needs to contact me or something feel free to send me a message as I will check the forums often!

Suggestions / Re: market
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:52:34 pm »
Lol you guys don't wanna know how many times I've fallen in lava trying to find slimes D: (I learned the hard way the difference between laval bubbling and slimes hopping) luckily for me I can type /home just fast enough I die in my house :)  Easy way to get ur stuff back!

Suggestions / Re: market
« on: April 17, 2012, 12:42:02 am »
Heh I made a topic about this very thing a while back: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,6811.0.html and it's pretty clear this server will most likely never have slimeballs in the market.  So what can you do to work around this? FIND SLIME CHUNKS!!!!  ;D

If you don't know what a chunk in minecraft is I can elaborate but basically go around the minecraft world at layer 40 and below until you find a slime, isolate the particular 16x16 area the slimes spawn in, and set torches so other mobs won't spawn in.  Dig a few layers within the chunk to increase your chances of spawning slimes and voila you have a somewhat reliable source for slimes when people don't have some for sale!  This takes time and effort so be prepared!

I've managed to find 2 chunks so far (actually three but the third one's kinda iffy) and I grinded on slimeballs till I realized I didn't need sticky pistons to make an efficient melon farm :)

Suggestions / Re: THE ECONOMY CRISIS
« on: April 16, 2012, 04:30:56 am »
Could someone explain to me why too much money on ther server is a bad thing? Is it because too many rich people on the server breaks the market system or something?  Wouldn't the people who aren't rich still have a need for the market to stay the way it is? Because raising the buying and lowering the sellback the prices due to a large amount of money in some people's pockets would only affect the people who don't have as much money (aka they would have a harder time making enough money to catch up to the rich people and run out of their money much faster).  This would also mean street prices would need to be raised too to compensate for the price changes, which I think would be unfair for everyone.

I'm no economist so I don't fully understand how to apply the supply, demand, inflation, and deflation aspects into minecraft but would these concepts even matter because its not like any specific material on this server will ever run out.  Even without the market system just about everything (aside from dirt, nether structures, end structures, dungeon and stronghold blocks) can be replenished.  Even iron and gold ore can be farmed from mobs albeit slowly. And of course, world generation can only increase those finite blocks.

All I'm saying is that with a market economy based on mostly infintely created items, there's no way to prevent the amount of money from growing higher and higher in the extreme long run.

Edit: I do realize that the ecomony is dynamic so prices are meant to fluctuate based on the supply and demand so I understand that whatever action is decided may "stablize" the economy for the time being but I feel my point will still stand in the extreme future.

Support / Re: Uh oh, yet another PS glitch? This time with water! :D
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:36:17 am »
I get this same issue, with water which I have not placed however ( I can't :P)
Try removing the PS and waiting for the water to come down, then replace it.

While that probably will work I'm trying to figure out why my ps stone isn't allowing my water to flow in the first place.  Since its a ps stone I created, I should be able to create water and have it flow through it...unless I'm missing a hidden function of the ps stones...

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