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Messages - TooMuch4U

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General Discussion / Looking for a 1.8 villager breeder
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:51:59 am »
Im looking to buy access to a 1.8 villager breeder as I need villagers for a farm I'm making.

Cheers, Tom

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - CokeOrPepsi
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:04:35 am »
Goodluck :)

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - PIXELDUDE2001
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:02:51 am »
Supported, good luck pixel :D

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - ModernCreator
« on: April 25, 2015, 10:43:23 am »
Good luck Modern!! I know from first hand experience that you would make a great Operator. Supported :)

Rejected / Re: Operator application - zwaan111
« on: April 25, 2015, 09:52:23 am »
Good Luck zwaan :)

Rejected / Operator Application - TooMuch4U
« on: April 25, 2015, 09:09:19 am »
In-game name: TooMuch4U
Age: 14
Location: New Zealand
Timezone: +12:00
Join Date: 14 May 2014, Joined creative the day it opened
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator:

I believe that I should be an Operator as I know what it takes and I believe that I am sensible and mature enough to handle it. I have experience with LogBlock, BanHammer and WorldEdit so already know most of the necessary commands. I know how to deal with abusive players in a mature and sensible manner. I have been a member on opticraft for a while now and know most of the rules. Although I don’t post much I am very active on the forums and know how to formally respond to ban appeals etc. As I live in New Zealand I can come on when pretty much all staff are offline. As I got bored of building I haven't been on a lot recently although if I was accepted I would definitely be on for around 3-5 hours daily(sometime from 4pm-1am NZD). Good luck to anyone else who's applying :).

Accepted Operator Apps / Re: Operator Application - Pimkey5
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:18:58 am »
Supported, Good luck Pim!!

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: April 23, 2015, 06:18:18 am »
Here's a project I just completed for architecture. This was our final. I also built a model of the building on the poster.

Everything is hand drawn.
(click to show/hide)


Suggestions / Re: New(?) world
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:32:34 am »
just a question, why can't there be a new world and not have any of the others deleted?
Posted this here as it is a similar topic :P

Introductions / Re: Introduction
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:37:48 am »
Welcome :) :D :P

Offtopic / Re: Mojang Server maintainence
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:41:16 am »
So im not the only one that can't join lol

If there was to be a PVP server it might attract players then said players might join the SMP/Creative servers.
We have PvP arenas

To be honest that is a half assed attempt at PVP that was in place with what we have, it is inadequate for actually advertising we have PVP and although it works, lacks many things.


Maybe a PVP/Minigames server would help the server as itwould apeal to a wider range of people

Those aren't exactly easy to make and maintain.


But it should be something worth looking into..
I personally have no interest in mini game servers.

But that's just your opinion on them, most people do like them and they bring a lot of people..
Speaking from first hand experience with similarly sized communities as ours, making more servers does not equal more people.  Small community driven servers like ours are a not as popular as they once were, but we still have a nice player base and enough donation income to keep running for a long while (as long as creative donations can be used towards SMP). 

If anything was to be added I think a full vanilla server with fast updates and a community based model would help us out.  The people we "want" (sorry, I know how elitist that sounds) to bring in are not young children who will play for a little while and then get banned.  Bringing in fun to be around people who are mature is what is going to help our server. 

If there was to be a PVP server it might attract players then said players might join the SMP/Creative servers.

Maybe a PVP/Minigames server would help the server as itwould apeal to a wider range of people

Those aren't exactly easy to make and maintain.


When we started to remove things people left, and then more things were removed, then more people left.. but I hardly see anyone new anymore, which sucks but meh, but i do see more people on smp than creative which makes me happy

I dunno about smp, but on creative, in march alone, we've gotten about 500 new players. Just... not many stayed...

Yeah, not many people stay long enough to get recruit, some thing is going wrong somewhere..

Part of the problem is most likely because our standards are too high for most people's liking.

or maybe we lack something to keep them hooked?
Probably both.

There are a few* creative servers with higher standards than ours that remain active.  I feel like one thing that doesn't help us keep ranks is the dry spells throughout the day.  There are a few time zones that just feel dead.  Playing on a server without other people is just not that fun, and it sometimes discourages people.  That was one of the reasons I stopped logging onto creative to spend more time on SMP.

Honestly I just don't think that many people are interested in non plot based creative servers that have loose rank up requirements.  One thing that a lot of the larger creative servers do is use plotworlds (I don't like this and I think we should keep our originality as opposed to pandering to the masses) and they have strict promotion requirements (i.e. must include atleast 1 house, 1 organic structure, custom terrain, must be highly detailed, etc.).  The only servers that are really exploding in popularity are huge pvp/minigame servers, fueled by a myriad of youtube videos and even real life promotion.

I can't think of anything that would really expand our community that much outside of having old members return.  For instance adding pvp to SMP didn't bring in a flood of new users, it just brought back some old members for a few weeks/months.  Without truely making something "game changing" (if that is even possible now) I don't see us bringing in new users with the same frequency classic did.  It is no wonder that the hiding of classic led to such a steep dropoff in new users**.  Having "Opticraft Classic" listed up on minecraft.net led to huge free promotion.  The only thing even close to that is the voting websites which, arguably, still don't come close.

*Not that many creative servers remain highly populated anymore.  Atleast from what I've found.

**Team 9000, our old rival, actually completely vanished after classic was removed.  Even their SMP server was shut down around a year later.  They were as popular as we were and could not maintain an active user base. 

Maybe a PVP/Minigames server would help the server as itwould apeal to a wider range of people

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