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Messages - Felix

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Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 01, 2013, 11:50:17 pm »
Hello TheEnderSlay3r,

I've just got back from being called to Lando_v's rail area in the nether literally 2 minutes ago after finding even more grief.. Broken glass, Rails missing, random placings of Nether rack and even holes in the floor that someone could fall to their death..

The first time I was there there was 100 blocks changed by you... The second time there was another 127 blocks (227 in total).

As you are aware, there is a no griefing policy on this server and 227 blocks in quite a feat. You knew they didn't belong there, (rails in the Nether are not naturally placed there in side glass tunnels) which means that they obviously belonged to someone.. By you breaking them, you griefed.

Support / Re: Reporting Felix_De_Kat
« on: May 01, 2013, 12:39:57 am »
I wish I had taken a screen shot of the chat, I did think about it but thought it wasn't that much of a deal to warrant doing it.. Hopefully there is a chat log out there (IRC?)

Although your post was well written, you seem to have 'missed' a few exchanges and added that I was "exasperatingly" telling you things... Lets get a one thing straight before I continue.. At no time was I mocking you, or being disrespectful towards you or did I call you "irresponsible" and I certainly wasn't exasperating over anything to do with you or our conversation!

Your helpop message simply said something along the lines of "Can you close a trapdoor at my home". I closed the ticket. If it's a trapdoor at your home, then you should be able to close it yourself and I did say that to you.

Everything from here on was done on Global chat and the conversation went something like (again, I don't have the chat log);
"you don't know what I mean etc etc", but still didn't explain anything! You certainly didn't explain that your 'friend' had hacked your account and made a deathtrap to which I replied... "Is it your trapdoor?"
You said that it was.. so using this information I informed you that "you can close it yourself, staff are not given fly mode for the benefit of players" and to "use /helpop responsibly". A perfectly reasonable response and within the staff guidelines!
You didn't like the unfavourable response and came back with the quip "ignore the ticket then, if you don't want to help me". At this point I concluded the conversation and carried on helping with something else.

You carried on for a few more minutes even with a few people advising you not to escalate what was a menial issue in to a problem. You wouldn't listen them as you wouldn't listen to me and then even had the audacity of demanded an apology for what YOU perceived as an insult towards you.

As it seemed that you had no intention to listen to anyone or anything, the easiest way of getting your attention was to kick you with a similar message "Staff are not given fly mode for the benefit of themselves or players, use helpop responsibly" (I think I even had a "please" in there too).

Someone did ask on Global if you had been kicked, but no one was talking about you 'being' kicked and I certainly did not say to anyone (privately or in Global) that I had in fact kicked you at all. All anyone would have seen was you leave and then come back on, as many people do when 'relogging'. To think that people were talking about you is perhaps simply paranoia on your behalf.

Now, down to the nitty-gritty of this issue;

If your friend had set one of your homes above a trapdoor and then opened it causing you to fall to your death, it is then up to you, not us to;
  • Change your /home to a different 'safe' place within the structure to prevent you or anyone using your "/home" falling to their death again.
  • Climb back to the trapdoor and close it (perhaps even removing it completely) and then have strong words with your 'friend' for logging (or hacking) in to your account with out permission and making a death trap at your home. We didn't cause this issue for you, your friend did.

This is something that we don't find hilarious, your account is compromised and you have/had a deathtrap - Both offences that can lead to a ban. I didn't because you finally said that you had in fact managed to do it yourself (in the end).

But all said, if you felt belittled then I apologise, it was not my intention! But hopefully, now we have you attention, you will have;
  • Changed your login details
  • Changed your home location
  • Sorted the trapdoor so that it can not kill people

Support / Re: Post
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:51:21 pm »
I deleted it!

And as to why... (If it really needs to be explained)

Primarily, you should know better than to make multiple posts regarding the same topic, especially as your first topic on this subject was closed by a senior member of staff. You were advised quite clearly by Alicia:
Next time, attempt to solve this in a private message.

Your posts are neither support related or of any interest to the Opticraft support team - If you put a little more consideration in to following the rules, regulations & guidelines on Opticraft as you are in this matter (your latest attempt at getting attention), you would not have been in this situation in the first place.

So Alicia doesn't have to waste more time on locking this post.. I'll presume to do it for her.

Suggestions / Re: animal killing/greifing
« on: April 03, 2013, 01:28:51 pm »
Just to throw this out there....

Don't all Mobs (Animals/NPC's etc) not actually belong to the server and not the player?? Much like the 'ownership' of a spawner?

Player Rules and Guidelines

1.   Players cannot own mobs spawners. Mob spawners are made by the server so a player cannot claim that a mob spawner is theirs. What a player can do is build around the mob spawner so someone would have to grief to get inside.

The section I am referring to in this quote is the "made by the server so a player cannot claim"..

So the easiest solution to me would be to build your farm within a structure. If someone can't get in, they can't kill them.. And IF they do get in, well.. That's grief and we can tell who did it.. Then it's up to the Op+ to believe if you had 10k pigs in the 11x11 pigpen.

This would not only encourage the purchase of protection stones from the market, but also start getting people used to only building within their fiscal means, and not take over 100x100 (or more) areas that they cannot afford to protect.

User Events / Re: Enderpelz Contest
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:31:46 pm »
or do what I do with them - Discard them over the edge of my farm or throw them in lava...

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] AUDI80Fan's Appeal
« on: March 29, 2013, 03:39:14 pm »
Normally this is a perm ban, but as this is your 1st offence and I believe the sincerity in your apology, I will reduce the length of time you will be banned.

There was coming up to 1,000 blocks destroyed, but I only have evidence of 779 (549+230) and going by 1 day per 10 blocks - your ban will expire in 78 days (2 months and 17 days).

Your ban will now expire on the 15th June 2013. (I will adjust this next time I am in-game)

This gives you plenty of time for both reflection on the heinous crime and time to re-read the rules that we all must obey whilst on Opticraft.

I hope I am not made to regret this and when you return, you become a model citizen within our community.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] AUDI80Fan's Appeal
« on: March 28, 2013, 11:58:07 pm »
I have changed my initial post, I think it was unfair of me to say that there was "no chance of being unbanned".

The lava (as you are aware) is on the corner in the tunnel, behind the wall. As it leaked out, it destroyed the rails.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] AUDI80Fan's Appeal
« on: March 28, 2013, 11:45:42 pm »
After I found the initial 549 blocks of grief (over 100 block radius), we thought that was it.... And then they had found more,  another 230 blocks.

I repaired as much as I could until I got to the part where you decided that stealing the rails wasn't good enough for you... Instead, you'd grief the near by lava and have that do it for you.

I can appreciate that you are apologetic, but griefing is never ok and as I sure you are aware... 1000 blocks is a huge amount by anyone's standards.

Your appeal is DENIED!

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] Ban Appeal
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:51:46 am »

We both know that it wasn't just the crops don't we.... Or... did you forget about the blocks to get in to the animal enclosure and then the fence?? As for replacing the seeds.... That wasn't done either.

Shall we start this appeal again?

Ban Appeals / Re: Awsomeguy2341 Banned
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:59:22 pm »

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 06, 2013, 06:55:58 pm »
Had a chance to look around earlier and I am pleased to give my recommendation to the council regarding The Kingdom of Camoria

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:49:09 am »
2. You need a name

I'm going to give Felix some time to reply and if he doesn't I will make the decision in the mean time please fix those two things


This is what I was waiting on.....

Ban Appeals / Re: lol 1 ban to 1 week to for ever
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:06:55 am »

kni0002 Ban Lookup

Your apology was accepted by Alicia and you were unbanned on the 16th Feb:

Ban Appeals / Re: JamesECook appeal (conosle)
« on: February 21, 2013, 04:03:54 pm »

jamesecook Ban History

Hi. You were banned for triggering one of our many automatic grief traps.

Grief traps are automatic banning systems that require 5 blocks to be broken to be triggered and ban the user for 7 days. They don't ban someone for breaking a block that isn't protected.

A console ban, such as this one, can not be appealed; you will have to wait out the ban.

Rejected / Re: Capitol City
« on: February 20, 2013, 12:02:38 am »
I don't often do this... in fact I think this is the first...

I would like to provide my (limited) support to Capitol City. A well designed project which is in need of protection to prevent those pesky griefers...

Good Luck Proush!

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